Friday, March 30, 2012

10 sure ways to win the #atozchallenge !

That is the best part about the April A to Z Blogging Challenge, we all have a huge shot at winning.

What is a #atozchallenge win?

A win is completing all the 26 posts, receiving lots of comments, visiting as many blogs as humanly possible, and making hordes of friends.

How to do this:

1. Kiss: Keep It (your post) Simple, Short.

2. Get a Theme: Themes make your posts easier for you to write, and for readers to remember and comment on.

3. Post every day: This one is obvious, or you'll be taken off the linky list. I think.

4. Pre-schedule: It is not a crime, but rather a convenience. Feel free to write posts in advance so you concentrate on visits.

5. Check Calendar:  There's a challenge calendar in the sidebar below if you scroll down, follow it so you don't end up posting on S when everyone is on T

6. Turn off: Turning off word verifications increases comments, not spam. I've turned it off for good since last year.

7. Visit blogs: Start with those below you on the linky list so everyone gets love. Aim for at least 10 new blogs a day. I'm aiming for 40, but I need to do my hosting duties.

8. Comment love: Comment unto those who comment unto you, and then loads more.

9. Social Media: Broadcast your posts on all media with the #atozchallenge tag

10. Relax, have fun: It is not just about quantity, it is also about quality.

There, you have a win!

-----Damyanti, A to Z Challenge co-host at Amlokiblogs.


Jeremy [Retro] said...

win, win... great summary.

Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
A to Z Co-Host
IZOMBIE: Visit the Madness

Ps. Word Verification is Awful, when you get the chance PLEASE Turn it Off!

Texas Yellow Rose said...

This is my first Challenge! Progressing through the alphabet, I am now having fun with it instead of experiencing that OHMYGODWHATHAVEIDONE feeling. :) Turned off word verification, anyone can comment (and please do!) and I am hoping to visit a bunch of blogs!


Rob Z Tobor said...

I look forward to the big start. I never write in advance just go for it on the day, so that makes it even more interesting, well for me anyway

All I can say to all is Good Luck, Be Chilled, Be Happy

Rek Sesh said...

Good luck to everyone, have fun.

Unknown said...

My first time too! Good luck to everyone and I'll look forward to reading people's posts.

Jessica Bell said...

Love the new rule about starting at blogs below your name. Great idea!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to reading all the great posts this coming April! You did a wonderful job with this post. Great summary!

beccabooklover said...

I've done pretty much everything now so I'm all good to go on Sunday! I've got my theme and I'm really looking forward to vising other blogs :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dyamanti! All very good tips and worthy of a Twitter blast!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Excellent tips!

Arlee Bird said...

Print this and post it beside your computer!


Martha said...

A is for anticipation! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes these are great points, which I tried to follow last time.

Unknown said...

Those tips are great, thanks!

JoJo said...

Well I'm ready! i've promoted A-Z again on my blog today. I have all my posts written and ready to publish except for K, N and Y. I don't know why so many people use the Captcha. I'm so sick of filling them out and have never used it. My upcoming posts are more photo-oriented than text. Still not sure how to make my link into my signature, I'll have to practice with the instructions provided a few days ago.

Good luck everyone!

Unknown said...

OK.. NEVER done anything like this.. but I am willing to give it a go... I think... eeek.. need more info.. off to snoop

Alexandra Heep said...

That's some great info, thanks! I already have my intro post ready, but it's long. However, I will make most of the other posts short and sweet.

EvalinaMaria said...

Looks like 10 commandments! And, oh boy, I hate that word verification! I turned mine off a long time ago - I guess I am a robot...

Anonymous said...

Great tips!!!! I'm getting a few posts ready early so I don't get behind. Best wishes, all!!!!


Anne Mackle said...

This is my first time and I'm really looking forward to it and visiting lots of new blogs.Good luck all!

Lisa Southard said...

I'm more worried about not visiting enough blogs than I am about the writing! I have recently realised what a hermit I am, even on the web where there's no excuses! My intention is, at the very least, to reciprocate every comment. Thank you, everyone, for your enthusiasm, it is helping me to get off my virtual arse!

Krista McLaughlin said...

Great advice. I'm already done with scheduling all of my posts and verification is turned off. :) Let's go.


This will be my third A to Z it really is fun and one makes so many new friends .
Good luck


John Teal said...

Sound advice !!!


Sabrina A. Fish said...

This will be my first a to z challenge as well. Have a theme and some of my posts done. Just need to finish a few more to feel prepared. Looking forward to seeing the different themes and/or topics other people choose.

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

Broadcast your posts on all media with the #atozchallenge tag

Needs to be done. Thank you

Stephanies Swamp said...

Thanks for the tips! Can't waite to get started!!

klahanie said...

You forgot to mention that this being a leap year, that we incorporate the 'leap alphabet' which must be utilised on April 1, starting with 'aa'...
You might like to change your comment format so that folks can subscribe to follow up comments.
Have fun, you awesome bloggers, you and happy writing.
In kindness, Gary

Christine Rains said...

Great tips! I'm excited for the Challenge to begin.

Anonymous said...

So, has anyone else realized that, assuming each of the 1455 people currently signed up post all 26 letters, there will be 37830 posts generated by the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge?

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Great tips, I'm aiming for a lofty 50 blogs visited per day. That should get me to every single participant!

Baur said...

Very cool blog following!!!

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Just trying out my blog signature:

This is me, Duncan D. Horne, visiting you from the A-Z challenge, wishing you all the best throughout April and beyond.

Duncan In Kuantan

Nicole said...

I'm in it to win it! A to Z Challenge, here I come! I wish I could schedule posts but my scheduling thingy is being worked on (or at least, that's what I've been told) by the tech people where I host my site.

Inconvenient? Yes.
Annoying? Ditto.
Challenging? You betcha.
Will it keep me from doing what I need to do during the A to Z Challenge? No way!

Blog: The Madlab Post
@MadlabPost on Twitter

michelle said...

Time to party!
Let's rock 'n roll...
Good luck to everybody!

Unknown said...

All the best to everyone for the challenge and thanks for all the comments.

Off to visit back all of you and start my atozchallenge run!

Li said...

Did my checklist. And I've been trying to visit 2 new blogs from the linky each day beforehand to get a feel for the different blogs :-)

Unknown said...

10 new blogs a day? You're on!

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

This is really an interesting challenge, when my long time web friend told me about it i was having the impression that its like a joke or a time pass business, when i checked with another serious blogger he told me its interesting and it leads to reach many in a short period of time and get to know more about the people from around the world, thats really fantastic
i decided to join in
Here I am expressing my wish to join in. What next ?
Philip Ariel

Tina said...

Awesome advice and very timely. Good work there, Damy! I'm so excited to have my "Team Tina". We're already bonding! #944-1103. We've been sharing "about me" stuff and many are participating. I feel like a coach again and am having a BLAST!
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

loverofwords said...

Oh no, I don't have a theme! I like to write about different topics, some serious, some fun, poetry, essays, books, animals. I will learn from doing this and perhaps do something else next year. Meanwhile, I am in awe of the creativity and positive spirit of the bloggers for this challenge.

Shaun said...

I got this one in the bag... please feel free to follow along my photo blog gang :)

Sharon said...

Will it matter if I'm not able to do it the last week? I have a trip planned. Sounds like something I'd love to participate in!

Unknown said...

Sharon, I have a trip planned in the last week too. I'll be scheduling my posts for that week, so can you.

Unknown said...

Philip Ariel, all you have to do is go sign up at the linky list on this blog, then add the challenge badge on your sidebar and you're set. Read the FAQs on this blog to clear any doubts---or contact one of the hosts from the Contact page if you still have queries.

Unknown said...

Tina, you know you're awesome. I've been commenting on my bunch of bloggers-- and I think we'll each need to take on some more folks cos the list just crossed 1600. :D

gail said...

Where is the list?!

Holly Michael said...

Where did the list go? I can't find it now. Also, it was very difficult to find it before. Now it has disappeared.

Unknown said...

Great advice! I was not going to have a theme at first but I definitely see how it makes more sense to have one. Easier for the writer and the reader I'm sure! I did come up with a theme and I'm mapping out the topics now!!! So excited!!!! Thanks again for all you guys are doing!


A Brief Sinfonia

Brett Minor said...

This is my first year and I am ready to go. I turned off captchas a year ago and never regretted it.

orneryswife said...

I freaked out a little when I read the headline that said how to win... NOT that I am at ALL competitive, mind you. When I read that to win is to complete, my relief was palpable!

The only problem I might be having so far is in length. I'll work on that. I am a little concerned about visiting a bunch of blogs each day, but I will aim for ten. Thanks for the great tips--can't wait to start!

Whole Foods Living said...

Great tips! Lets do THIS!!! Bring it! ~Angela

Unknown said...

This is my first challenge. I am going to do my best. Wish me luck.

Unknown said...

What do mean by make your into your signature? Sorry...I still have a lot to learn about blogging lol

klahanie said...

Well said! And you know that despite I would never get involved with this, I continue to promote awareness of it for those who might like to do it.

Have fun, "The official anti-A to Z Spokesman", Gary :)

cleemckenzie said...

Perfect and concise. Love it!

Deepa Iyer said...

First attempt here and I'm already loving it! Cheers!