Monday, February 17, 2014

Getting to Know Your Co-Hosts – Special Tribute to Jeremy Hawkins

Every year, we introduce the co-hosts so you know the people behind this massive endeavor. Unfortunately, co-host Jeremy Hawkins is unable to put together a post due to an injury. The other co-hosts decided to pull together and share some things about the amazing individual behind the A to Z Challenge graphics and website.

Condensed from his blog, this is what happened to Jeremy:

I fell on ice last Saturday and broke my ankle where the short of it is I have 8 screws and a new holding plate. I am heavy medicated and loopy, typing this I hope it makes sense. Now this is not the world's worst injury, I have never broke anything. I want to thank all my friends and family for all the support.
It's bed rest for two solid weeks and then back to the other doctor for more... I have an iPad once in a while so I am on Facebook.
I will try to catch up soon, thank you for your friendship and "I will be back"
-Jeremy [Retro]

Jeremy is the genius behind the A to Z Challenge graphics and the website design, taking time out of his busy design schedule to help the team. He is the author of several books featuring graphics, short stories, or both. He also designs badges, banners, and websites for others, and he has a complete line of t-shirts for sale at Neat-O-Rama.

In addition to helping with this site, Jeremy maintains his own blog at Being Retro, Howling Wolf Records’ site, the Horror Blogger Alliance, and Hate the Captcha, a blog dedicated to The Walking Dead.

He’s also interviewed many movie stars, artists, musicians over the years. Jeremy travels to horror and anime conventions and posts pictures of attendees and stars. He works with Howling Wolf Records and maintains their site.

What you really need to know about Jeremy is he has a heart of gold. He will do anything and everything for his friends, taking time away from his business and wife to do what is necessary. You can’t ask for a better friend.

You the man, Jeremy. And we think you rock! - Alex

Jeremy is more than a co-worker in this crazy train of the A-Z Challenge, he’s my friend. Please leave a comment. We want to cheer him up with a lot of them! Jeremy is one of THE most generous and self-less people I’ve met. He’s always there to lend a helping hand and a willing ear, and he’s truly a great listener. Always ready with a good quip, he cheers you up by just being himself.  True.

He’s also quite the artist. I’m not just talking all the badges and bling and banners and art he does for the A-Z and his friends. He’s a published artist.  Talented.

I’ve had the honor of beta reading several of his books which are now available at Amazon. Here’s a link to his author page. I’d say his specialty is photopainting – that’s what I call it anyway because honestly, what he does is so out of my realm of knowledge. I can’t even size a picture correctly, so it’s a good thing that he’s an admin on my blog, which he built from scratch, just as a favor. That’s another example of Jeremy just being himself.  Giving.

But wait! That’s not all! He’s also a t-shirt designer! He has his own section at Neatorama with his designs. These aren’t just great because of his art (and the great snark in a lot of the captions) but the t-shirts themselves are really great quality. I have two of them. I recommend a long browse so you can get what suits you best, but if you’re stuck for an idea, the Ninja Army shirt he made in honor of Alex is a good place to start!  Loyal.

I can’t say enough about this wonderful friend of mine, but since other co-hosts will be chiming in, I’ll have to leave you with this brief picture. Checking out his many blogs and websites will give you a bigger one.

From Arlee -
Jeremy has been my go to guy for not only the A to Z Challenge, but for my own blogs when it comes to bringing things to life with his brilliant images. The man is like a mind-reader when it comes to creating his custom artwork. I just have vaguely say what I'm looking for and he'll quickly shoot me back something that looks like what I was thinking but even better. His creative artistry has been responsible for many of my badges, headers, and my iconic BlogMan logo.
You're a good friend to have, Jeremy. Sorry you've had the recent setback, but at least you've been keeping your sense of humor about it. And I'm sure your mind is cranking away some great new ideas.

From Heather -
Dear Jeremy,
My Facebook newsfeed is so incredibly boring without you. You make me laugh almost every day and I will be sad until you return. I hope you heal quickly and I will expect regular weather reports from your ankle from now on. Hugs & chocolate kisses!

From Nicole -
Whether navigating the horrors of the apocalypse or gathering human souls around to hear some good tunes, Jeremy is the elixir that saves us from the craziness of our universe. He makes all things pretty; glowing in wonder, sprinkled with funnies and covered in cool!

From MJ -
Jeremy is one of those people you’re glad you have the chance to meet in Blog Land. He’s a true friend, and an honest to goodness, kind and real person, the type of guy who makes the world a better place, for having known him. I got to know Jeremy better since co-hosting with him in the A - Z Challenge. I can say without reservation that I’m really glad I did. Best to you, Jeremy. Get well soon!

From Damyanti -
Jeremy is one of those guys who would do a lot without asking for anything in return, and then offer to do more. He does a great job with the graphics, and helps customize badges and a thousand other things-- always kind, unobtrusive and cheerful. He is a good friend, and a huge asset to our team.
Take care of you, Jeremy, and get well soon.


Tim Knight said...

Jeremy, you know I've long been a fan of you and your work. Thank you for all the incredible things you've done to help promote HeroPress and generally make my blog look appealing. I hope you heal up soon and, meanwhile, bask in the love of this Blitz celebration. Take care, my friend!

Suzanne said...

Hi Jeremy, I managed to break my foot last year, so totally get what you're going through. Sending healing vibes :) Oh - and Happy Blitz Day!
Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about your accident, Jeremy, I hope the operation all goes well and you are up and about doing what you do real soon.
All the best and Happy Blitz Day!

From one your Retro Zombie Ninja's.

Suzanne Furness said...

Sorry to hear about your accident Jeremy, wishing you a speedy recovery. And have a happy blitz day, hopefully it will make you smile :)

Elise Fallson said...

Hope you heal quickly, Jeremy. I broke my foot years ago but only had 6 screws and a plate put in--you beat me. Are they titanium? Take care and hope you're back on your feet soon.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

We think you're awesome and the team misses you, dude! Heal quick.

Jemima Pett said...

Get well soon, Jeremy - and get some physio on that ankle as soon as the doctors let you move it.

Rob Z Tobor said...

Good luck with the recovery and I hope you bounce back soon and dont over do it too quickly.

Be good
Take Care

Kelly Hashway said...

I hope these two weeks go quickly for you and you are back on your feet again soon. Happy blitz day!

Christine Rains said...

Wishing Jeremy a quick recovery. He's such a multi-talented guy and so supportive of the community. Happy Blitz Day!

Vicki Rocho said...

Now THOSE are some awesome testimonials!
Happy Blitz Day!

Corinne Rodrigues said...

So sorry to hear that Jeremy's had a set back. But what a wonderful post from all of you - enough to get him up and about soon!

Thanks for all the cool graphics, Jeremy! I just completed downloading all the letters of the alphabet for my posts. Take care.

Keith Channing said...

Jeremy. I am brand spanking new to this challenge and, indeed, to blogging as anything more than a personal diary. It is very apparent, though, that you are a very necessary, integral and active part of the team here (amongst other things). For that I thank you, and for that I laud you.
I am very sorry to hear of your accident, and offer my best wishes for a speedy and uneventful recovery.

DL Hammons said...

I'm sorry to hear about your misfortune, Jeremy, but knowing the trooper that you are I'm confident these two weeks will fly by and you'll be back motoring in no time. You've always been a tremendous giver to the blogosphere, and it is indeed my pleasure to know you!'ve been BLITZED! Jumping on the ones that can't run away is so much easier! :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I hope you make a full recovery soon. Still love the Minion badge you made for me last year.

J.L. Murphey said...

Yeah, you're a blogger, movie and music buff, an A to Zer, designer of t-shirts and a whole lot more. BUT most importantly of all...I count you as a friend! Heal quick and enjoy the drugs.

Susan Stuckey said...

Sorry about your ankle - hope the 2 weeks pass in a flash and you are back doing all that you love soon.

Susan Stuckey said...

forgot to say happy #blitz also

Yolanda Renée said...

As I said before, damn ice! But what a lovely tribute to you and your creativity.
Wishing you well and a quiet blitz day - a day where you smile through the pain and see the impact your creativity has had on those you've touched!
Oh, and listen to your wife! LOL

Unknown said...

Jeremy, I hope you can sneak in the Internet time to see this. We all are sending healing energies-- that ankle will feel better soon!

Unknown said...

What an amazing tribute to an equally amazing guy!

Unknown said...

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for all the great work and the graphics which are the first captivating port when you type in A2Z. Do get well soon and nw you can see how truly appreciated and valuable you are right even from your bed.
Men, on the other hand, seize the opportunity t rest all you can.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Hang in there, and take good care of yourself. Happy Blitz Day!

Anonymous said...

I hope your ankle heals quickly. Thanks for all you do and Happy Blitz!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever.


Kajal Kapur said...

Have a healthy and quick recovery Jeremy. Hope to see you bouncing back here soon.

We do love your graphics and I have already downloaded all the alphabets for my posts in April

Take care :)

Connie Keller said...

Jeremy, so sorry to hear about your ankle! I hope you have great friends and family taking care of you while you heal.

Happy Blog Blitz Day!

Julie Flanders said...

So sorry to hear about your injury, Jeremy. I fell on the ice and broke my arm several years ago and have been uneasy about walking on ice ever since - I'm a total klutz so it's a challenge for me anyway LOL.

I hope you make a speedy recovery! And Happy Blitz to you as well. Take care!

J.L. Campbell said...


So sorry to hear what has happened. I hope your recovery time flies by. Based on all the stuff posted about you, I know you're a good friend to have, not to mention being super-talented. Rock on!

Kimber Leigh said...

I wish you all the best for a speedy recovery, Jeremy! Happy Blitz Day.

LinWash said...

Take care of yourself! Happy Blitz Day!

M.J. Fifield said...

Sorry to hear about the ankle. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

(Happy Blitz Day!)

Zan Marie said...

{{{hugs}}} Get well soon. Happy Blitz Day!

Anonymous said...

Eight screws? Ouch! Sorry to hear about your injury. Hope you are feeling better soon! Happy Blitz Day!

Laura Clipson said...

Get better soon Jeremy! Happy Blog Blitz :)

Amy Jarecki said...

Get well soon, Jeremy! Happy Blitz Day!!

Sarah Ahiers said...

Sorry to hear about your ankle, Jeremy. Breaking bones is not fun. But happy Blitz day!

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

I hope you get better soon! :)

Unknown said...

Jeremy, you are amazing and this world s definitely brighter and better with you in it.No one could ask for a better friend and supporter. Feel better!

JoJo said...

Aw Jeremy I hope you are on the mend soon! This has been an awful winter and I live in fear of doing exactly what you did: Break a bone on this ice!

Yvonne Ventresca said...

I'm new to the A-Z challenge but wishing you a speedy recovery!I hope the injury heals quickly.

Melissa said...

Let's all mail Jeremy a box of salt and some chains for his boots. (Kidding. I live in the south... what do I know? :P)

Sorry to hear about your ankle. Seriously. That's no fun! Hope you mend soon.

Andrea said...

Hope your healing and thawing come quickly!

Dani said...

Hope your ankle is feeling better J! What a great tribute! My blog comments during AtoZ rocks because of your comments and support! Happy Blitz day!!

april said...

I hope you have a quick recovery. Happy Blitz Day!

Kevyn Knox said...

Hey Jeremy. Here's hopin' ya have a quick and painless recovery. Just checked out your blog, Being Retro (just found out about it today via the A to Z Challenge), and loved it. Keep on keepin' on. Oh yeah, and apparently you've been Blitzed! See ya 'round the web.

Check me out at All Things Kevyn.

Corinne O said...

Ouch!!! Here's to healing while on rest, lots of yummy snacks prepared for you, and a lot of work caught up on while you're down. Get well soon!


Anonymous said...

Can't think of a more fitting post for A - Z today. Thanks, Alex, for putting this together. Best to you, Jeremy, and Happy Blitz Day!

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marcia said...

Ice is the worst! So sorry about your injury, but hope these two weeks are a restful break (no pun intended) for you. Happy Blitz Day.

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Jeremy,
Just heard about it from Tina's page, so sad to hear that, take care, get well soon!! Our prayers. A to Z needs u very muc, May God give you a speedy recovery.
ps. As M J said, indeed a fitting tribute to suffering/injured team mate.😊😊😊😊

Theresa Milstein said...

Poor you, Jeremy. It's amazing how we can be fine one second and then find ourselves derailed. I hope, once the pain gets better, that you find some time to relax. Often we're so busy rushing and making deadlines that we don't just be.

Happy Blitz Day!

Arlee Bird said...

Jeremy, look at the love that's coming your way here and it's still early as I enter my comment.

You are a blogging hero and you deserve the recognition and adulation!

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Deniz Bevan said...

Happy blog blitz day Jeremy! Hope you heal well and soon!

Deniz Bevan said...

Looking forward to the A to Z!

Deanie Humphrys-Dunne said...

So sorry to hear about your accident, Jeremy. Thinking of you and hope you're feeling better soon.
Happy Blitz Day. I hope it lifts your spirits.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better soon, Jeremy! Happy Blitz Day!

AJ Lauer said...

Jeremy! We miss you! Feel better soon, but ya know, if you want to keep writing things while you're loopy, we're ok with that too ;)

Unknown said...

Wow, Jeremy, You obviously are one incredible individual, loved by many. Hope you have a quick recovery and are encouraged by the love and lauds flowing your way. God bless, Maria

Battered Hope said...

You are missed but appreciated and all will be well. The same thing happened to my husband two weeks before Christmas and they did the surgery on Christmas Day with the long screws and steel plate. Watching him helps me empathize with you. Don't push it -- this too, will pass!

Tina said...

Can you feel the love tonight...(Lion King, in case you're on enough drugs to forget the movie songs...) We're all here for you as you can see, and hope this cheers you a bit.

Alex, awesome job putting this together. Thanks so much for taking the lead. You're a true Ninja Captain. Get yourself a cosbolt! ;-)

Lotsa love and prayers for a speedy recovery, my dear friend!

Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Jackie said...

Happy Blitz Day! I hope you feel better soon!!!

Ink in the Book said...

Feel better soon! I've broken the same foot three times, so I know you are miserable.
Happy Blitz day, and try to enjoy the time off your feet. It may get boring, but hang int here!

Amanda said...

Jeremy, thanks for your hard work for the A-Z Challenge! I hope your leg heals quickly!

Jeff Hargett said...

I read Jeremy's post yesterday on his blog. 8 screws! Let's hope he never has a screw loose.

Jeremy, hoping you recover well and fully--soon. In the meantime, enjoy the medication. :)

Unknown said...

Happy Blitz Day!
I hope everything heals up well, I imagine it would stink being out of commission for a little bit.

Laura S. said...

Holy moly, that's quite a bad break! I'm glad surgery went well. I hope you feel better soon and can be up and about. Happy Blog Blitz Day, Jeremy!

Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Jeremy, a break with 8 screws is pretty serious. Thanks for all the work you do for A to Z and take care of that ankle.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Feel better, Jeremy. So sorry you fell and really hurt yourself. And thanks for all you do to help with the A to Z challenge.

Nabanita said...

Hope you recover soon! Loved the graphics :) Thanks!

Vidya Sury said...

Oh, Jeremy, get well soon! I remember how I got besotted with last year's beautiful badges and the A to Z alphabet badges too.


A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal BlogFest – Sign Up Now #atozchallenge #atozreveal

Anonymous said...

he's on FACEBOOK????? Must check him out! Get better soon bud!

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Just think, Jeremy, most people don't receive these kinds of accolades until they're guest of honor at a funeral, which is such a waste, if you think about it. Far better to receive all these sweet flowers now when you can enjoy them.

The pain pills may already have you feeling blitzed, but I hope you enjoy this blitz filled with good wishes a lot more. Happy blitz day, and get well soon.

Chrys Fey said...

Oh no! I hope you recover soon and everything heals nicely. Take care, Jeremy! And happy Blitz Day!

M said...

Get well soon! (And enjoy the meds while you can.) Happy Blitz!


Miranda Hardy said...

Jeremy, hope you get well soon. I bet those tshirt designs will be awesome while you're medicated. Lol

Happy blitz day!

Crystal Collier said...

Jeremy, wishing you a blitzing quick recovery and a boatload of cheese to carry you through!

garrisonjames said...

Love the Tee-shirts. Thanks for doing the Horror Blogger Alliance. Hope the ankle mends perfectly and you're back in business in short order. But until then, take it easy and let it heal. They don't stick pins in there for the heck of it. We'll add you to the list of folks that could use a little Reiki to help get well.

Susan Oloier said...

Jeremy, your graphics always rock. Here's to a speedy recovery. Getting injured is a real bummer.

Donna Smith said...

Sorry to hear that your ankle's on the fritz,
but hope you enjoy today's deserved blitz!
Hate to tell you, but you will probably be able to predict the weather by it now.

Fida Islaih said...

Glad to see people pull together to help others.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Wishing you a quick recovery, Jeremy. I've had some bad sprained ankles, so I can imagine a broken ankle is far worse. Enjoy the rest and your iPad. Love the great graphics you've created for A to Z.

Mary Montague Sikes

SK Anthony said...

Jeremy, I'm sorry about the accident. Hope everything goes smoothly and your recovery is a quick one. Hope this blitz cheers you up a bit ;)

Anonymous said...

Heal quickly!

Unknown said...

Here's to a speedy recovery! I broke my ankle once and it's awful. Feel better!!

Ella said...

Jeremy do take care and stop trying out for the Olympic Games! Your talents are needed here-online! I fear the Triple Salchow did you in...I am sad n' sorry to hear you are in pain! Please chill and do what you can to recover! You are missed~ ATB and please take care-no wheelies in the parking lot-either!

PK HREZO said...

Jeremy so sorry about your ankle!! Hope you're feeling better soon! And HAPPY BLITZ DAY!!! :D

Unknown said...

Hope you mend quickly, while I'm sorry for your accident, I have enjoyed learning more about you. All the best to you!

Jenni said...

So sorry to hear about your accident! I enjoyed learning more about all you do for the online community. Feel better soon and happy Blitz day!

GSMarlene said...

Sounds like you're a pretty amazing guy with tons of great contributions to the blog. I hope you heal up fast.

Julie Jordan Scott said...

Hi Jeremy! So many kudos - I can't wait to "meet" you as you continue to mend. It looks like you have so much creativity in you you're bound to heal quickly.

Happy, Healing, Healthy Week ahead for you!

Abs said...

Sounds like you have some pretty amazing friends Jeremy! Also sounds like you're a pretty amazing guy! Hope your ankle heals quickly and you're back on your feet before ya know it! Take care!
(Happy Blitz!)

Mark Means said...

Hey Jeremy, sorry to hear about your mishap and hope you start feeling better real soon.

Until then, take it easy, get plenty of rest and enjoy your Blitz Day! :D

Brandon Ax said...

Hey man I hope you heal up quickly. I know it sucks to be sidelined by injury. Love the graphics and happy blitz day.

Kate Larkindale said...

Get well soon! Breaking bones sucks! But have a happy Blitz Day!

Michelle 4 Laughs said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery and lots of productive thinking time while you rest.

Lisa said...

Happy Blitz Day! Hope you're back up dancing soon!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hey, Jeremy!

Damn that sucks.... I broke my wrist over the summer... major bummer.

HOPE YOU HEAL quickly! Happy blitz!

Jennifer Kay said...

Happy Blog Blitz! I fell on the ice right before Christmas and broke my wrist, so I know what you're going through. Hope you feel better soon.

Willa Blair said...

Take it easy! No more break-dancing for you.

Looking forward to the AtoZ Challenge this year.

Dave said...

Get well soon and consider yourself blitzed.


Sherry Ellis said...

Hey Jeremy! Major bummer about your ankle. I hope it heals well! Happy Blitz Day to you! We're all thinking about you!

cleemckenzie said...

That sounds awful, but here's to a speedy recovery. Thanks for the support you give around the BlogOSphere.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

OH NO!!! Poor you! Look, enjoy the bed rest - make everyone wait on you for a change! And feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery and stupendous super-human Iron Man strength as a side effect of surgery!

WriterlySam A to Z Theme Reveal

Nicki Elson said...

Awww -- these are so lovely. It's really cool to see how close the A to Z team is.

Take care, Jeremy,heal fast and stay out of the never-emnding blizzard!

Unknown said...

Get better soon! I've never broken an ankle but I did break a rib once and I couldn't laugh for two months (without severe pain). Take care!

Unknown said...

Jeremy, so sorry to hear about your injury. Sounds like you have an amazing support team here at A to Z that thinks the world of you. Get better soon and happy blitz day!

VikLit said...

Hi Jeremy, wishing you a very speedy recovery + a Happy Blitz Day!

Tammy Theriault said...

Happy blitz and get well sooooooon!!!!

Silvia Writes said...

I broke my wrist years ago, and while I was able to walk, the cast and discomfort were no fun.
Hope you feel better soon.


Bish Denham said...

Here's to healing and getting better SOON. Happy Blitz Day!

Anonymous said...

Get well soon! I fractured an ankle years ago and when it's time for physio... stick to it until the end!!!
Happy Blitz!
With great respect!

Stephen Kozeniewski said...

Feel better, Jeremy!

Anstice Brown said...

What a touching post. Jeremy sounds like a fantastic guy, as well as a talented writer, artist and designer. Wishing him a full and quick recovery.

M Pax said...

Wishing you a quick recovery, Jeremy. Ouch. Those drugs make you loopier than you think too. When I sprained my knee, I had redo the entire three weeks at work when I was on those pain pills. And I thought I was just fine...

Rhonda Albom said...

Sorry about your ankle. Maybe blitz day will cheer you up!

Rhonda Albom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
L.G. Keltner said...

Jeremy, you're awesome and we're all hoping you heal quickly. One of my friends acquired the same exact injury this past weekend, and it happened on the ice too. This has given me an even lower opinion of winter than I already had.

Happy Blitz Day, and feel better soon!

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Jeremy, so sorry to hear about your ankle. Hope it is better soon.

Happy Blitz Day!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish you a speedy recovery and forever-dry land to walk on. :) Happy Blitz Day.


Anonymous said...

I wish you a speedy recovery and forever-dry land to walk on. :) Happy Blitz Day.


Stephen Tremp said...

Get well soon Jeremy! We're all rooting for a speedy recovery.

cheerfuloptimistic said...

May you feel better soon. This is my first year signing up for the challenge and I've gotta say the graphic you made for it is cool.

ELAdams said...

Get well soon! Happy blitz day! :)

Tiana Smith said...

Feel better soon Jeremy! Thanks for all the work you've done here :)

Al Diaz said...

I hope you get to feel better soon, Jeremy. You're an amazing person and artist and if dragons wore hats I would take mine off. I salute you and I pray for your well-being and fast recovery so you can return quickly to all those who miss you very much!

Johnell said...

Speedy recovery!

A.K.Andrew said...

Hey Jeremy,
Thanks for all your hard work on A-Z. Sorry to hear about your fall ouch!!! Feel better soon.

Nicole said...

Jeremy, the blogging community would not be the same without you, given all of the humor, art, kindness and generosity that you bring. Consider this tribute and all of our well wishes and extension of what you've brought to us and taught us in your examples of leadership, teamwork and creativity.

Cheers to you!


dolorah said...

I hope you heal quickly Jeremy. this was a great idea; all your friends are super special.


Leandra Wallace said...

You seem like a very special and cool guy, Jeremy! Even if with all that metal you might be swaying a bit toward the cyborg end of the spectrum... ;) Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Sorry to hear about the fall. That really stinks. Hope you're up and about soon! '

Happy Blitz while you recover :)

Spanj said...

Ouch! Get well soon.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blitz day , sorry to hear of your accident, Take care.

Petre Pan said...

Hey Jeremy! Ice is a jerk, huh. See you back here soon! Maybe while you're all loopy you'll find some awesome inspiration or something; I knew a guy who wrote a fantastic poem when he had his wisdom teeth taken out because of the pain-killers. = P

Happy blog blitz!

Lauren said...

I hope you're checking your fanmail, Jeremy. :)

Looks like you've been royally blitzed!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

Happy Blitz Day, Jeremy! Hope you heal quickly. You could probably be the first co-host to have #AtoZChallenge subway art on a cast! :O)

Jo said...

Get better soon Jeremy. Ankles are not funny. I think it's wonderful everyone is writing such great stuff about you and to you. You must be a great guy.

Chippy said...

Get well soon Jeremy

And Happy Blog Blitz Day!!!


Joanne said...

At least you could have started the story, "so in my Olympic debut, I fell...." Tough breaks. Heal quickly and get well. Sounds like you are A-to-Z important and your graphics and artwork are impressive. Take care. Maybe your loopy drugs will inspire some crazy designs. Good luck

Charmaine Clancy said...

Great line up!

Happy Blitz Day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blitz Day. I am sorry about your accident and wish a full recovery for you so you can resume normal living. We're all here for you.

Erin L. Funk said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle injury! Hope you're healing well and that you'll be up and around again very soon! Enjoy your Blog Blitz day! :)

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Get well soon Jeremy, and thanks for the great A-Z badges! Happy blitz day!

VR Barkowski said...

So sorry to hear of your accident, Jeremy. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.

Happy Blitz Day!

VR Barkowski

Trisha said...

Sucks that you broke your ankle, Jeremy!! Hope you feel better and less loopy soon :)

Happy Blitz day!!

Unknown said...

It's so nice to read more about the genius behind the art. I hope you heal quickly. Happy Blitz Day :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for introducing me to this awesome person! Prayers for a speedy recovery :-)

Unknown said...

Wow!! Definitely a talented guy. And busy!

I hope you heal quickly, Jeremy!

ViolaFury said...

Jeremy, Last year was the first year I did the A-to-Z Challenge and I did not get a chance to meet you. I've been hearing about you today and have also, previously. It is said, that "a man is known by his friends." You must be spectacular, indeed. A speedy recovery, I wish for you and hurry back. You are missed and I want to meet you! Mary aka Viola Fury

~Sia McKye~ said...

Well, Jeremy, if you had questions as to people's view of you, I would think and negative thoughts can now be put to bed. Well, don't store them on the one you're resting on.

8 pins? Great Scott, that's a lot. So does this qualify you as bionic? Y'know, better and soon to be faster?

I love the music I've both bought and won from visiting Howling. Not only do I like you but my ears LOVE you. :-)

Sia McKye Over Coffee

Lynda Dietz said...

Sounds like you're a pretty cool guy. I'm new to the A to Z challenge this year, and to the Blog Blitz gang. I'm looking forward to getting to know more about you. Rest up so you heal quickly and completely!

Dannie Morin said...

Speedy recovery vibes and Blitz Day Magic headed your way!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Happy Blitz Day man and wishing you a quick recovery.

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Alex, Arlee, Tina,
Will you provide the html code of the A to Z bottom banner, so that we can embed it in our page's bottom space
Happy bitz day!

Kimberly said...

I hope you are feeling better soon and heal quickly!

Happy blitz day!

Unknown said...

Hopefully this Blitz Day will help you feel better soon!

Anna Tan said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery, Jeremy! Thanks for all the great stuff you do!

Happy Blitz Day!

anna @ Deeply Shallow

Have a theme? Reveal your theme with us on the #atozreveal on March 21st!

Heather Musk said...

A belated happy Blog Blitz to you! Better late than never!

I hope you're feeling better soon, and I'm very much looking forward to all the A-Z Challenge fun x

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jeremy. So sorry about your fall. I hope your recovery goes well. HAPPY belated BLITZ DAY!

Ellie Garratt said...

Happy Blitz Day, Jeremy! So horrid about your fall. I hope you're well on the way to it mending. Feel better soon. Hugs.

Unknown said...

Hope that your Blitz Day brought you some much needed happiness

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Dear Jeremy--you are the most wonderful artist--I am so sorry about your injury! I hope it heals very fast. I find that I love all of your work--it has so much depth!-- and I know that we all agree that you are a totally indispensible member of the A-Z core team. Please get well soon, as Elaine from Seinfeld would say!
jean baldridge yates! xox

J Lenni Dorner said...

Blasting in with get well wishes!

Lilia T. said...

Über belated happy blog blitz day! I hope by this time your ankle injury is a thing of the past and I'm just a nagging passerby who reminded you unnecessarily of it! Or something. Anyhoo...yeah. :) Stay awesome! You are a blogging inspiration!

Jacquie said...

I'm a bit late, tried to yesterday onmy phone but better late than never! Happy blitz and get better sooon!

Michelle Wallace said...

Hope you get well soon Jeremy!
Happy Blog Blitz Day!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jeremy - well that was a nasty thing to do .. and no wonder you're feeling loopy.

Rest up - get healthy .. sounds like you have masses of people to help, or have helped ... sincerely, I hope your ankle will recover fairly quickly ... don't rush it!

Glad you've got the ipad for when you're feeling like being on line .. cheers for now - Hilary

Carrie-Anne said...

Get better soon, Jeremy. I know from personal experience how painful and annoying it is to have metal hardware in your bones, and to have orthopaedic surgery.

Stormy said...

Happy Belated Blitz Day. Take care and get well soon

Susan Scott said...

Am adding to the love Jeremy! May you feel the flood and may this heal your ankle in double quick time, added by patience on your side - rest up and know that we're all rooting for you!

Susan Scott said...

Am adding to the love Jeremy! May you feel the flood and may this heal your ankle in double quick time, added by patience on your side - rest up and know that we're all rooting for you!

Susan Scott said...
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Mary Aalgaard said...

Wow. Such amazing talent and generosity. Your friends admire you very much.