
Sunday, April 1, 2012

A is for...All-Aboard

A is for….All Aboard

The day has finally arrived and everyone’s ticket has been punched, but it's not too late to jump on.  You can sign up here until Monday night.  Together we have already swelled to 1526 strong and once this train gets moving there will be no slowing it down.  How awesome is that?!  But there is still room for you!

Our fearless leader Arlee, along with his co-hosts, have slaved for months making sure every T is crossed and I dotted, ensuring each participant is as prepared as they can be for the next 26 days. I don’t know about you, but I’m psyched!  Since I’m not doing a theme and for the most part I’m winging this (some post are already scheduled), I totally expect to be a frazzled mess on May 1st.

But I’ll be a mess with a satisfied smile on my face.  :)

Who's taking this trip with us?  All-aboard! 



  1. Yay! It's finally here :D I'm so happy we made it to over 1500 participants, that's so great!

  2. Woo! April 1st at last! Today I will try and get ahead of the game. I have today and tomorrow sorted, but nothing after! I think I may join you in being a frazzled mess by the end!

  3. I just wrote my first post and hope to spend the next few days writing the others. I'm completely frazzled but still having fun!

    Chew Chew!!

  4. We Did It, I am thrilled April is here and we did have a great leader and team... 1600+.

    I need some "C"offee...

    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    A to Z Co-Host
    IZOMBIE: Visit the Madness

  5. I am delighted to be aboard!
    Grettings to everyone!

  6. Originally, I had the month of March scheduled for pre-writing but "Daily Life" had other plans!

    Now, sitting down, writing and outlining and trying to repeat silently while I do: keep it simple and sweet! :)

    It's about writing well, but most of all getting to know new bloggers and making them getting to know you through your blogs!

  7. I'm pretty excited! This is the first big blog challenge I've done and it's already been an enormous boost for my writing and blogging. It's good to feel a sense of commitment to both! Thanks so much to all the hosts.

  8. I am feeling the excitement. Happy A-Z everyone.

  9. Yay! I'm excited, too! I actually planned most of my posts ahead, and that is so unlike me. I can't wait to read yours and to meet new bloggers!

  10. Damn I lost my ticket! Blogger won't let me schedule my posts, anyone else have that? :)

    Universal Gibberish

  11. This is my first time of doing a challenge like this too and so far I am loving every minute of it.

    1500+ taking part? What an achievement! A huge well done and thank you to everyone who helped organise it for us bloggers and especially to Arlee.

  12. This'll be one crazy ride! Let's do this thing. Good luck to the hosts in coming to see us all!

    Jamie Gibbs
    Mithril Wisdom

  13. Bought my ticket early...
    It's been inspected, punched, stored safely in my bag, and I've secured a good seat with an excellent view of the passing landscape!
    Bring it on !!!

  14. Woo hoo...I mean Choo Choo. The train has pulled out of the station.

  15. The point is, like riding a train, to HAVE FUN!

  16. I'm with you, winging it with no theme :-)

  17. Yes indeed, here we go...pulling out of the station on the letter "A".

  18. Aprils Anticipated Arrival and a alphabetically associated abstract amusement ......... Absolutely Awesome.

  19. Amazed we got here. First time for me. Glad to be on-board and hope I'm still here at the end.

    A huge thanks to all the co-hosts and everyone behind #atozchallenge.

    Good luck everyone!
    Twitter: @lynneInPborough

  20. We're over 1600 and I woke up to over forty comments on my post. It's already insane!

  21. Thanks for organizing this! This is my first time participating in the A to Z Challenge...having fun so far and really hope to last all the way *crosses fingers* Please send me all your writerly vibes my way :)

  22. I'm ready!! I'm off to visit some new blogs now!!! Hope to see you on mine as well! XO

  23. Whoo hoo, my first A-Z post is up!

    I've got company the beginning of the week so I might be slow in visiting other blogs for a few days but after that, watch out! :)

  24. I'm on board! Thanks for punching my ticket, dear conductor!!!!

    Looking forward to seeing the many different posts this month.


  25. So excited about this! Have fun everyone! :)

  26. PS I've started making my rounds to the blogs listed after my sign up and I'm shocked to see how many blogs have since been deleted, and not even updated since 2011!!!

  27. Oh, was that today?

    Only joking, I've done mine.

    Dave Wrote This

  28. I'm up to G I can't wait to find out what the month has in store.

  29. Pretty excited, but I too will be winging it. Thanks for all the work from the people involved in this.

  30. Hi DL .. I'm aboard and mostly organised as long as the train doesn't run away towards the end - as I need a little more time for the latter half of the alphabet .. I'm looking forward to the ride .. cheers Hilary

  31. Last year April 1st was not a good day for me as I tore my ACL that morning - this year I'm drinking coffee and reading blogs - yea! I did the challenge last year, but this year is much better!

  32. Toot Toot.... All aboard. A-Z Here we come.

  33. I am completely blown away that this thing is at 1500 - that's amazing! Let the fun begin!

  34. On board, not sure where I'm going though....

  35. On board and almost all posts completed. Looking forward to reading others now. :)

  36. Finally here and I'm onboard. It will be over before you know :0(

  37. I'm totally on board! already hit 40 blogs today!

  38. Thanks for helping to organize this challenge. I love doing this. It really makes you use your brain.

  39. I woke up today sure that the blog would be up as I pre-wrote it, but. . nothing. I did not push, as the last step, "publish." Learning, learning, learning. Still excited, now to tap all those new blogs!

  40. What fun! Finally we begin!

  41. I'm on board too..hanging on tight..
    Looking forward to meet the other "passengers"..

  42. I am already enjoying the challenge. I feel proud to have met the person behind this fantastic challenge Arlee Bird when in LA. That's a photo taken together on my profile.


  43. So excited to begin.... looking forward to knowing folks better... from A to Z and beyond!

    Julie Jordan Scott
    A is for Adelaide

  44. Excited to be moving forward and making new friends!

  45. Hi DL! Yep, 1st day of the A to Z Challenge is finally here. Hope everyone has a fun month!


  46. YAY! im going to do my post right now!! :)

  47. This is so exciting. I'm catching a lot of great A posts today! Woot!

  48. I'm on board and loving it!

    Here's my "A" post.

    C'mon over n' visit because I'm going to be visiting as many of you as I can!

  49. I'm confused how do we follow all the links? Is it just the original link up list that we should go back to each day? And where is that list now? Sorry for sounding dumb:))

  50. Hi Hi
    I am so glad to be in the journey
    Hope and believe that this will no
    doubt be an exciting journey
    Hi All A Happy Journey!!!
    Keep Moving!!!
    Keep Inform
    Best Wishes to All Co-Passengers!!!
    c u bye bye !!!!

  51. I'm terrified. This feels like my first Nanowrimo all over again. But I'm psyched!

  52. Ooh I am so looking forward to this. :-D

  53. I've posted but can't find where my blog is on the list. Looked through it all but didn't see it so I signed up again!

  54. Looking forward to a month to enjoy good reading and writing.
    Thank you to the site moderators for your hard work!!!

    We are staying true to our genre of knights, ladies and fantasy; here's the twist - we are using the game of Carcassonne to daily determine the course of our writing. Each tile will take the characters to their final destiny

    join us at Carcassonne

  55. A friend suggested I give the challenge a whirl this year. This first time rider is so totally on board...

  56. The comment from "unknown" is from the writers at Lady's Knight

    join us at Carcassonne

  57. To follow the links you can go to the original list--this is what I do. I bring up the list and leave it up in a separate tap to go back to for each new blog.
    Or you can add the list to your own site using the Linky code that can be found at the bottom of the list. If you put it on your site I would advise putting it on a separate tabbed page.


  58. I posted at 12:01 am my time lol. It's a good thing so many participants are in the UK and are actually up at that time to maybe read my stuff.

    Looking forward to the ride.

    Alex (the less-famous one)

  59. I'm astounded by the number of bloggers on board. Glad to be a part of it - x3. LOL I must be a fool.

  60. A is for AWESOME... like this challenge!

    Violet @ Revolution ~ Evolution

    Good writing peeps!

  61. I'm happy to be on this VERY large train!

    A is for Alexander Technique where I live. (My theme is relating arts terms to writing.)

    It's going to be an incredible journey!

  62. I am also glad that I am going to be able to make this trip with ll the great bloggers out there.

    It should be one fun and exciting ride..:)

  63. Hi

    My post for A is up. I don't know where to link it up (This is the first time I am doing this), so I am just leaving the link over here:

  64. *grabs mouse and gets comfy*

  65. Great challenge! I've just posted my first Lord of the Rings themed post up for today :) Going to go check out a load now!

    Here's my A post:

    Sometimes my "service unavailable" pops up when I load my blog so just try again and it'll work!

  66. Glad to be a part of the challenge! Wrote my first post today!!

  67. Wow, that's a lot of people! Good luck to everyone. this is my first time participating and I'm super excited! On May 1st I may not be saying the same though. :)

  68. My first train ride :). Well, if you don't count the train at Disneyland :)

  69. I'm on board - it's going to be an exciting ride!

  70. I am glad I jumped on~ Now I have that Schoolhouse Rock song in my head.
    Conjunction Junction what's your function(it was in the railroad yards)

  71. I'm having fun already. Can't wait to reconnect with old friends and make some new blogger buddies.

  72. I just finished my A post!
    Cannot wait to meet some new friends!

  73. Ready to go for both of my blogs!

    Looking forward to seeing what everyone does!

    The Other Side
    The Freedom of Nonbelief

  74. I'm all geared up and ready to go. Got all my posts pre-scheduled to leave more time for visiting everyone else's blogs!

    Given the number of participants there is no way I can visit everyone, but I'm hoping to carry on long after April.....

  75. Thank you so much for putting together this challenge:) This is my second year participating and I'm having a blast writing and reading everyone's posts.

  76. I thought I had all this time to put some posts together and didn't do it! But I got today's up and am working on tomorrow's! Looking forward to it!

  77. This is the first time I am doing this, along with the National poetry writing, the double trouble or rather double fun for me.

  78. We're off and running! Good luck everyone and thanks to all the organisers :)

  79. Woohoo! I'm so excited by all the people who are onboard this year. Now, I'm off to make the blog rounds!

  80. I am so excited to be a part of it this year! Already posted my first post and everything.


  81. I'm on board and excited. I've got my A post up, I've visited several blogs and am still going. It's going to be a fun month :)

  82. That is so awesome. What a trip to be on with so many people. When I saw your "T," I thought, next year we should order T-shirts!!

    Play off the Page

  83. OK.. I am doing this...really.. first post up. :-) Looking forward to meeting lots of y'all!

  84. And the challenge has commenced! Happy blogging everyone.

  85. Woo-hoo! I'm about to go cruising participants' blogs. Everyone, have fun!

  86. I'm totally stoked to be riding this crazy train with all o' y'all! Wooooo-woooooooo!!!!!!! :-D

    Some Dark Romantic

  87. Ready to go, I think. Hope I packed everything..

  88. I'm so excited about this.Twitter is going mad with this challenge,so thanks for all the organisation.

  89. And AWAY we go!

    What fun! Looking forward to reading new and unfamiliar blogs ... and enjoying comments from new friends.

  90. I'm on-board! I doubt I will hit as many blogs as I did last year, but I hope stay a little longer with the ones I do visit.

  91. This thing is just too exciting! I fully expect to slide into 1st May bruised, battered, worn out, maybe even a little bloody. But I'll be grinning ear to ear and saying "WOW!!! What a trip that was!" I've already visited 20+ blogs today; I just can't seem to get enough! My writing is suffering for it, so I'm going to try to pace myself... a little...

  92. I just signed up today and am so excited to do this with all of you!

    My post is up...

    Blessings to all of you :)

  93. OK.. A loose start from me.. Hope to pick up the pace sometime soon :) is where I'm at today!

  94. I'm so excited about this challenge! It's my first time participating! Happy A-Z blogging!

  95. Utterly amazing - over 1500 participants. So thankful to be on your train, and also that you are not completely organised (like Ninja Alex) and have all your posts written and ready. Gives us newer bloggers hope!

  96. I've been looking forward to this all month long. This is my first time and I am so incredibly excited! :)

    Sarah @ The Writer's Experiment

  97. I am taking the trip with you! This is going to be such a fun month.

  98. Me! Me! I'm on cuz and I are so excited to be a part of this, this year. Can't wait to read other blogs!

  99. Being one of 1500 is very exiting !

  100. I'm excited to visit all the new blogs and take a trip down memory lane while writing my own. Thanks for the opportunity!

    Christi ツ
    Beach Dreams and Love Always

  101. I'm aboard and heading down the tracks...thanks for the friendly send-off!


  102. Excited to begin the trip! I'm going for a poem a day. Just finished the Slice of Life Challenge for each day in March. Ready for more fun!

  103. I could hear Tom Hanks calling from his Polar Express, "All Aboard!"
    Who could resist?
    A is also for Aloha! Theme: A World of Crime

  104. I'm ready and making my rounds!!! :)

  105. I'm on board! I had my ticket for some time, turned it in this morning and got a seat on the A to Z Challenge Express train.

    Now, I just started unloading my A to Z blogging luggage today, and by the way things are looking, it's going to be a fun ride!

    Blog: The Madlab Post

    @MadlabPost on Twitter

  106. Woot Woot! I'm scheduling A for tomorrow right now!!!

  107. Whoo-hoo! I already have a stiff neck and numb arm from sitting at the computer for the last 10 hours!

  108. Lets rock!! Good Luck to all! I love being a part of this - I've been looking forward to this April since last year's challenge! :) yeeeeeeeeaah!!

  109. No theme for mine either! Some are sorted others are still floating in my head waiting to see what comes out at the last minute! Such fun though

  110. I am excited and overjoyed to be participating in this challenge this year! Looking forward to seeing what I come up with and looking forward to reading from others as well!

  111. Just wrote my first post for the challenge and I'm excited. If there are any other pet bloggers doing the challenge, let me know!

  112. I am aboard! However, I believe I will take the Polar Express, it's more magical.

    Hopefully, I won't lose my ticket by May.

    Next stop, A.

  113. Originally planned to have a plan, but instead we are winging it...story of our lives.

    Living our lives on a wing and a prayer!

    Good luck to all participants and just remember this is NOT a test, have fun with it, get all you can out of it and give it your all! Who could ask for anything more?

  114. Almost thought I'd miss today's post because of traveling and my job, but I got here in time. ^^ Now I really should think about what to talk about tomorrow since I have nothing planned. lol

  115. Whoo! That means I need to visit a LOT of posts each day. Last year I reached my goal of stopping by each one during the challenge month. Hope I make it this year. I found so many great blogs!

  116. Somebody help me! Maybe one of you awesome hosts might drop by my site. It seems my satirical alternative posting, which ironically give links back to you, has some folks thinking I'm actually involved in this gosh darn fun challenge. Um No!
    And once again, I mention that you have overlooked a very important part to the first day of your um challenge. This being a leap year means you had to incorporate the 'leap alphabet'.
    Anyway, even if my comment gets ignored, I wish you all the very best with the A to Z :)

  117. Woop Woop, its finally upon us. Guys (and gals) head on over to my blog for life behind the lens.
    Valleys ShutterBug

  118. Thanks to each of you who are hosting I know the amount of work it takes to run this
    It will be a great month

  119. I'm really looking forward to this. I've got all these ideas for the letters, just hope I don't flame out. You see, I'm off to England to visit on old school chum from the old homeland, Zambia, halfway through. Oh, I can do it, you'll see.

  120. 1500+ participants? Wow. That's a huge number!

    Thank you so much for hosting and organizing this blog event!

    The Golden Eagle
    The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

  121. I'm winging it too. Blogging about the first word that pops into my head but trying to tie it in with writing. We'll see what happens. Good post! And I'm thrilled to be on board.

  122. Hello.
    I'm on board for the first time ever. Hoping to come up with a post for each letter of the alphabet.
    This sounds like a lot of fun. Good luck everyone!

    Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn...

  123. I am so excited that April 1 is finally here. Whooo hooo. I am looking forward to meeting new people and reading about their alphabet adventures.

  124. On board at a run. I took the 365 challenge (I'm determined to post every day this year-so far so good) I love adding the A to Z challenge, it's like a whole other writing prompt I never thought of.

  125. Thanks for helping put this challenge together. It's wonderful!

  126. I'm all ready. Thanks for stopping by.

    Catch My Words

  127. YAY! This is going to be a lot of fun! :)

  128. I'm already in love with this challenge! And it is a challenge to figure out a subject and the best way to put it in as short and concise and useful way as possible. Can't wait for tomorrow!

    A to Z Blogger & SF/Fantasy Writer
    Visions of Other Worlds
    Twitter: @jmarcarelli

  129. I'm winging it. We'll see how that turns out.

    Horst Peters

  130. Whew! finally posted article number 1.

  131. Ah'm Aboard! (in my best southern accent!)

  132. This is a very cool thing and I'm excited to be a part of it!

  133. Okay, I'm in! This is going to be a lot of fun!

  134. All the good intentions of planning ahead went by the wayside! Having fun, though.

  135. Phew! I just finished my post for today! I'm excited!

  136. Looking forward to the Challenge!

  137. Over 1500 participants? Really impressive! I'm looking forward to completing this challenge. :)

  138. How wonderful that you have so many participants! Congratulations!

  139. We're pretty excited about it and in cupcake hell tonight getting ready for "C". Have decided they're just evil! Looking forward to the rest of the month :)

  140. Thank you for being the reason I'm finally blogging again (well, consistently, that is!)!
    I'm not sure why, but this is my very first year doing the A to Z challenge - and it's been great so far, meeting tons of new people.
    Thanks for putting this all together - so much appreciated!

  141. Where do I post my new daily blog posts -- to my own blog gg"s hope. or on other's individual blogs. And my comments, I assume go on the individuals' blogs in reply to their posts?>

  142. Yea! Here we are again. My second year at the challenge I so look forward to it.

  143. How do I get the linky of participants to add to my blog?

  144. This is my first blog hop so I'm definitely pumped and hoping I can stay on target!

  145. My first A to Z post is here:

    The second is here:


  146. My first blog post challenge and I'm loving it! I'm struggling with two letters but I'll make them up as I go along.

    Looking forward to meeting you all and hopefully make new friends.

    Thank you to everyone who have helped to make this all possible. You have obviously been working very hard! Good luck to everyone!! It's so exciting!!

  147. Hey everybody! Wasn't the first day of the Challenge awesome! I visited 100+ blogs and the creativity on display was incredible. We are now up to 1839 bloggers participating...and that is a staggering number!!

    Thank you for stopping in and saying Hi...and being part of an momentous force! On to day 2!! :)

  148. My post is up ~ my theme is traveling!

    Christa Darr
    Facebook- Fairfield Corner Academy

  149. I have missed yesterday's post so can I continue writing about today I mean as in from the letter B

  150. Did not plan ahead. Boo for that. I caught the flu and missed the train, but once I am up and feeling better I am totally running to catch up and jump on. Hope that is okay...I can always join in next year!

  151. Nice use to the letter A. Looking forwards to what you come up with for the month.

  152. I did a week-long blog challenge in March, but a month? Well here we go!

  153. I'm amazed at how many people are participating! And, I feel pretty much as you do. My blog is themed, but I've decided not to stress myself trying to maintain the theme during this challenge. If something fits, I'll use it, related or not. Glad to be a part of this!!

  154. Al aboard and all on track!!! My post today is about a train of sorts...

  155. I am totally frustrated already, because Blogger isn't allowing me to comment on my own blogs. I'd like to respond to all the wonderful comments people are leaving for me, but I can't! Grrr...

    Christine @ Coffee In the Garden

  156. YAAAY!

    I'm not doing a theme, either, with the exception of the very loose theme of "writing-related stuff". But who cares? It will be fun anyway!

    Let's roll!

  157. Hi KarenG,
    Its really a refreshing experience to be here. Thanks for dropping in.
    Happy that I am in and could join with you all in this refreshing and Happy Journey.
    With Kind Regards
    Ann Philip

  158. I have enjoyed this challenge so far...I did the A To Z Challenge in 2010 and rather enjoyed it too! Blessings

  159. Identity Discovery would love to participate in the next one. I missed the sign ups this time. I would love to be notified when it is done again.

  160. Great concept! Thanks for helping us connect with fellow bloggers

  161. Thanks for the opportunity to connect with fellow bloggers.
    Bishop Leo Michael


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