Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Characters Who Blog

It's a brand new year, a time for resolutions (some of which you'll actually keep) and fresh starts. And soon it'll be time for A to Z sign-ups, yay! I hope you've all started thinking about what topics or themes you might want to write about, maybe even started drafting a blog or two. I thought I'd give you all a little inspiration in the form of one of my all time favorite literary characters. Check out what Alice might blog about during the month of April . . . 

Stay tuned for A to Z sign-ups coming your way at the end of the month. And of course check back in here for tips and helpful hints about the best blogging challenging in the blog-o-sphere. Happy Wednesday and, as always, happy blogging! 


Michelle Wallace said...

It IS the best blogging challenge in the blog-o-sphere!

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

I have my theme picked out. Musical Memories. And I have the Alphabet assigned to April with possible daily post topics applied. Can't wait! Life & Faith in Caneyhead

Suzanne said...

Love those ideas of what Alice might blog about! My topic only decided to make itself known to me last week - was beginning to panic! x

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

I have a theme that I'm pretty much settled on, and then I get more ideas! Sheesh. Maybe I should write them all up and then roll them out over the next couple of years. *LOL*

betty said...

Alice's blogging from A/Z sounds intriguing :) I actually do have a theme picked out and am starting to get ideas for it. I look forward to the sign ups later this month :)


Anonymous said...

I have my theme (ish) and a few of the letters figured out :-) This will be my first big writing challenge. Really looking forward to it!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Another great theme even though I don't care much for Alice. The Challenge is getting close.

Christy B said...

Great theme you've picked out there! I like Alice, no doubt about it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lewis Carroll - master of the drugs!

J Lenni Dorner said...

Yay! So fun. :)

#1Nana said...

Looking forward to it! I'm going to start worrying about X, Y, and Z now.

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Gee, I guess it's time I started to think about what kind of theme I might want to do. Wish I had enough characters to have one of them blog each day!

Unknown said...

Never heard of this before, sounds interesting. Must there be a theme though?