Unexpected things emerge all the time during a challenge. Unexpected obstacles. Unexpected tasks to complete, unexpected reasons why you might be delayed, or might be kept from visiting as much as you'd like.
But let's focus on the times when the Unexpected brings something good into your challenge experience!
Unexpected themes that you fell in love with...
Unexpected compliments you got int he comments...
Unexpected new blogs you discovered and followed...
Unexpected connections on social media!
Share in the comments, and give shout-outs to your favorite unexpected discoveries this year!


@AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
MASTER LIST https://tinyurl.com/w54yupwe
Hop to as many blogs in the challenge as possible. Grow and strengthen the community.Please follow us!

Here is mine for today.
What has been unexpected for me is how political and environmental themes have kept emerging in my theme of Commodities this year - I guess it's the way I look at what I find...
Unexpected that today's post is also environmental after Earth Day. https://suestrifles.wordpress.com/2024/04/24/ubi-sunt-atozchallenge/
Unexpected things happen during this challenge every year :-)
Ronel visiting for U: My Languishing TBR: U
Unbridled Harpies
unexpectedly i managed to write a story, i hope story does justice to the title
What was unexpected for me? How great my image for today turned out!
Tim Brannan, The Other Side blog
2024 A to Z of Dungeons & Dragons, Celebrating 50 Years of D&D
We had lots of unexpected visitors, and we’re still working on the unexpected questions.
Locksley at George's GP World
Well... this was really unexpected, as I usually skip serious topics on my blog. Today, though, it's a valid exception as we address the problematic behind racism and races in D&D.
"U is for Umbragen and the problem of evil races", celebrating #Eberron20 and the A to Z Challenge along the #RPGBlogCarnival
My unexpected it that I have actually managed to keep up, on all THREE of my blogs...and this is my first time ever participating!! I am also participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this month, for which my project has been typing up my poems. So I have been sharing some of them on one of my blogs, and receiving surprising responses! Maybe we'll see a publication of my collection of poetry someday!
Unexpected was two great stories I've been following...
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