Showing posts with label Jeremy Hawkins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeremy Hawkins. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Jeremy Hawkins Tribute

On January 3, we lost an amazing guy – Jeremy Hawkins.

Today, February 2, we pay tribute and give back to one who was so giving and involved in our community.

To honor his life and support the family he leaves behind, on that day:

·       Create a blog post a story or memory about Jeremy.

·       Create a blog post with photos of Jeremy.

·       Create a blog post to share some of the graphics he made for you.

·       Post a photo of you wearing one of the t-shirts he designed on social media.

·       And to support his family, please purchase his t-shirts, art , and his books

Spread the word and let’s pay tribute to one of the most supportive and loyal guys ever to cross our paths, Jeremy Hawkins.

#atozchallenge shirt 2015 2016 #atozchallenge shirt 2018 #atozchallenge shirt 2019 #atozchallenge shirt #atozchallenge shirt
#atozchallenge gear #atozchallenge gear #atozchallenge gear

If you are posting a tribute on your blog, I invite you to leave a link in the comments. If you share your post on Twitter, please include the #atozchallenge hashtag. 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Tshirt survey #atozchallenge


Our graphic artist Jeremy Hawkins has some quick questions about t-shirts. PLEASE take a moment to answer this survey. Thank you!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Delightful! Jeremy Tribute Day ( #AtoZChallenge )

#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge

Celebrate Jeremy Day
         Today we want to take a pause to honor one of our long term behind the scenes members of the A to Z Team--Jeremy.

           If the name isn't familiar with you then his artwork surely is.  Jeremy Hawkins has been designing all of the badges and other graphics for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge since 2013.   All the way from the yearly badge to the daily letter badges as well as headers and even T-shirt designs, Jeremy has been the creative genius behind those ubiquitous graphics that appear on numerous blogs throughout April and beyond

           Where can you find more about Jeremy?  He has an extensive social media and internet presence that covers a wide range of his interests and endeavors.   I encourage you to visit his blog or his other sites to say thank you and hello to him and to get a better idea of exactly what his talents encompass. 

             And I want to say to Jeremy, "Thank you my friend for being there when we need you!"

             Here are some of the places where you can find out more about Jeremy and his work:

Jeremy Hawkins

For Hire:

Art Available:
Animal Art/Design
Cheap Movie Art/Design

Visit: Being Retro

Being Retro

For A to Z T-Shirts as well as a lot of other cool designs:

Music Label:
Howlin' Wolf Records
Executive Producer/PR

Six Strings: Magazine


Social Media:

Six Strings: Magazine @jmhdigital68
JMH Digital [2020]

You can see the list of all Blogs on our Master List!

Monday, April 9, 2018

H is for our very own Jeremy Hawkins! #AtoZChallenge

As most of the A to Z veterans among you already know, Jeremy Hawkins is the dedicated genius behind the graphics of the Challenge - badges, banners, t-shirts, you name it! Jeremy has been with us right from the start, putting work, energy, and enthusiasm into making A to Z a colorful and fun experience for everyone.

This year, Jeremy is not participating in the daily posting of A to Z, but he still made time to create our graphics. So today, for the letter H, we would like to encourage everyone to go to Jeremy's blog, and say hi! Let's make his day as fun as he made the challenge for us :)

You can also visit his Amazon author page here, and see his designs here. Because he is that versatile a guy!
You can read more about him from previous years here and here.

Have a great day, Jeremy! :)

#AtoZchallenge 2018 friendly new badge logo
If you wish to include a direct link to your blog post of this day's letter, please click:

If you wish to visit other blogs in this bloghop challenge who have incorporated today's letter into their current post, please click:

#AtoZchallenge 2018 traditional badge logo
Click here for the MASTER LIST of all participants who signed up for the #AtoZchallenge 2018!

Saturday, March 31, 2018

A is for Amazing Alphabet Team #AtoZchallenge

#AtoZchallenge 2018 A is for Amazing Alphabet Team

For our team A post, we present a brief interview with the 2018 Amazing Alphabet Team!

(The fine folks who volunteer their time, energy, and skills to make this challenge happen for you. There will be a seperate post to honor our Amazing graphics guy, Jeremey, later this month.)

1- What's your passion in life?

Arlee-  One passion that consumes much of my thinking is road tripping.  I hate to think of a time when I wouldn't be able to drive.

J- Writing is my passion. That's how I relate to the world.

Csenge- Storytelling. It is both my passion and my profession, which makes me incredibly lucky.

John- Music. Roughly half of my posts outside the A to Z Challenge are about music, and a couple of years ago I had two themes (quite by accident) and one of them was music.

Jayden-Writing, of course. It's therapeutic. But music is a close second. Singing is like sharing a story through song and I love that.

2- What are your goals during the A to Z Challenge 2018?

Arlee-  To keep a balance in my life between blogging and other stuff around me.  But I do want to get my posts done before April.

J- My goals are to make this year really fun for all participants, to complete the challenge, and to leave comments on 300 blogs. On my own blog, I have a short story told in parts, which my goal is to get people to think about life. (If you do too, check out the stories of A to Z post!)

Csenge- My goal is to write posts that people find both entertaining and informative. Also, to make some new blogging friends! I have found marvelous blogs through the challenge in the past, I am looking forward to more.

John- To have all the posts done by April 1 and do as much visiting of other blogs as I can during April.

Jayden- My goal for this year is to have all of my posts ready to go before April 1st so I can enjoy exploring new blogs! I have found some awesome writers I am excited to catch up with this year and I look forward to finding even more!

3- What was your biggest accomplishment in the last 12 months?

Arlee-  It's become a yearly tradition--driving back east to see family, friends, and especially my grandkids including the newest girl child, Logan Lego.  This past year I made the trip twice.

J- Publishing my debut novel, Fractions of Existence, was my biggest accomplishement in the last 12 months. One of the coolest parts was being interviewed on the Debut Author Spotlight at Operation Awesome. (That's what I usually do on Wednesdays, so it was fun to switch to the hotseat.)

Csenge- Finishing my PhD, and publishing Dancing on Blades, my new folktale collection!

John- Continuing my streak of consecutive days posting to the blog, now close to 1500.

Jayden-Publishing my first Choose Your Own Adventure Erotic Novel: Runaway. I couldn't believe how much fun I had writing it for NaNoWriMo last year. I released one iteration of the novel in last year's A to Z Blog Challenge. Publishing the whole novel April 30th was incredible!

4- What about a blog will catch your eye and turn you into a regular visitor?

Arlee-  Interesting material written in an accessible style--and preferably in black print on a white background.

J- A blog with a subject I enjoy written in captivating manner will always keep me coming back for more.

Csenge- I like blogs with interesting topics or themes. Bonus if they are related to folklore, mythology, or role-playing games.

John- Humor. I like to laugh.

Jayden-I love a well written story. I enjoy characters whose lives are compelling, particularly if it's an ongoing story!

5- Besides your blog, how can you be reached online?

Arlee-  I'm not on social media very much, but I can be found on Twitter @ArleeBird

J- Twitter is my favorite method of online communication. I'm also on and most of the other major social media outlets.

Csenge- Twitter (, and the Facebook page for my "Following folktales around the world" series.

John- I have presences on Facebook (, Twitter (, Pinterest (, and Instagram ( Probably the best way would be through Instagram, as I don't check the others that frequently.


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"I enjoy challenges. If a challenge is in front of me and it appeals to me, I will go ahead and conquer it." - Conor McGregor

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Stealing the Show on Sunday or Where Have You Been or My Summer Vacation Rolls Into Winter!

Greetings My Sleepy AtoZ'rs, It's been a seriously long time since I had posted here and since I am able to still post a post on the A to Z Challenge, I thought I would... I am Jeremy... I am a writing hooligan, so there and I am here to share my latest eMag called SIX STRINGS! It's been a long year for me and here is my story...

This is the last issue of the year, it's been a long year... some of you might know I ended up in the hospital twice with Pneumonia and having my Gallbladder removed. Both times I waited to go to the hospital, for that reason both were serious adventures. My attention to SIX STRINGS became my only priority and sadly lost many of my internet friends, well not lost... just moved around.   With this issue I would love if you are reading this, please share it I would like to end this year with a bang, I know I am asking a lot... but I do that. :)

THANK YOU, Hope you had a grand 2016, I know I did [pun intended]!
Jeremy [Six Strings]

Six Strings: # 9 [2016] [CLICK HERE] 
Main Page/Past Issues: [CLICK HERE]


Monday, July 11, 2016

Themes That Rocked the Challenge - Retro Ads!

Today we welcome our very own Jeremy Hawkins and his awesome theme of old, retro ads.

Jeremy is also the genius behind the A to Z graphics. Many of his amazing graphics are available as t-shirts at Neat-O-Shop. He’s an author and you can find his books at Amazon. He also runs Howlin’ Wolf Records: Six Strings, a wicked cool online magazine, and he heads up the Horror Blogger Alliance.

Your theme was old ads – how did you come up with that idea?

Oh, I just completely love this kind of stuff, the early trial and error of the infomercial in written form. Coming up with it was simple, I had been downloading images for years and finally a place to share with people...

Which ad shocked you the most?

Many of the smoking ads, where at the time... putting babies with smoking mothers seemed like a good thing. Yes, the Fight Club soap for people who are heavy using headers “Fat is Folly”... what does that mean anyway?

Were you familiar with any of the odd products in the ads?

Not really, I think as I found them, I was like “what” are you kidding? It's amazing on crazy stuff then, transfers into crazy stuff now. There might have been much more “odd products” then due to there wasn't people look out like now.

Do you think any of the products actually worked?

Scarier thought, some of the corsets and nose products that actually look like they would just crush your bones... some of the products that are still in production today.

Why so many products about noses?

People with them big crooked noses, I am terrified to honestly know this actually work and how long people would keep using it before someone said, “hey stop that crazy thing”!

What was the obsession with the face vibrator? (And give people an idea how it worked. Well, not that it did…)

Well all vibrators work in all different ways, some better for others and in some in the best places... People must really needed them, think it's the early addition of Botox? Body shapes were like a bell or a pear... and coverage from neck to your toes, maybe it's the only thing people really see?

Any products you would be brave enough to try? (Besides the Vicks Vapor Rub of course.)

Honestly I am wearing Hanes underwear right now, though these adds have a body suit of coverage and I am sure I would never play sports showing my goods. I might even be up for using one one of those vibrator thingys for my face, yeah... my face. Lol.

If you participate in the Challenge next year, what theme would you run with?

I have always had a love for film score music for as long as I can remember, I might do a best of 26 composers, top 26 soundtracks that I like, best 26 sci-fi scores, best 26 horror scores, 26 scores you should skip or well the list goes on and on.

THANK YOU... for asking me to do this, you know I love talking about myself and it wouldn't be me if I didn't promote something... So here we go... Hey, everyone get the latest edition of our online magazine called “SIX STRINGS” where we share MUSIC, FILM, BOOKS, INTERVIEWS, etc. Some great stuff, it's free and some really cool giveaways. So please do check it out by going to Six Strings.

Co-host Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh is the author of Amazon Best-sellers CassaStar, CassaFire, CassaStorm, and Dragon of the Stars, founder of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group, and his blog can be found HERE

Sunday, May 3, 2015

#atozchallenge Sunflower Survivor

A to Z Sunflower as it appeared in the afternoon of
Saturday May 2, 2015

         Anyone who has been following my Sunday A to Z Blog posts probably has figured that I've adopted this sunflower in my backyard as a sort of A to Z symbol or mascot.  I've followed its progress from first bloom on the Challenge opening day on April 1st, 2015 with my Tribute to Tina post and followed it to the end of the Challenge.

           Considering the story (which can be found by going back to the first sunflower post linked in the preceding paragraph), this sunflower is an apt symbol to represent the participants of this Challenge.   Most of us are a bit weary after our month of blogging and networking, but we're still standing and ready for whatever is coming next.

          The first A to Z  related post-Challenge event is the A to Z Reflections post which we hope you will put up on your site any time between now and Friday May 8th.  Some of you already have your posts up and I've seen some good reports.  But keep in mind that your Reflections don't have to be all good.  We'll listen to the downsides as well though we hope there aren't many of those.  For full details about this please visit Wait! A to Z Is Not Over! Not Quite.  This post should tell you just about everything you need to know about the Reflections Post and if you still have questions then just ask.

           Don't forget to add the Reflections badge to your Reflections Post and be sure to flaunt your A to Z win with the Survivor Badge in your sidebar.  All artwork is courtesy of our official A to Z graphics guy and hard-working co-host Jeremy Hawkins.  Be sure to drop by his site Hollywood Nuts! to say hello and thanks.   And be sure to order your A to Z Survivor T-shirt (see badge link in the sidebar of this page).

A Bit Tired, but We Survived !

Here's the A to Z Sunflower on May 2nd getting ready for the beginning of the Reflection Posts during the week beginning on Monday May 4th.  We're all still hanging in there!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"M" Marketing Experiment - With AtoZ Gear!

Greetings AtoZ Challengers, We are at the half point of the 2015 A to Z Challenge and we thought those who are going to the finish line might like to tell the world and show your support. We thought those "SURVIVORS" might like to get your very own design by myself and supported by the Hosts of this challenge. Here is where you go "CLICK HERE".

We are trying our very first "Marketing Campaign and Experiment", see what the possibilities might be and thought we would share it all with you. I have been working with this company "NEATOSHOP" for a few years and they are one of the top in their business. So show your support, wear this proudly and enjoy the remaining A to Z Challenge. We will answer questions, so if you have some please ask...

AtoZ Challenge Co-Host

Monday, February 24, 2014

What Would YOU Like to Know About Your #atozchallenge Co-Hosts?

You may have noticed that we've already had some of the co-hosts introduce themselves to you. We like to do this each year so that you have an idea of who we are, what we do, and so that you can find out some just plain fun or silly facts about us.

In the past, we used a question/answer format where each co-host chose from a list of questions as a basis for how they wrote their “About Me” posts. We're doing it a little differently this year. We are – gasp – free-styling it! Everyone is doing his or her own thing.

For example, since Jeremy was literally laid up with his ankle, we wrote his for him. (In case you were wondering, all million or so of you who left such nice comments, he was really touched by the tremendous support you showed him. As a Team, we are very grateful and say THANK YOU.) Heather's buddy Stormy the Weather Gnome introduced her.

There are still some of us who like the question/answer format and that's where you come in. YOU get to ask the questions! Just as a sample, here are some from the past:

"When writing, do you prefer to compose your first-draft by hand, on your computer, or using Morse Code?" (Mina Lobo)

"If you could sing any song with the artist who wrote/performed it, what would it be and with whom?" (Tracy Bermeo-A2Z Mommy)

"What's more important, space exploration, or under-sea exploration?" (Matt Conlon)

"Name an item that you have too much of." (Nicole)

"Favorite childhood memory" (Tina)

We currently have 34 questions. We are greedy. We want more. We want fresh questions!

We have a great chance for that since we have so many new to the A-Z Challenge participants! As co-hosts, we just love it that more and more people are hearing about this Challenge and joining! But wait! It gets better. This year we have many people who aren't just new to our April adventure, but also new to blogging! Brave people who aren't afraid to say, “Yeah, sure, I'll try that!

We're also just as excited that so many are returning. We have bloggers who are doing this for the 4th and 5th time. In case you haven't heard – this is year 5. It's fun to wander around the list meeting people (you are doing that, right?) and seeing the “A-Z Survivor” badges which you get when you're done. I think they're kinda like gold medals...

So hit us with your best questions. Anything goes. Not saying that a co-host will be brave enough to answer your outrageous question...but there's always the chance. (Honestly, it will most likely be me since I'm NOT the shy one in the group...)

~Tina, for the A to Z Team

Monday, February 17, 2014

Getting to Know Your Co-Hosts – Special Tribute to Jeremy Hawkins

Every year, we introduce the co-hosts so you know the people behind this massive endeavor. Unfortunately, co-host Jeremy Hawkins is unable to put together a post due to an injury. The other co-hosts decided to pull together and share some things about the amazing individual behind the A to Z Challenge graphics and website.

Condensed from his blog, this is what happened to Jeremy:

I fell on ice last Saturday and broke my ankle where the short of it is I have 8 screws and a new holding plate. I am heavy medicated and loopy, typing this I hope it makes sense. Now this is not the world's worst injury, I have never broke anything. I want to thank all my friends and family for all the support.
It's bed rest for two solid weeks and then back to the other doctor for more... I have an iPad once in a while so I am on Facebook.
I will try to catch up soon, thank you for your friendship and "I will be back"
-Jeremy [Retro]

Jeremy is the genius behind the A to Z Challenge graphics and the website design, taking time out of his busy design schedule to help the team. He is the author of several books featuring graphics, short stories, or both. He also designs badges, banners, and websites for others, and he has a complete line of t-shirts for sale at Neat-O-Rama.

In addition to helping with this site, Jeremy maintains his own blog at Being Retro, Howling Wolf Records’ site, the Horror Blogger Alliance, and Hate the Captcha, a blog dedicated to The Walking Dead.

He’s also interviewed many movie stars, artists, musicians over the years. Jeremy travels to horror and anime conventions and posts pictures of attendees and stars. He works with Howling Wolf Records and maintains their site.

What you really need to know about Jeremy is he has a heart of gold. He will do anything and everything for his friends, taking time away from his business and wife to do what is necessary. You can’t ask for a better friend.

You the man, Jeremy. And we think you rock! - Alex

Jeremy is more than a co-worker in this crazy train of the A-Z Challenge, he’s my friend. Please leave a comment. We want to cheer him up with a lot of them! Jeremy is one of THE most generous and self-less people I’ve met. He’s always there to lend a helping hand and a willing ear, and he’s truly a great listener. Always ready with a good quip, he cheers you up by just being himself.  True.

He’s also quite the artist. I’m not just talking all the badges and bling and banners and art he does for the A-Z and his friends. He’s a published artist.  Talented.

I’ve had the honor of beta reading several of his books which are now available at Amazon. Here’s a link to his author page. I’d say his specialty is photopainting – that’s what I call it anyway because honestly, what he does is so out of my realm of knowledge. I can’t even size a picture correctly, so it’s a good thing that he’s an admin on my blog, which he built from scratch, just as a favor. That’s another example of Jeremy just being himself.  Giving.

But wait! That’s not all! He’s also a t-shirt designer! He has his own section at Neatorama with his designs. These aren’t just great because of his art (and the great snark in a lot of the captions) but the t-shirts themselves are really great quality. I have two of them. I recommend a long browse so you can get what suits you best, but if you’re stuck for an idea, the Ninja Army shirt he made in honor of Alex is a good place to start!  Loyal.

I can’t say enough about this wonderful friend of mine, but since other co-hosts will be chiming in, I’ll have to leave you with this brief picture. Checking out his many blogs and websites will give you a bigger one.

From Arlee -
Jeremy has been my go to guy for not only the A to Z Challenge, but for my own blogs when it comes to bringing things to life with his brilliant images. The man is like a mind-reader when it comes to creating his custom artwork. I just have vaguely say what I'm looking for and he'll quickly shoot me back something that looks like what I was thinking but even better. His creative artistry has been responsible for many of my badges, headers, and my iconic BlogMan logo.
You're a good friend to have, Jeremy. Sorry you've had the recent setback, but at least you've been keeping your sense of humor about it. And I'm sure your mind is cranking away some great new ideas.

From Heather -
Dear Jeremy,
My Facebook newsfeed is so incredibly boring without you. You make me laugh almost every day and I will be sad until you return. I hope you heal quickly and I will expect regular weather reports from your ankle from now on. Hugs & chocolate kisses!

From Nicole -
Whether navigating the horrors of the apocalypse or gathering human souls around to hear some good tunes, Jeremy is the elixir that saves us from the craziness of our universe. He makes all things pretty; glowing in wonder, sprinkled with funnies and covered in cool!

From MJ -
Jeremy is one of those people you’re glad you have the chance to meet in Blog Land. He’s a true friend, and an honest to goodness, kind and real person, the type of guy who makes the world a better place, for having known him. I got to know Jeremy better since co-hosting with him in the A - Z Challenge. I can say without reservation that I’m really glad I did. Best to you, Jeremy. Get well soon!

From Damyanti -
Jeremy is one of those guys who would do a lot without asking for anything in return, and then offer to do more. He does a great job with the graphics, and helps customize badges and a thousand other things-- always kind, unobtrusive and cheerful. He is a good friend, and a huge asset to our team.
Take care of you, Jeremy, and get well soon.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Only On A Sunday and a Message for My Blog Friends!

On Friday "TOSSING IT OUT" posed this question and I thought about it and wanted to share more on my take, so I want you to visit there, first!

What Can Happen If a Blog Post Goes Viral?.... ...... .. ... ...a few words from someone who's been there!

I thought about this and this is the what I felt like about the whole "Where are you" in the blog community? We all wish for that one post that will bring us into the light, though it is a good light... finding our way to the top without hurting someone or getting hurt. It might be a strong "TITLE" or "SUBJECT"... maybe "TRENDING", what makes you grab attention? I would like you to really go read this post, it is a great strong important post. Much success to all of you and your quest to be heard... maybe stop over to my site, say Hello!


Saturday, April 6, 2013


The American Slang Dictionary
By: James Maitland
Chicago [1891]

Okay what you might not know about me, is I love books from pre-1900's and art... Below is 26 words using the letter "F" and I would like a comment from you that uses one of the them. Here or on my "F" post on my site, it might be fun or a flop.

What else is interesting that this book is over 100 years old and we still use some of the phrases/slang in our everyday language. Well at least I do and that ain't some flim-flam!
Jeremy [Retro]
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host
Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy

Flicker, "let her flicker." Let her go.
Flies, (Am.), "no flies on him;" no nonsense about him.
Flim-flam (Old Eng.), nonsense; a stupid story.
Flimsy (Eng.), a Bank of England note.
Flimsy, copying paper used by reporters.
Fling, "to have one's" to indulge or dissipate.
Flip, fresh, fly, impudent.
Flip-flop, a dance or break-down ; a somersault.
Flipper, the hand. Sailor's slang.
Flit (Scotch and Old Eng.), to remove from one house to another.
Floater (Am.), a body found in the river or lake.
Floor (P. R.), to knock down.
Floored, beaten, knocked out.
Floorer, a knock-down blow.
Flop, to fall over suddenly, as one who faints.
Flop (Am.), in politics, to change front on a question.
Fluke (Eng.), an accidental shot at billiards, or indeed anything gained when not expected.
Flume (Am.), in the mining districts "flumes" are used to convey water for the purpose of washing out pay-dirt. A man who dies is said to have "gone up the flume."
Flummery, flattery, gammon, nonsense. The name is also given to a light pudding.
Flummoxed, perplexed. Sometimes pronounced "kerflummixed."
Flunk, to fail, to back out.
Flunkey (Eng.), a man servant or footman.
Flunky, frightened, timid.
Flush (Am.), having plenty of money.
Fogle (Old Cant), a silk handkerchief.
Fogle-faker, a pickpocket.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Getting to Know Me... Co-Host: Jeremy Hawkins

Okay I want to say "Hello" I have been a ghost lurking in the shadows of the Challenge, so I thought to get to know me better by the question you all had a hand in writing. I have been dealing with some "life" issues and sometimes that gets the better of all of us. I thought I might share a photo with my good friend, him and I talk all the time. So on with the show and tell... if you have more questions please ask...

Jeremy [Retro]
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host
Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy

"What rock star would you be?" (The Warrior Muse)
I would be an Alice Cooper type, singing like Cheap Trick meets Rob Zombie with Rush playing background.

"Favorite childhood memory" (Tina)
Meeting Spanky McFarland from The Little Rascals... or meeting Batman at a convenient store he was signing autographs to about 1000 kids.... the good ol' days.

"Would you rather have your own personal sailing ship or spaceship? What would you name your ship?" (L.G. Keltner)
Spaceship... U.S.S. Something... I want to really see what is out there.

"Which is your favorite fictional character and why?" (Mayflow3r)
Oz from the Wizard of Oz... he stood for what we should all stand for, but hidden behind a large curtain.

"Name a movie you watched that exceeded your expectations." (Nicole)
The Avengers... I was able to loose myself for 2hours and 5 minutes.

"Do you know how to 'Gangnam Style?'" (Nicole)
I am still trying to learn the "Macarena" so no and no!

"What is the most unusual thing you have ever given as a gift?" (Matt Conlon)
On my first date with my wife, I gave her a baby pumpkin... she knew then I was the one.

"What makes you cry? (Emotional reasons. Onions don't count.)" (Matt Conlon)
Lately everything from the government to gun violence to being jobless...

"Where do you go to "Get away from it all"?" (Matt Conlon)
Score music, I don't get away too much... I would never find my way back.

"If you could sing any song with the artist who wrote/performed it, what would it be and with whom?" (Tracy Bermeo-A2Z Mommy)
"Love Me" with Elvis... I sang it once at a convention around 30 people who spoke no English, it was the worst/best thing ever.

Thank you for making it to the bottom, if you would like please check out my t-shirt store at "Neatorama"... coming soon some of my newest designs and guess what they are?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Suit Up! Bring Some STYLE to your Challenge!

If you are looking for a bit of flair for your challenge?

26 letters rolling around your head with matching dates for the challenge?

Well look no further if you would like to use our snazzy post letters and our A to Z Challenge [2013] Desktop you are just one click away from that. Look above you see the "Banners/Badges" page if you go there you will see a couple things that you can use. Not only will you look cool, but you will better help us co-host keep track of the participants just by you showing your support.

Or this desktop, last year I found it much easier to not have to flip back and forth to find the right dates it was all in one place... So be cool, look cool and guess what you are... COOL!

And if you want to be cool and wear some cool stuff including "Alex J Cavanaugh's Ninja Army" shirt... you can check out my art/designs at my NEATORAMA shop...

Jeremy [Retro]