Friday, May 2, 2014

Easy Friday #atozchallenge

A Big Thanks!

      Hope everyone is catching up with some rest and relaxation after the conclusion of this fantastic A to Z Challenge of 2014.   It was a good one in my eyes and I wanted to take a moment to thank the incredible crew of co-hosts that we had this year.   So much creative input and active participation from everyone from this blog, to the Facebook page, to the Twitter Chats, and everything else that went on from the A to Z Team.   Be sure to stop by all of their blogs to give your gratitude.

         Here is the A to Z Team with their links:

Arlee Bird: Tossing it Out
Alex J. Cavanaugh: Alex J. Cavanaugh
Stephen Tremp: Author Stephen Tremp
Tina Downey: Life is Good
Damyanti Biswas: Amlokiblogs
Jeremy Hawkins: [Being Retro]
Nicole Ayers: The Madlab Post
M. J. Joachim: M. J. Joachim's Writing Tips
Heather M. Gardner: The Waiting is the Hardest Part
AJ Lauer: Naturally Sweet
Pam Margolis: An Unconventional Librarian - 

         Also at the tab at the top labeled "Co-host Helpers and Assistants (2014)" you'll find the list of the folks who provided invaluable assistance in helping monitor the list and spreading goodwill throughout the blogs.  Be sure to visit these bloggers as well to show your appreciation.

Don't Forget Monday!

         Yes, this coming Monday May 5th  we'll open the list for you to add the link that goes directly to your A to Z Reflections Post.  This is the time when you let your thoughts about April be known and to make suggestions to make next year's Challenge better.  Some of these posts are already up and you can put yours up anytime between now and Friday May 9th when the Linky List will close.  Don't forget to add the link to your Reflections Post when the list opens on Monday.  

A Badge for You


        Most of all we want to thank you the participants.   The part you played in April was the real success of A to Z.   If you finished the 2014 A to Z Challenge be sure to grab the survivor badge to add to your own site.   And be watching the A to Z Blog for more post-Challenge news.  April may be over, but there's still more to come for A to Z.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting together a great challenge!

Rob Z Tobor said...

I enjoyed doing it again.. . . . . may be back again next year, although there is one thing I do not plan to do again. . . .

Sandy said...

Thanks,. enjoyed it more this year; but still so many frustrations with people not leaving reasonable links to their blogs instead of 12 other places. Added the new badge and made note of Monday the 5th. Am continuing to blog in a-z style during the month of focus is Spain.
Sandy at Traveling Suitcase

Romi said...

I can't thank you enough.
I had a very good time during the challenge, and I hope to participate next year, too.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

It was another awesome year - over two thousand participants!

Michelle Stanley said...

It was been a rewarding experience for me, and hope to do it again. It was a well organised event.

Jo said...

Dunno how all you co-hosts managed with so many blogs. I think you need more co-hosts next year.

Unknown said...

This was so much fun! Looking forward to the reflections posts as well!
HUGE thanks to all you guys who put this together!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

Chrys Fey said...

Oh, my first A to Z Survivor badge. Love it! :D

pamlovesbooks said...

can't wait for next year!

cheerfuloptimistic said...

Amusingly for me, May 5 is the first day after my reflections that I post something.

Anonymous said...

It was a great challenge this year. I had so much fun. Thanks.

Birgit said...

This was my first time and not my last. A huge endeavor and the people who started this and planned it and supervised it-a great big thank you and great job!!!

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Arlee.
Good to be here after the Marathone!!!
Nice to know about the adventure and
we all survived !!!
Thanks ones again for this great opportunity
you and your team provided for us,
Hey do you have the html code for the badge?
Thanks again for sharing this badge to us
Have a happy weekend

Choki Gyeltshen said...

Thank you for organizing such a great challenge.

J Lenni Dorner said...

And looking forward to both the refelection post and the next "road trip"!
Stopping by from the #atozchallenge !

Unknown said...

Thank you, Lee, for thinking of this challenge, and for leading us on through the years.

Damyanti, My Latest post

Michael Di Gesu said...

Congrats ALL!

I love the reflections posts. They were so awesome last year. I'm really looking forward to them!

Unknown said...

Enjoyed being a part of A-Z.

Anonymous said...

Wait for my reflections post expressing my thoughts about the past incredible month.

Tina said...

Thanks to all of you wonderful participants who made this year such a success! I'm looking forward to reading all of your Reflections - that's where I usually start my Road Trip (all the info about this optional, casual, at your own pace event will be here on Tuesday 5/6).
Thanks to my hard-working fellow co-hosts, our fearless leader and founder, and to all the fantastic minions! It truly takes a village to make this happen ;-)
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

Jolie du Pre said...

My third year and another successful challenge. I had fun, but this will be my last year. (Of course, I said that last year. Ha Ha!)

My 2014 A to Z Reflection Post

J Lenni Dorner said...

F5, F5, F5...
It's Monday!
No, I'm not excited about the Reflection post.... why do you ask?
F5, F5, F5...

Beloo Mehra said...

This was my first time, and I enjoyed the experience. Will be writing my reflection post soon, but in the meantime a big thanks to the entire A-Z team for making this such a fun event.

Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal

Lynda Dietz said...

First experience, great experience! I've posted my reflections and am looking forward to reading about everyone else's experiences.

Mary Aalgaard said...

A big thanks to all of you for working so hard to make this big blog challenge happen and run smoothly. I used the letters provided this year. Thank you for designing and providing them. They really do help in identifying who is really participating. Go. Create. Inspire!
Play off the Page