Please read and follow the sign-up instructions outlined below so you sign onto the list correctly! Please do not just sign up without reading and then come back to ask us to correct your errors!

If you still are not familiar with what the A to Z Challenge is then click the tab at the top of this page that says "What Is Blogging From A to Z".
Also, please stop by the co-hosting blogs to let them know that you have signed up for the Challenge. Show us your appreciation by becoming a follower of our blogs and introduce yourself to us. You can find the list of A to Z co-hosts to the right of this page about halfway down the sidebar. While you're on the sidebar please become a follower of this blog and click that you "Like Us" on FaceBook.
Once you've signed up, show others that you will be part of the A to Z Challenge by adding the official A to Z badge to your blog site. Use the code on the sidebar to create a badge that clicks directly to the A to Z Blog site. Or if you prefer to just add the image, then please add the A to Z Blog URL so your visitors can click on the badge to be directed to this blog site. Your help is very important in letting others know about the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
Since the more the merrier for this mega-networking event, help us spread the word:
For more information and to stay on top of developments, I recommend you follow the
- Tweet it on the #atozchallenge tag
- Blog about it
- Connect with us on twitter via @AprilA2Z
- Connect with us on Facebook
- Add us on Google+
- Guest post AZ Challenge tips from now till end March on the main blog if you're a challenge veteran
For more information and to stay on top of developments, I recommend you follow the
A to Z Challenge Blog (@AprilA2Z) and the hosts: (please follow both blogs and twitter for updates!)
We have Contact Us and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) tabs at the top of the A to Z page in case there are things you need to know or problems that you may have concerning the Challenge. Let us know if you find a link that you think is faulty or directs you to a non-participating site. We are going to try to keep the list filled only with active A to Z participants, but we will need everybody's help to do this. After today, the A to Z Linky list will be found at the tab at the top of the page that says "2013 A to Z Challenge Sign Up/List" .
This year, per many of your requests, we're introducing Blog Categories for Participants. This is entirely Optional, other than for blogs with Adult Content, which will be taken off the list unless marked (AC).
If you'd like to pick a category, please choose One from the list of 22 categories listed below, and add the code after your name/ blog name while signing up on the linky list. e.g. Damyanti Biswas - Amlokiblogs (WR)
Only the codes from the following list will be admissible, in the format they are presented below, in capital letters enclosed in parentheses: e.g. (WR) You may sign up with just your blog name, and include none of the following codes. But please note that once you have decided on a code, you won't have the option to change it. Multiple entries of the same blog, and ad sites will be deleted.
(BO) 3. FILM :
(CR) 7. ART: (AR)
(LI ) 11. FASHION:
(SC) 19. HUMOR:
(HU) 20. TRAVEL:
There's lots more to come on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge Blog so keep checking back on a regular basis so you don't miss any news. Now get your link on the list if you've decided to be a part of this year's Challenge. The list will be open for sign-ups until April 1 so if you're not sure whether or not you want to participate you will still have plenty of time to decide. But get your name on the list as soon as you've made your decision. There are new blogs to discover, bloggers to meet, and networking to be done!
Here is the 2013 A to Z List:
Please read and follow the sign-up instructions outlined above so you sign onto the list correctly! Please do not just sign up without reading and then come back to ask us to correct your errors!
Sign up now or as soon as you've made your decision to join us in the 2013 Challenge. You'll be glad you did!
Please read and follow the sign-up instructions outlined above so you sign onto the list correctly! Please do not just sign up without reading and then come back to ask us to correct your errors!
If you have any questions or comments please let us know in the comment section below.