Saturday, April 11, 2015

J: Juggling

Don't be as useless as a muggle,
A hundreds things you can juggle.

Dozens of balls to toss and keep in the air,
Doing laundry so you have something to wear.

No time to go to bed and in your pillow snuggle,
Get to that blogging, lots of comments to juggle.

Don't forget to go to work and earn money,
Living in a tent or your car isn't funny.

Being tired and stretched thin makes you lovable,
Hugs to those who can juggle and adorable.

Eat something good and exercise shouldn't be a miss.
Talk to your family and give them some a nice kiss.

There are hundreds of blogs for you to see,
Drink lots of wine, coffee or iced tee.

This blogging party is so much fun,
Even if you can't meet everyone.

How many different things to you juggle each day? What life issues are getting in your way? Your comment doesn't have to rhyme like my post. Your visit is what counts the most.


Rob Z Tobor said...

I juggle as little as I can
Just the A to Z, a couple of cats and being an IT Man

Rob Z Tobor

Martha Reynolds said...

Not a good juggler! One thing at a time.

Unknown said...

Ha, Ha sounds like my life. :)

Anonymous said...

Since retirement I have put down a good many balls....juggling the bare minimum here.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Life is always, always getting in the way... I have trouble walking, now if I tried to juggle... :)

Welcome in the letter "J"... thank you!
Jeremy [Retro]
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

There's no earthly way of knowing.
Which direction we are going!

Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts? said...

This sounds exactly like the writer's life. I'm trying not to miss all the poetry events this year too. Two events in one month makes you a bit of a square eyes.

Anonymous said...

Good post, Susan. I'm trying to juggle 3 blogs and real life. A to Z on Sue’s Trifles

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Most of us have more than a few things to keep going at the same time.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Three blogs is more than I can imagine. I'm on three but two of them are team blogs.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I keep wanting to make more time to attend writing events instead of staying in my writing cave.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You keep a lot of things going, Jeremy. You can probably dance and juggle at the same time.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

That is what retirement is all about.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Juggling cats sounds like a challenge.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Studies show one at a time is the best way.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

And for so many of us.

Jennifer Hawes said...

Writing, editing, family, blogging like a crazy person this month. Can't think of anything else. Oh, wait, there's more: laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, cleaning the entire house constantly because I have kids. Thanks for the great poem!

Arlee Bird said...

What a great "J" topic!! I should have thought of that!

I've been doing a lot of figurative juggling in April. So many blogs that it's been a blur. And still managing to maintain my household duties.

I'm still juggling, but my arms and eyes are getting kind of tired.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Wrote By Rote

Debbie D. said...

A lot of chores have been piling up, plus I've been sick, which doesn't help. Good thing we have Sundays to catch up!

Michelle Wallace said...

I'm just jabbering in a jolly jumble of words that mean jack!
But I'm still jovial and jubilant - happy J-Day!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

At least my kids are older. But the month is almost half over. We'll get through it.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You are a master at it and still keep all your enthusiasm.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Maybe you should rest on Sunday. Take it easy for a day.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Waving back. You always make me smile.

Unknown said...

Juggling is such fun! Thanks for that.

Monica Stoner said...

I'm learning to say NO. Keeping those balls in the air benefits others more than it does me and mine! Blogging has become a way to expand my writing boundaries, and increase my digital friendships.

betty said...

Very cute rhyme :) I think parents learn to juggle a lot LOL when raising kids :) I'm juggling less these days with no kids at home, but like the most of us juggling work, house work, spending time with hubby and the wonderful A/Z challenge!


Stacey Minter said...

Nice post i juggle threw life one day at a time. Being a parent and having a husband who has bipolar can be tuff but i love them both. Stopping by from a-z challange hope you have a good day

Breathing Life said...

yes, I am juggling all the posts I want to read and the comments to reply to. But this challenge is great fun and I loved this poem. Well done.

Jolie du Pre said...

One day at a time. Otherwise, just put me in the nut house.

Precious Monsters

Lisa said...

I practice juggling every day during the Challenge! Sometimes I start to feel overwhelmed, then I try to remember this is supposed to be fun! It does help to know I am not the only juggler out there! Great poem! Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

Unknown said...

I juggle two full time posts for the price of one at work!! With that I juggle being a published author, expert cat wrangler and fish keeper. All while trying to manage a chronic pain condition. Then, apparently I thought I didn't have enough to do, so I signed up for A to Z!! Having lots of fun though :)

TD Harvey
A to Z participant

Unknown said...

Juggling, juggling, juggling, gotta keep on juggling, or I might fall asleep. Lol Very cute blog post.

Dixie@dcrelief said...

I'm out of peanut butter cookies, so my juggling is slipping. Yipes.

#1Nana said...

I'm retired. I've given up juggling to focus on quality napping and vacationing!

Jo said...

These days don't have to do too much juggling. An advantage of being retired. I did try real juggling once, son-in-law tried to teach me. He's good, I stank.

Sandra Wilkes said...

I am going to try to write a poem on my blog. Not today but soon. After all, my post today is Just Do It.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Way too many...

Bread // Queer Little Family said...

Great poem.
J is for Jerk

Unknown said...

I like this witty and funny with a good message

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Fun at times but always necessary.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I could probably do an entire post on saying no. I'm going to keep that in mind.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I know what you mean. I thought I would have more time when the kids grew up but I just keep finding more things to do.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

ONe day at a time is the way to take it.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I know there are so many wonderful blogs out there to follow.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

That's me exactly. I remind myself to relax and have fun.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You can wrangle cats? You are especially gifted.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'll work for peanut butter cookies.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Quality napping sounds like a great plan.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

LOL. My husband is really good at real juggling. I never quite caught on.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I don't really have any gift for writing poems but I've written so many posts I wanted to do something different.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I know you can keep dozens in the air.

Unknown said...

Fun. Thanks for your playfulness. Wonderful! Maria ""

Intangible Hearts said...

Did Arlee put you up to this? Isn't HE the real juggler? Lol I enjoyed your poem.

Anonymous said...

Master juggler here. A bit notorious for it, actually. Ask anyone who knows me, they'll tell you.

Ann V Friend said...


XmasDolly said...

You're right it is so much fun! That's a great word for J. I wouldn't never of thought of that. Good one. I haven't had anyone come visit me except for one man. I hope they start coming soon. I've been hopping here and there when I get a chance, but it's probably been cuz the weather has been so great. Have a great weekend. HUGS

Mary Aalgaard said...

Great poem. I just have three teenage boys, a boyfriend, 18 piano students, 21 elementary students in my theatre workshop, and 12 middle school kids in the other theatre class. Then, there's the other writing assignments and reviews to write. But, I am blogging like a trooper. Having fun with my post hosts Millie and Willie Cottonpoly!
Play off the Page

A Daft Scots Lass said...

I juggle many large house, one full time job, one husband, one pre-teen lassie, one ADHD lassie, three dogs and a very busy social life. I also don't have time to go pee, but a lady can plan and prioritize....MOST OF THE TIME!

Unknown said...

DOn't be a Jackass: Consumer Psyche: J for Jackass

kaykuala said...

Witty fare certainly! Hank is here:


Susan Scott said...

Juggle juggle boil and trouble how does your garden grow
In fits and starts, how smart I art,
And all I can say is hi ho
and yes to juggling! Brilliant post thank you Susan

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Enjoyed your poem. During the week, I juggle 8 hours of work, 1 & 1/2 hours of drive time, Various appointments and shopping excursions, an hour or two of meal preparation, my favorite TV shows, My blogs AtoZ duties, My Minion AtoZ duties, My personal AtoZ fun time, and a smidgen of daughter/son/babyruth/hubby time. It's the most fun I have exhausting myself since I was in my 20's!
Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
with the A to Z Challenge

Sunday Visitor said...

Juggling is truly an art that requires immense skill. Hats off to jugglers and people who juggle multiple roles and responsibilities in their life.

Doreen McGettigan said...

My day job is definitely getting in the way of my writing and my ability to accept more writing work. I can juggle pretty well but every once in a while someone tosses an extra ball...

Anonymous said...

I feel like I don't juggle a lot but am always preoccupied.

Justlittlecajunme said...

Normally I dont have to juggle much but lately' this challenge, wife duties and volunteering is causing me to! But it is all good!

Stephen Tremp said...

Susan, excellent post! Yeah I've been drinking my fair share of wine and coffee too.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post! I can relate to every line. :)