Showing posts with label 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2022. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

#AtoZChallenge Dream of Victory

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The team's theme of the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge this year is:

Dreams are potential; they're what could be. Because you dream them in your mind, they're real to you. That's a kind of duality— potential versus real-to-only-you. If you were dreaming about doing the A to Z Challenge before April it was in your mind, and if you finish the challenge in a few days, getting a VICTORY, it will go from potential to actual.

"Holographic duality is a mathematical conjecture that attempts to connect theories of particles and their interactions and the theory of gravity."
Check that out. Scientists have been dreaming of figuring out what's inside a black hole. Thanks to some duality, that dream might come true, meaning a victory for the scientific community. 

Have you ever wondered about black holes? 

#AtoZChallenge 2022 alternative badge bloglovin

Instagram Facebook logo @atozchallenge
Twitter @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
Please follow us on social media.

File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself! Click this:
Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!
Get your 2022 merchandise here:  2022 merchandise #atozchallenge

Monday, April 25, 2022

#AtoZChallenge U is for “Unstoppable”

#AtoZChallenge 2022 tribute badgeThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is AVvXsEjmbf78HPGIq-xpaJZpDLgRlmf4Aa9xZDcttCTlEqjNdHPHCUUMsc8RCmzgVJ8riugloHysL-1InH7L7qpMMpAUvxETnFiZARmgt_rpVUcWdkE_3seYXWguvU7ayQvmHH03Z5eaVfNeR9gN04FqZirJQ-ubkaQbKovaEPFxslHttF-iVwikWzydbZW_iA

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The team's theme of the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge this year is:


How are you faring, A to Z Challenge writers?! Have you found yourself unable to keep up with the seemingly unrelenting pace of the Challenge so far?

For those of you who are struggling, it's totally understandable if unforeseen circumstances have caused you to fall behind. Try not to get upset or put unnecessary pressure on yourself . . . unless your goal is to give yourself an ulcer

As long as you continue to write, post, and comment as much as you can up until the end, you will be unquestionably supported by an understanding A to Z community and applauded for not giving up.

Whether this is your first time undertaking the Challenge or you've done so several times before, we are all united under the umbra of the blogging community umbrella with the same urgent goal in mind — to finish what we've started.

So, stand unperturbed in the face of unpredictable life events and unknown forces seeking to upend the consistency of your efforts. If you are still churning out unique blog posts at this stage, you should pat yourself on the back for your unwavering determination. You've come a long way.

Now, all that's left to do is use the momentum you've built up to become unstoppable

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Have you encountered any unexpected life events that have thrown off your
posting schedule? If so, how did you work around it or bounce back?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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Instagram Facebook logo @atozchallenge

Twitter @AprilA2Z@AprilA2Z

Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
Please follow us on social media.

File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself!
Click this:

Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!

Get your 2022 merchandise here: 
2022 merchandise #atozchallenge

Friday, April 22, 2022

#AtoZChallenge The Shattered Letter S

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The team's theme of the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge this year is:

Today the letter S gets some attention. 

When I set out to write this post, it occurred to me that I’d always accepted our ABC system and never questioned how it developed or who was responsible. It turns out to be a very complicated answer. 

A quick examination—very quick—places the beginning of our alphabet in the 2nd millennium BCE in Egypt. Semitic-speaking slaves who couldn’t understand the complex hieroglyphics, developed simpler phonetic symbols to communicate. A few thousand years later…well, we have 26 letters that we start learning on Sesame Street. 

Thank you, ancient people, for starting the system that gave us those beautiful letters so we could create words.  I’m quite sure that I, for one, wouldn’t be writing books if I had to do so in Egyptian hieroglyphics. 

While the alphabet is always important to me, S has been a special letter these past few months because I just published another book—Shattered, A Story of Betrayal and Courage

Some readers who have enjoyed the story say: 

“So. Much. Fun. I had so much fun reading this and the characters were super interesting including the dynamics the characters have created. I really loved this!—Nora Fatima (Bookseller)

“I really enjoyed the mystery to this. We are given random chapters called “the arrangement” that give clues to the fact that Libby’s accident wasn’t an accident after all and was actually orchestrated by a rival skier (or was it?)  I liked the character growth we see in not just Libby but some of the side characters as well. This story felt real and painful and I honestly was hooked from the first page. The twist ending made my thriller self very happy and in the end this was a really heartwarming story.”— Kortnie R., Reviewer 


C. Lee McKenzie


I'm a native Californian who grew up in a lot of different places; then landed in the Santa Cruz Mountains. I write most of the time, hike and practice yoga a lot, and then travel whenever I can. 

In my young adult books, I take on modern issues that today's teens face in their daily lives. My Evernight Teen Publication, Double Negative was voted as one of the best top ten Young Adult books, 2019. My other books, The Princess of Las Pulgas, Sliding on the Edge, Sudden Secrets, Not Guilty, and Shattered are out to four and five-star reviews.  
If you visit my website and sign up for my Email Connect (emails two times a month)there's a free short story for you! Please stop by.

In Shattered, nineteen-year-old Libby Brown's big dream is winning gold the winter Olympics. ๐Ÿฅ‡ What's your big dream?

#AtoZChallenge 2022 alternative badge bloglovin

Instagram Facebook logo @atozchallenge
Twitter @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
Please follow us on social media.

File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself! Click this:
Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!
Get your 2022 merchandise here:  2022 merchandise #atozchallenge

Thursday, April 14, 2022

#AtoZChallenge L IS FOR LAST

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The team's theme of the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge this year is:

Welcome to L in the A to Z Challenge! Former Challenge co-host Alex here to tell you why L is for LAST.
#atozchallenge Alex

Last sounds for final, so ending. And we might feel like we’ve reached the last.

Maybe you feel like this is the last Challenge you can handle. Maybe today is the last letter and you’re tossing it in.
But what if it’s not the last? What if you just think this is the last? After all, humans are rather stubborn creatures. We don’t like to lose, either. We might say this is the last, but then the mind goes to work telling us why we just can’t quit now, why this isn’t the last time. We let those natural instincts to succeed take over and guess what—this isn’t the last.
My last full length novel came out in 2015, and outside of some short stories and published articles, I thought that would be the last one. I held on to that belief for a long time, content with it. Until an idea came to me, and I realized I wasn’t satisfied with the word last. I knew I could write another one. And I did—CassaDark, my fifth novel, was published earlier this month.

So, if you’re thinking this might be the end, the last post you do for the Challenge, think again! If I can write an entire novel, you can manage another blog post. You can write another two weeks of blog posts! Make that your goal—Z will be the last.

Alex J. Cavanaugh works in web design and graphics, and he plays guitar in a Christian band. A fan of all things science fiction, his interests range from books and movies to music and games. Online he is known as Ninja Captain Alex and he’s the founder of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. 

By Alex J. Cavanaugh

His world is unraveling…

Bassan’s father is stepping down from command. His best friend almost dies when Bassan freezes. Now, he’s being sent across the galaxy to speak at an important conference. Despite saving the eleven races years ago, he’s paralyzed by fear and doubt. Could things get any worse?

Once there, new acquaintance Zendar convinces Bassan to visit his planet for a humanitarian mission. Bassan’s special connection to ancient technology is the key to saving Zendar’s people. One problem though—it’s a prisoner planet.

On Ugar, he discovers things aren’t so straightforward. As each secret reveals itself, the situation grows more desperate. If he can’t find the right answers, he might die along with Zendar’s people. Can Bassan summon the courage to be a hero again?

Trade paperback, 226 pages, Dancing Lemur Press, LLC
Science fiction - Adventure (FIC028010) / Space Opera (FIC028030) / Space Exploration (FIC028130)
Print ISBN 9781939844842 $16.95 / eBook ISBN 9781939844859 $4.99


Alex made a dream come true when he published another book. What dream of yours are you making come true this year?

#AtoZChallenge 2022 alternative badge bloglovin

Instagram Facebook logo @atozchallenge
Twitter @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
Please follow us on social media.

File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself! Click this:
Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!
Get your 2022 merchandise here:  2022 merchandise #atozchallenge

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

#AtoZChallenge K Is for KNIGHT RISE

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The team's theme of the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge this year is:



Hat’s off to J, Arlee, and the others for allowing me to commandeer the blog (and the letter K) for a little self-promotion. I participated in the A-Z Challenge many moons ago and I remember what a fun time I had.

This year’s theme of Accomplishing Your Dreams is very appropriate for me, which is why I’m choosing to talk about just that with the letter K. I started my publishing journey a dozen years ago, right about the same time I began my own blog. Six novels and numerous short-stories later, it’s finally happening. It was a long road getting here, but it was a journey I thoroughly enjoyed (even if it was a bit frustrating at times). Making your dreams come true isn’t something that necessarily happens over night — I’m living proof of that — so stay committed!

KNIGHT RISE is my first foray into publishing. My mystery/suspense novel debuted last November, published by Wild Lark Books, and I’m pleased to report it has been well-received (4.80 rating on Goodreads). The reception was so positive that a follow up book (FALLEN KNIGHT) is scheduled for a June 1st release.

What’s the first book about? Here’s a summary – 

A picture containing Knight rise cover

A group of middle-aged friends embark on a sentimental quest.

A female Private Eye obsessed with a decades-old unsolved murder.

A killer trying to erase an old mistake, along with anyone in his way.

Twenty-nine years ago, Lee Hamilton was a college student having fun with friends on Spring break in sunny Florida. It was there that he met the beautiful and unforgettable Andi Taylor. They spent a magical week together. Lee was confident it would go somewhere. Then, months later, he received word that she had died.

Many years later, Lee is a widower, his own children now away at college, and after having fallen out of touch with his old college friends, Lee turns to his blog as an outlet. Taken by nostalgia, he writes about his week with Andi and unexpectedly sets off a dangerous string of events that will reunite him with old friends but could cost them all their lives.

KNIGHT RISE is a fast-paced, intriguing page-turner with a lot of heart. Follow this crew of enjoyable characters through stunning plot twists for a thrilling ride you won't forget!

Sound like your cup of tea? Here is where you can find it.

Wild Lark Books Online Shop


Barnes & Noble



If you’d like to know more about me and/or my writing journey, you can visit my previous debut author spotlight on Operation Awesome, where J Lenni Dorner interviewed me. (Link)

Thanks again to J for this opportunity.

What's a big dream you are working to achieve right now?

#AtoZChallenge 2022 alternative badge bloglovin

Instagram Facebook logo @atozchallenge
Twitter @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
Please follow us on social media.

File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself! Click this:
Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!
Get your 2022 merchandise here:  2022 merchandise #atozchallenge

Sunday, April 10, 2022

#AtoZChallenge 2022 Master List is CLOSED

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The Master List is closed. 234 bloggers signed up this year. 

The next chat will be on April 15.

Facebook did not receive enough interaction. The next chat will post on Twitter and Instagram only.
#AtoZChallenge 2022 alternative badge bloglovin

Instagram Facebook logo @atozchallenge
Twitter @AprilA2Z @AprilA2Z Our hashtag is #AtoZChallenge
Please follow us on social media.

File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself! Click this:
Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!
Get your 2022 merchandise here:  2022 merchandise #atozchallenge