Showing posts with label Heather Gardner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heather Gardner. Show all posts

Monday, February 24, 2014

What Would YOU Like to Know About Your #atozchallenge Co-Hosts?

You may have noticed that we've already had some of the co-hosts introduce themselves to you. We like to do this each year so that you have an idea of who we are, what we do, and so that you can find out some just plain fun or silly facts about us.

In the past, we used a question/answer format where each co-host chose from a list of questions as a basis for how they wrote their “About Me” posts. We're doing it a little differently this year. We are – gasp – free-styling it! Everyone is doing his or her own thing.

For example, since Jeremy was literally laid up with his ankle, we wrote his for him. (In case you were wondering, all million or so of you who left such nice comments, he was really touched by the tremendous support you showed him. As a Team, we are very grateful and say THANK YOU.) Heather's buddy Stormy the Weather Gnome introduced her.

There are still some of us who like the question/answer format and that's where you come in. YOU get to ask the questions! Just as a sample, here are some from the past:

"When writing, do you prefer to compose your first-draft by hand, on your computer, or using Morse Code?" (Mina Lobo)

"If you could sing any song with the artist who wrote/performed it, what would it be and with whom?" (Tracy Bermeo-A2Z Mommy)

"What's more important, space exploration, or under-sea exploration?" (Matt Conlon)

"Name an item that you have too much of." (Nicole)

"Favorite childhood memory" (Tina)

We currently have 34 questions. We are greedy. We want more. We want fresh questions!

We have a great chance for that since we have so many new to the A-Z Challenge participants! As co-hosts, we just love it that more and more people are hearing about this Challenge and joining! But wait! It gets better. This year we have many people who aren't just new to our April adventure, but also new to blogging! Brave people who aren't afraid to say, “Yeah, sure, I'll try that!

We're also just as excited that so many are returning. We have bloggers who are doing this for the 4th and 5th time. In case you haven't heard – this is year 5. It's fun to wander around the list meeting people (you are doing that, right?) and seeing the “A-Z Survivor” badges which you get when you're done. I think they're kinda like gold medals...

So hit us with your best questions. Anything goes. Not saying that a co-host will be brave enough to answer your outrageous question...but there's always the chance. (Honestly, it will most likely be me since I'm NOT the shy one in the group...)

~Tina, for the A to Z Team

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Special Challenge Participant Feature – Stormy the Weather Gnome!

During the Challenge, Stormy took us on a hilarious adventure. (For those who missed it, go visit Heather Gardner’s site, The Waiting is the Hardest Part.) I wanted to find out more about Gnome behind the Indiana Jones outfit and asked Stormy to join us here today!

Stormy, tell us what you did for the A to Z Challenge?

Well, Alex, let me first just say thanks for having me today.

I mostly just took others on a tour of my daily life. I travel extensively and have a very exciting lifestyle. I just wanted to share what it’s like to, you know, be me.

What was your favorite adventure?

It’s really a toss-up between climbing the Matterhorn and being a guest on Survivor. I certainly am a lucky gnome to experience any of my adventures.

You went on a date during the Challenge that didn’t go well. Who will you ask out next?

Yeah. If anyone knows anything about restraining orders please send me an email.

I’m actually interested in asking out this gargoyle I met. She’s not the prettiest or the most talkative but she doesn’t have a trunk load of emotional baggage either, if you know what I mean.

How do you know so much about the weather?

Like any weather gnome worth his salt, I graduated from the International Weather Institute. Actually I’m joking, there’s no such place.

I just stand outside in the weather a lot and you get to be familiar with things after a while.

Ever suffered from foot fungus, mold, or moss?

Who told you about the moss? It’s no big deal really. Some ointment and a little oil based paint and it’ll clear right up.

What did you think of the movie Gnomeo and Juliet?

To be honest, I haven’t seen it. There was this huge, you know, Union thing with the gnomes and the movie studio. It was like a hot mess.

What character would you like to be in a movie?

I don’t think there’s doubt in anyone’s mind that I could be the next 007.

What was your scariest moment?

To be honest, it was trying to tame all those tigers. When that rare gray & white tiger attacked I thought I was a gnoner!

What was one adventure you didn’t get to complete for the A to Z Challenge?

I really wanted to go surfing. Catch a wave. Hang two. It would have been a blast.

Will you participate in the A to Z Challenge again?

I might. I could come up with Stormy’s Bucket List and do all the things I haven’t tried yet. Ride a Harley. Jump from an airplane. Kiss a girl gnome.

What’s next for Stormy?

Really, I’m just waiting and hoping for that next big weather event. Maybe I’ll head out west and chase a storm or two. Maybe take a walk on the wild side and catch up with El Nino and La Nina! Or maybe, I’ll just take a nap!

Thanks, Stormy! Be sure to visit Stormy and Heather at The Waiting is the Hardest Part.
Co-host Ninja Captain Alex is the author of CassaStar and CassaFire and his blog can be found HERE