Saturday, April 23, 2016

Tell us about your fave #AtoZChallenge Twitter Moments!

It's Letter T Day! And I want to talk to you about Twitter.

Are you on Twitter? If you are, leave your "handle" below. My handle is @pamlovesbooks and if you haven't figured out by now I love to talk books!

But I can talk about things other than books. What I'm wondering today, as the A to Z Challenge winds down, is how do you use Twitter? 

Have you participated in the Twitter chats? They are Thursdays at 9pm Eastern (NY) and during March they were also on Saturday mornings. The reason I ask is because I've seen alot of you on Twitter during the #azchats. But some of you I haven't seen on the chats and haven't had the chance to get to know you. Perhaps the chat times are inconvenient for you  or perhaps you didn't know about them or perhaps you don't use Twitter. Whatever the reason for not getting to know us better at the chats here's your chance to chat with me or any of the other co hosts. 

I can only speak for myself, but I am always on Twitter. I like to see what everyone's eating for brekkies, what book you are reading, or what blogs you like best during the A to Z Challenge. I like to rhyme and I've been told by some that I've been helpful when it comes to thinking of words for their challenge posts. Do you need help rhyming? Do you need last minute help with word for X? Do you need an idea for dinner because your brain is so fried from doing the A to Z Challenge? Whatever you need, I'm here to help. Remember, I'm a librarian and we love to help. 

And because it's T day, here's a tiger in a wheelbarrow.

Ok I know it's a lion but how funny is that?

The point is I'm waiting to chat with you on Twitter. 

I can chat, with a hat, and a bat, and my cat, whose hair is flat and almost ate a gnat.

See? Told you I could rhyme.


Give me a dime

or go eat a lime. 

Either way, I've brightened your day and and now that you've had a moment to play, you can get back to the A to Z Challenge.  

I hope I've made you smile. 

For a little while. 

Sorry, I can't help it. 

(must not type rhyme)

Enjoy your day off and we'll see you for the last week of The A to Z Challenge!!

p.s. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and say Hello.

Friday, April 22, 2016

What's your #atozchallenge Story?

Hi, friendly neighborhood storyteller here.

What's your story?

The A to Z challenge is one place where it is okay to make things personal. Chances are, if you did the Theme Reveal, you told us why you picked the theme you are doing. But even if you don't have a theme, you can still have a story.

Why do you blog?
What got you started?
What are the things that you are passionate about?
What are the stories you want to share with the rest of the world?

One place to tell your story will be during the A to Z Reflections in May. Tell us about your journey! The successes, the challenges, the encounters. Things you learned, things you enjoyed, treasures you found. Reflections help us look back on a crazy, hectic, chaotic, scrambling April (or is that just me?...) and see the story we have just been through. And say WOW.
(Or something like "wait... did I really just do that?...)

Find your Story!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

R is always going to be for RETRO!

I am here to say HELLO.... HELLO, I have gone missing from the start of the year and you all may have noticed this? I have been working on a new project, well a revamp of something I have been working on for our "8" year and well it's been great. I would rather show you and let you all decide if it's worthy of your attentions. It's called "SIX STRINGS" it's a free magazine for your Ipad, E.T.C and it's about everything I love. I made a special A TO Z EDITION of the you can get it here:

Not to mention the very lovable letters that you see above created by our friend Mark Kelly and our CHALLENGE T-SHIRT [CLICK ME] is located at the end of this magazine. So get a sneak peak at it, as it will be available soon. I hope you all have been enjoying this 2016 Challenge... thanks to all the host, co-hosts, minions and of course you guys.

Jeremy [RETRO]

Alphabet Letters Designed by Mark Kelly

Designed by Jeremy Hawkins
