Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Getting to know your co-hosts ~ Konstanz Silverbow


Name: Konstanz Silverbow
Blogs: Nothought2small, and Writeaway
Publications: So far, none. But I did just submit my first manuscript to Shadow Mountain! 
Other Places to Find Me: Facebook (author page), Facebook (blog), Twitter, Goodreads


1. When writing, do you prefer to compose your first-draft by hand, on your computer, or using Morse Code?
  A mix really.  I start by hand, somewhere in the middle I begin typing, and along the way I write down ideas I have for other stories. 

2. If you could sing any song with the artist who wrote/performed it, what would it be and with whom?
 Secrets’ by OneRepublic but more importantly, Ryan Tedder.  (He is the lead singer for OneRepublic and also composed the music and lyrics for the song)

3. Who inspired you to write in the very beginning?
 I wasn’t really “inspired”  by someone to start writing.  What really started it was an experience I had.  It is a really funny story and one day I was telling my two best friends about it.  We were all laughing and I realized that it kinda sounded like something you would read in a book or see in a movie.  So I sat down and attempted to write it out.  I failed miserably.  After that one of my friends told me that her mom and eight other women had just started a writing group and I was invited to come. 

4. Favorite childhood memory? 
Spending time with my siblings. We grew up close because we were all home-schooled and own a family business. We did everything together. That doesn't happen often anymore with everyone grown up, some of them have their own families now, and one brother lives in Australia. 

5. What is your "Thing". i.e. do you have a non-professional hobby or a particularly acute preference for something that you feel defines a large part of who you are?
 Almost all of my hobbies, I make money from.  The one that I have not is Dragon and Sword collecting.  I LOVE dragons, I LOVE swords.  (Does that count as a hobby?)

6.What items could you typically have in your pockets?
 My phone, a hair tie, and loose change.

7.What is the most unusual thing you have ever given as a gift?
 I love this question.  Usually people ask what is the most unusual thing you have been given.  So, most unusual thing I have given?  An old mining Stock Certificate.

8. What makes you cry? (Emotional reasons. Onions don't count.)
Answer:  Movies, books, people.  I am a sympathetic crier.  I am over emotional so a lot of things make me cry.

9.Where do you go to "Get away from it all"?
 Novels.  I read and listen to music. 

10.What makes life worth living?
 The Small moments when it seems like everything is falling apart and one person changes it all with the simplest of things.  A simple gesture, a small compliment, a smile.

Another random fact just because, I love sarcasm.  Oh yeah, and I LOVE being an A-to-Z April Blogging Challenge Co-host! 

~Konstanz Silverbow

Monday, February 25, 2013

#atozchallenge news -- Here's Who's Been Helping Out

         Oops!  What day is it?   I guess I totally lost track of time!

Here are some great bloggers who have been helping promote the April Challenge:

Jen from We're Living a Full Life put in a push for A-to-Z'ing in April.

I encourage you out there to follow Angela from Whole Foods Living.  She's coming back for a another year, but still doesn't have as many followers as she should have.  You might get some good eating advice while you're there.

With the help of Jimi Hendrix, Bill at Images By Bil paid homage to the April Challenge.  Go over and check out his cool artwork--Jimi Hendrix is the subject of one of them.

An outstanding promo post was delivered by Jolie at Precious Monsters.   She covers a lot of bases in this post so please go to it, read it, and then tweet it, send it to friends, and spread it around.  Jolie is one our A to Z staffers.

Our own A to Z co-host Nicole Ayers offered some excellent Challenge advice in a guest post at Write Non-fiction Now!     Especially if you're still trying to come up with an idea for April posts or are afraid to sign up because you can't think of a theme, check this out.

She may be a newcomer to the Challenge, but Shirlene from Just Good Stories promoted the A to Z like a vet.   Go to her blog and help fuel her enthusiasm.

Thank you Colin D. Smith for the mention and the fascinating Challenge analysis.  That should be of some help to bloggers looking for Challenge advice.

Then there's Dennis at LimeBird Writers (now that's a group I can fly with).  He's got his April plans all mapped out as evidenced in his post about the Challenge.

Thanks all!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Oodles of Ideas for Finding Your A-Z Words

Did you know that if you're participating in the 2013 A-Z Challenge, or have participated in any of the past challenges, we'd love to showcase your ideas here at The A-Z Blog? Today's brilliant ideas are brought to you by M.J Joachim who blogs at Lots of Crochet Stitches and FOUR others.  Here's how to find them all: Follow M.J in one stop-shopping!  (I'm not a shopper...I like one stop...)

On your mark!




And they’re off, all participating in this year’s Scavenger Hunt for Alphabet Words! 

Here are a few clues, to help you on your way!

Online Alphabet Word References

There are oodles of places to find A – Z word lists online. I discovered this last year by Googling, “words that begin with x.”  Wish I’d found this out much earlier in the Challenge, I must say!

You can also get a little more specific and look up things like “scientific terms beginning with letter _” or “recipes beginning with letter _.”

Another easy thing to do is type (define:word – whatever the word may be) into Mr. Google’s search engine URL. You can also do this for synonyms, antonyms and homonyms, btw. It will search for sites to help you. Then you can click on the link and open up a virtual Pandora’s Box, containing words with links to new words, with links to new words…and so on, and so on and so on…

Bring it on Home

It takes a keen observer, and it might be an unexpected chance to clean out your garage, but most people have numerous things they’ve collected over the years, many named with at least one letter of the alphabet, some containing multiple words – things like books, movies, records and food & product labels. This sounds like an opportunity, if ever there was one!

Out and About

I might be stating the obvious by mentioning the library here, but what about all those other places you go like restaurants, museums, amusement parks, theaters, retail shops etc. etc. etc.? If you spend any length of time there, you’re bound to find at least a few bits of jargon for posts that might be puzzling you.

Don’t forget the great outdoors, when looking for words to write your posts! Start naming all those trees, plants and shrubs. Break down the animals by species, habits, diets and food chain levels. Not enough for you? How many shades of gray do you see when it rains? Is the sunset pink, orange or mauve? Does the wind shriek, lament or whisper?

It’s a challenge, but it’s not hard…

Not if you know where to look, that is!

Wow, that was some really great advice! Now we have no excuses for Q, Z, X or whatever may be stumping us on a particular day. We appreciate you sharing this with us!
~ Tina (contact me, see contact tab, if you have ideas you'd like to share at this blog)

Photo credit:  Scrabble Game in Progress, thebarrowboy, Creative Commons Attribution; Interior Mall of America, Mono P, Creative Commons Attribution; Animal Diversity, GNU Free Documentation License
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