Monday, March 16, 2015

Themes. Themes. Themes.

The first year I did the A to Z, I didn't use a theme. To be honest, I didn't know that most people did use themes. I didn't do much advanced planning that year, either. Every morning I wrote a post, alphabetical, of course, so I got that right. And I visited as many blogs as my nimble brain and fingers allowed, then I patted myself on the back. Great job!

What I discovered was the bloggers who created thematic posts were the most interesting to visit. Guess what? The second year I had a theme.

To wax a bit nostalgic  here are some of the themes that I thought were the most exciting in the 2014. I couldn't get around to the hundreds out there, so I know there were others I would have put on this list.  Here are a few that I returned to daily and really enjoyed.

Why were these among my favs? Here are the qualities these bloggers brought to the Challenge.
They were

  • informative
  • humorous
  • fun with puzzles or games to play
  • short or with lots of white space
  • well-written
  • easy on the eye (no fancy dark background with green fonts or flashing gifs)
  • no word verification

This year I'm looking forward to finding more favorites, and I have a feeling that the themes I'll gravitate to will have these qualities.

Ready? Set? Almost GO!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Post A to Z Road Trip! - Stormy and I Pahk the Cah in the Gahrage.

It's been almost a year since Tina and Nicole asked me to be a part of the Road Trip.

I was thrilled and honored to be asked by them, two women that I highly admire.

I still have all of Tina's emails, about the Challenge and the Road Trip, and I still get choked up when I see them.
We miss you, Tina.

Nicole did a fantastic job on the Road Trip. I enjoyed working with her very much.

Stormy and I had an incredible journey going through so many wonderful blogs. I hope we shared a few that you found interesting, informative, and fun. That was our intent.

Stormy and I will be putting the ol' Road Trip car in park and unpacking our bags, but we wanted to say thank you to those of you that came along for the ride.

Tom Cochrane - Life Is A Highway

You can come see us anytime at my blog, The Waiting is the Hardest Part.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Characters Who Blog

We're less than a month away from the kick-off of the A to Z Challenge, so I thought I'd give you a little inspiration in the form of one of the best literary and film characters of all time. He's certainly one of the most quotes, for his catchphrase is hard to forget . . . 

I hope you enjoyed my take on what Inigo Montoya's A to Z Blog might look like. And I hope it did it's part to get you a little more excited about the upcoming challenge. If you haven't already signed up, there's still time! 

And if you want to get people excited about your theme for this year's A to Z, don't forget to sign up for The Great and Powerful Theme Reveal blogfest happening on March 23rd. Sign up here and join us!

Happy Wednesday everyone, and as always, happy blogging!

S. L. Hennessy can be found blogging at Pensuasion