Sign-up for the challenge! *** ***
You! Yes you! Welcome to the April A to Z Blogging Challnege!
CHALLENGE is in the title for a reason. You have taken it on, and that is amazing! Whether you see it through or not, whether you are preparing or pantsing, whether you are a first-time blogger or a returning participant - you are doing great!
Just joining A to Z is a great step. You might not finish this year. You might come back next year anyway. That is okay. We are all here, CHEERING you on!
Are you setting an extra challenge for yourself this year?
A THEME can be an added challenge! A lot of people do it. It makes selecting each letter a bit more tricky, but it also gives your readers something to come back for.
PANTSING can be a challenge too. It makes you write regularly every day - write fast and with enthusiasm. Good job!
PLANNING is also a challenge, because it takes foresight and preparation. Well done!
You may also challenge yourself to VISIT others during the month of April, reading their posts and cheering them on. That also takes time and effort, and we are very grateful if you do it!
Are you setting an extra challenge for yourself?
Tell us all about it in the comments!