Thursday, May 29, 2014

Gary Pennick Guest Reflection from the Alphabark Challenge

Today we have the amazing privilege of having one of the most infamous A-Z affiliated bloggers (and I say affiliated since he has never really, though that's up for debate... participated in any of the A-Z Challenges)  graciously allowing us to use his satirical Reflection Pawst.

To really understand how special this is, you need to know that Gary does the Challenge in his own way.  One year it was backwards through the alphabet, this year he had his Alphabark Challenge, run by Penny, the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar.

Despite his "disdain" for a month long Challenge which "hogs the blogosphere" he probably does more to promote our endeavors than most.  We love our Gary and his trusty sidekick, and graciously thank him for all he does behind the scenes for us.  Take it away Gary and Penny!

The Alphabark Challenge, 2014! Reflection Pawst.

"A" if for "Arf!"
I'm having a laugh

"B" if for "Bark"
Sometimes I snark

"C" is for "Chihuahua"
Hello, how are ya? 

"D" is for "Dog"
A pawblished blog

"E" is for "eekPawblishing"
If that's your thing

"F" is for "Feline"
Having a whine

"G" is for "Gary"
How very scary

"H" is for "Howl"
Without a scowl

"I" is for "Insect"
A bug I detect

"J" is for "Jack Russell"
The dogs that hustle

"K" is for "Klahanie"
Pawmoting I see

"L" is for "Loon"
A Canadian tune

"M" is for "Metrosexual"
Such a transport ball 
On all things Metro
Didn't you know.

"N" is for "Noodles"
Oodles of noodles
You stick them in water
Just like you ought ta
And what have you got
One silly noodle stuck to the pot

"O" is for "Ogopogo"
Way to go, go, go
Canadian lake creature
Is what we feature
Ogopogo can kick Nessie's rear
Take that, you Loch Ness dear

"P" is for "Poodle"
Which rhymes with noodle
Doggy jumps through hoops
And you scoop its poops

"Q" is for "Query"
Hi pawblisher, deary

"R" is for "Rivet"
Don't you forget
The noise of a frog
Over there on a log
There you go
I toad you so

"S" is for "Sasquatch"
Go have a watch
Don't say, "Big Foot"
Or you might be kaput

"T" is for "Toadstool"
How very cool
No, not that load
Not a stool from a toad

"U" is for "Unread"
Start over, instead

"V" is for "Vacuum" 
Instead of a broom
Knowing my luck
My vacuum wont suck

"W" is for "Weird"
Oh, how they cheered
For the Alphabark
That's having a lark
Not lark as in bird
Haven't you heard

"X" is for "Xerox"
Photocopy your cocks
Place your butt on the screen
How very obscene

"Y" is for "Y am I doing this?"
Am I taking the p**s?
Look below
And you will know

"Z" is for "Zest"
My good-natured jest
I did this with Zeal
How do you feel? 

The above, a recap
That makes you clap.
Sadly, my friend
We've come to the end
That sums it up
From this lovable pup
Just one last thing
I do bring.
The reflection pawst
From your cordial host
The Alphabark Challenge
My friendly revenge. 

Gary blogs at Klahanie, where his goal is to take away the stigma of mental illness and to spread kindness, love and peace to all who visit.  Please go say hi.  You'll make a great new friend!


Rob Z Tobor said...

Always good to see you involved in the A to Z Mr G and Penny. . . . . I still think you secretly like it. I must try it one year it looks like fun. . . . . . . . . .

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Tina and Gary .. glad to see Penny here .. and I love the Alphabark Reflections .. it's always good to have a different take on the A-Z ... by one special BlogPen ... cheers to the three of you .. Hilary

Annalisa Crawford said...

Gary and Penny always brighten my day. I'm going to query, one day, with the line "Hello Publisher, deary" :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gary and Penny rock!! Such awesome supporters.

Vidya Sury said...

Gary! And Penny the Pawesome! Always a pleasure to read your words. I loved your "reflections" over at your place and l love it here! ♥

Jo said...

I enjoy Gary and Penny very much. Loved the Alphabark challenge and now Penny has taken up flying for Blog Air who knows where it will end?

Michelle Wallace said...

Gary and Penny are the "pawfect" duo...
What a great reflection pawst!

Tina said...

So glad you're here today, Gary! Thanks for allowing us your Pawst ;-)
Tina @ Life is Good
On the Open Road! @ Join us for the 4th Annual Post-Challenge Road Trip!

Birgit said...

This was a very fun read and love the doggie pic

klahanie said...

Hi human, Mr. R.,

The A to Zed fills me with dread. As you know, the A to Zed is all in your head. Arf! You might try the amazing alphabet challenge and yay, The Alphabark Challenge, 2015!

Seriously, my alleged grumpy human friend, you are an integral part of the A to Z. You know you are.

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny, the cordial host of The Alphabark Challenge, 2014!

klahanie said...

Hi human, Hilary,

Lovely to see you on this site. Although I should pawbably sneak out real quick. Cheers to you and all you do, my kind human friend.

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny, the cordial host of The Alphabark Challenge, 2014!

klahanie said...

Hi human, Annalisa,

You are very kind to say that. Thank you. Or I might say, "Q" is for "Query"
Hi pawblisher, deary," Of course, I'm a highly acclaimed pawblisher!

Thank you, dear human, Annalisa.

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny, the cordial host of The Alphabark Challenge, 2014!

klahanie said...

Hi human, Alex,

You are way too kind. Of course, my esteemed human friend, I'm a pawesome, ironic supporter. Thank you and I'm still waiting for that clone machine.

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny, the cordial host of The Alphabark Challenge, 2014!

klahanie said...

Hi human, Vidya,

How wonderful of you to visit this site. I might just hijack this site and may change it a bit:) I'm glad you liked my literal reflection pawst! :)

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny, the cordial host of The Alphabark Challenge, 2014!

klahanie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
klahanie said...

Hi human, Jo,

My human and I, even though he's the fictional character, thank you for such thoughtful words. Oh yes, I'm Penny the pawlet on BlogAir, the blogger's favourite airline :)

Thank you, dear human, Jo.

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny, the cordial host of The Alphabark Challenge, 2014!

klahanie said...

I hate it when this type of comment format skips all the way down to the bottom! Arf!

klahanie said...

Hi human, Michelle,

Pawfect pawetic pawsuasion pawhaps :)
Thank you for liking my reflection pawst!

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny, the cordial host of The Alphabark Challenge, 2014!

klahanie said...

Hi human, Tina,

Thank you for considering my fictional human and I to guest pawst on your A to Z site. The epitome of irony and the good natured spirit is greatly apawciated. We value your human friendship and your peaceful, pawsitive pawspective.

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny, the cordial host of The Alphabark Challenge, 2014!

klahanie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
klahanie said...

Hi human, Birgit,

That's very nice of you, my kind human friend. Delighted you like my doggy photo. You may become my favourite human :)

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny, the cordial host of The Alphabark Challenge, 2014!

Unknown said...

Penny, you and your human Gary are a hoot, not to mentions some of the best folk I've had the good fortune to meet on the inernet-- wishing you well, and hoping to bug you some more next year with the Alphabets, lol.

klahanie said...

Darned comment format! It did it again! Arf! and Arf!

klahanie said...

Hi human, Damyanti,

Wow! Surprised to see you here, my wonderful human friend! LOL. Very nice of you to say. And yes, fictional Gary and I just love to hoot. We are both blessed in knowing such a dear, caring human as you, Damyanti. The alphabet? Okay, I look forward to you co-hosting, The Alphabark Challenge, 2015!

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny, the cordial host of The Alphabark Challenge, 2014!

Mary Aalgaard said...

Really cute. Fun to read this mawning.
Play off the Page

Unknown said...

Argh, Ruff, ruff, ruff. Woof, woof. Argh. That means I smiled all the way through. Will head over to check out your regular website too. Hope your pawsappy day today. Bowwow. Maria @ Delight Directed Living

klahanie said...

Hi human, Mary,

Thank you very much, my delightful human friend :) I wish you a peaceful weekend.

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny, the cordial host of The Alphabark Challenge, 2014!

klahanie said...

Hi human, Maria,

I'm liking your talking. Almost bordering on Jack Russellian. Your smile is a pawsitive result and I'm grateful for that. Hope you have a pawesome weekend, my human friend. Arf! Arf! :)

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny, the cordial host of The Alphabark Challenge, 2014!

Arlee Bird said...

Today the A to Z Blog, next year the actual Challenge when finally see the "Klahanie" link on the Challenge list.

Thanks for having fun with our bit of blog-foolery.

What is the best short story ever written?
Tossing It Out

klahanie said...

Aha, it's my good human friend, Lee.

Now that sounds like all the making of another blog hop. "The Challenge Klahanie to Join the A to Z, Blog Hop." You can take credit for setting up such a blog hop. You are very welcome.

The good natured fun is really what it's all about, my human friend.

Um, the best short story ever written was by ME!

Pawsitive wishes and have a good weekend,


Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Loved the pawst! I give you one big scratch behind the right ear and three belly rubs!
Life & Faith in Caneyhead

klahanie said...

Hi human, Barbara,

Glad you loved my pawst, dear human. One big scratch behind my floppy right ear is pawesome. And three belly rubs! I'm in doggy heaven!

Have a pawsitive rest of your weekend, Barbara.


Melissa said...

A classic!
Love ya, Gar- I mean Penny. :)

klahanie said...

Hey Melissa!

Penny thanks you and I thank you, yes me, Gary, her alleged human! :)