Showing posts with label Theater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Theater. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Announcing The Nineties Blogfest with David Black

Please join me in welcoming Ninja Captain Alex's friend, David Black. Alex participated in David's  previous blogfest celebrating the years 2000 to 2009 (The Noughties...tee hee) and recommends that we join David's next party. I for sure am in! Sounds like lots of fun, and remember, you always meet new people when you join a party!  

Nostalgia is a funny thing. We look back and time concertinas so that objects in your rear view mirror appear closer than they are. We are all a product of our past and sometimes popular culture is the only tie that bind. Last year I ran The Noughties Blogfest. I had written Review-Of-The-Year type posts of my favourite Films/TV/Music/Books/Comics etc from the years 2009 to 2000 and invited people to suggest their own favourite things from each year of the decade.

Now I've almost finished writing about the Nineties as well. So I would like to take this opportunity to invite you all to join in with The Nineties Blogfest on the 15th of October.

Choose one thing from each year from 1990 to 1999, be it a film, a TV show, a radio show, a particular episode of a TV or radio show, a piece of theatre, a book, a comic, a song, an album, a gig, a piece of artwork, something online or something else entirely, and then tell us what you love about it.

Now head on over to his house and sign up!  Tell 'em Tina and Alex sent you.

Monday, April 23, 2012

A to Z Post - T by Matthew

This post is brought to you by one of the April A to Z Challenge co-hosts: Matthew MacNish.

I think next year we're going to do these posts a day late, so that we can consider featuring the best posts we read the day before.

Anyway, for now I'll just be mentioning some awesome things that start with T, followed by one blog post from a participant I know you guys will love.

Titans - they're really tall.

Tartan - slainte!

Theater - movies and plays.

Tetris - from Russia with fun!

Toll Booth - phantom ones, not real ones.

Trains - choo, choo!

The Triple Option - it's an offense in football, run by Georgia Tech.

And now, let me point you to a blogger whose posts for the A to Z Challenge I've been enjoying very much. Joe Lunievicz has been going with a Greek theme, and his post for today, T is for Tartaras, is a great one.