Sunday, April 1, 2012

A is for...All-Aboard

A is for….All Aboard

The day has finally arrived and everyone’s ticket has been punched, but it's not too late to jump on.  You can sign up here until Monday night.  Together we have already swelled to 1526 strong and once this train gets moving there will be no slowing it down.  How awesome is that?!  But there is still room for you!

Our fearless leader Arlee, along with his co-hosts, have slaved for months making sure every T is crossed and I dotted, ensuring each participant is as prepared as they can be for the next 26 days. I don’t know about you, but I’m psyched!  Since I’m not doing a theme and for the most part I’m winging this (some post are already scheduled), I totally expect to be a frazzled mess on May 1st.

But I’ll be a mess with a satisfied smile on my face.  :)

Who's taking this trip with us?  All-aboard! 


Saturday, March 31, 2012

Last Round-up: Are You Ready to Meet the #atozchallenge?

Badge artwork by Ada Zdanowicz

Can you believe it?  The A to Z Challenge of 2012 starts tomorrow!

        Are you set to go?   Do you have your Official A to Z Badge (pictured above) in a prominent place on your blog page to identify you as a participant?    Do you have some of the other A to Z Bling (see "Banners and Badges" tab at top of this page under the header) decorating your page to make it more exciting?

         Do you have any of your posts done yet?  If not that's okay.  It will make for a bigger challenge and don't worry, there are plenty others who will be flying through this thing by the seat of their pants.  The main thing is to have a good time with it.  Show off some creative skills and network with over a thousand other bloggers.  By the end of April you should have added a lot of new followers, made a few new friends, and added some pretty impressive bragging rights to your blogging resume.

         In fact, today why not visit a few of these bloggers we've listed below.  These are some of the fine folks who we found in the past week saying something about the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge on their blogs:

We always manage to get some education in the April Challenge.  Charles the Reader will be giving us a lesson in the French language on his blog The Written Word.

Fantasy writer Angeline Trevena will be blogging about "world building" for her April topic.

Another blogger who has announced her theme is Eliza Wynn at Ellie's Couch.  Here's a clue:  It has to do with music.

Why should you want to blog from A to Z in April?  Amy tells why at her blog Amy's Beads.   Sounds like she's going to put some effort into this.

If you're a new blogger the A to Z Challenge is a great way to dive right in to the world of blogging.  That's exactly what's happening at Raising the Curtain.   She can use some support so why don't you hop on over and greet her.

He's back!  Matt Conlon will be joining us again this year with more brew reviews.  Visit Matt at BrewNewb.

At The Write Game C. Lee McKenzie featured Rachel Morgan's winning video entry and offered the sign up list.  That's a lot of list for one blog post!

We've got some decent blog representation from guinea pigs in the Challenge.  Check out George's Guinea Pig World to see what I mean.

Donna M. McDine says to Write What Inspires You.  She's going to be inspired by the alphabet in April as she also joins us in the Challenge.

Speak Coffee To Me is another blog in the Challenge.  Eileen's going to be speaking the alphabet to us in the form of her favorite fantasy and science fiction books.

Shanjeniah offers her topics for the month of April in a nicely organized calendar.

Mimi at Watercolors By Mimi Torchia Boothby included Rachel Morgan's recent winning A to Z video in a recent post.  Mimi calls herself "eccentric".   I'll let you'll readers decide for yourself.

Beth at Beth's Blog and Project 52 Returns! has some big things coming up for April including the A to Z Challenge.  And she's got a theme planned.    We wish her well.

Some bloggers have found the A to Z Challenge to be a time of self-discovery.  This has been the case with Gracie at The Story of a Girl... and in the process she has also decided on her theme for April.

Jaye Robin Brown has announced an interesting sounding A to Z theme.  Check it out at Hanging On To Wonder.

There's a detailed post at Journaling Woman with another part on Wednesday about her plans for the April Challenge and it sounds pretty good.

For the music fans, Mina Lobo at Some Dark Romantic has a theme in store that sounds pretty interesting.

Stuart Nager at Tale Spinning will be returning for a second year with more of his imaginative excursions in creative writing.

Taking a humorous look at bloggers, Michael Offut interviews a "tortured artist" about the A to Z Challenge.

If you're a fan of the 80s then Theresa's Tales of Tribulations and Typing Teen Texts will be the place for you as Theresa Milstein revisits the music of that decade.

Dwelling on deeper topics is Angela Felsted who is proposing some topics that might generate some controversy.  A bit of thinking is something we all need to try now and then.

Fans of Paranormal Romance will have a treat from Christine Rains--Writer as she presents an exclusive new work that will only be available during the A to Z Challenge.

There will be 26 days of fantasy flash fiction offered on the blog of Cherie Reich.   She also added another reminder on her Thursday post.

Jemima Pett tells about how preparing for the A to Z posts has helped her clarify and further develop certain aspects of her current book.  She also announces a special gift she's offering during April.

After much internal debate, Geoff at Geoff's Blogs has decided to try the Challenge once again and hope that he doesn't encounter computer problems like he did last year.   This time around this theme will be about the continent where he lives--Africa.

It sounds like SafireBlade will have some exotic offerings for April as she explores other worlds populated by unique beings.   She'll be looking for our feedback about what she'll be writing.

Sommer Leigh got an A to Z Challenge topic thread going in Nathan Bransford's forum section. There are some interesting exchanges here and I want to thank Sommer for think about this.

Sounds like fun coming our way from Jessica Salyer at Just Following a Dream.  She's going to meet the Challenge with a challenge, but she's going to need your help.

Denise at L'Aussie Writer has a fascinating concept planned for April.  She's put some work into this.  Stop by her blog and read about it.

K.T. Hanna needed a bit of coercion but she did the right thing--or is it the write thing?   Check out K.T.s announcement at The Scribble Muse.

There are some giveaways that will be happening on some of your blogs during April.  One will be from Jessica Bell at The Alliterative Allomorph.  Jessica will be writing about her musical influences during the A to Z Challenge and will be drawing from her comments every two days for some very cool prizes.  Watch her blog for details.  For some clues visit Jessica's Website.

Joining the A to Z  for the 3rd year is Bish Denham who now thinks of  the April Challenge as another sign of Spring.   For more lovely signs of Spring visit her blog at Random Thoughts.

Author Alden explains his theme as he gears up for the A to Z Challenge.

A newer blog is Suddenly Seeking.  Maybe some of you can go over and give Kate a follow and bit of encouragement to get her revved up for April.

K.D. Storm tells an amazing story on her blog A Coffee Drive and Adventure Bound Life.  Talk about making April a Challenge!

Jeremy at Geeky Tendencies ran through the last minute check list that appeared on this blog on Thursday.  Is Jeremy's blog ready for the April Challenge?  Check!  Are you ready?

Pamela at The Death Writer has a pretty ominous blogging topic but she's cheery about it and she's ready to go.   I mean go as in start the Challenge not...oh, never mind.

John Holton is going NATO on his blog in April.  If you're curious check out his post at The Sound of One Hand Typing.

Unfortunately, during the frenzy of preparations we've missed some of your past posts even when  you told us about them.  Thank you Beth at By Word of Beth for the lovely words you wrote for us back in February.

There's nothing creepy about Katie Mills succumbing to the April Challenge.  You can read her story at Creepy Query Girl.

During April it will be more movies, more fun at Spirit Called.

One of the entrants of the A to Z Video Contest, Marta Szemik, provides her personal assessment of what the Challenge will amount to--she's got it right.

The Writing Nut gives a retrospective of her posts from last year and looks forward to the pre-May mayhem and the madness of March.  It's all gonna be fun.

Yadin Bromberg gave us still another special post about the A to Z Challenge with a review of April efficiency.  Listen to this young blogger--he sounds like an old hand already and he's just getting started.

Five great reasons to do the A to Z Challenge are presented by Katietesta at A Common Sea.

Erin at  Utah Children's Writers gives a persuasive pitch for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.

Janis at Freelance Transcriptionist Road (how's that for a blog title) explains some of the special things she has in store for April.

Some others who have announced their intent to join in on the April fun are Ruby Bows, Seaside Simplicity, Jay Noel, The Adventures of Nagzilla, Choice City Native, Sabrina Garie,

          Whew!  What a week!  If you can, try to visit today's featured bloggers and get a head start on the Challenge.

         Starting tomorrow make sure you visit at least a few new blogs and leave comments wherever you go.  Let the blogs you visit at least know you stopped by.  When you find ones that you like, follow those blogs and let them know you've done so.  And you can follow them all if you're so inclined.  Make the best of this big blogging networking party.

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Friday, March 30, 2012

10 sure ways to win the #atozchallenge !

That is the best part about the April A to Z Blogging Challenge, we all have a huge shot at winning.

What is a #atozchallenge win?

A win is completing all the 26 posts, receiving lots of comments, visiting as many blogs as humanly possible, and making hordes of friends.

How to do this:

1. Kiss: Keep It (your post) Simple, Short.

2. Get a Theme: Themes make your posts easier for you to write, and for readers to remember and comment on.

3. Post every day: This one is obvious, or you'll be taken off the linky list. I think.

4. Pre-schedule: It is not a crime, but rather a convenience. Feel free to write posts in advance so you concentrate on visits.

5. Check Calendar:  There's a challenge calendar in the sidebar below if you scroll down, follow it so you don't end up posting on S when everyone is on T

6. Turn off: Turning off word verifications increases comments, not spam. I've turned it off for good since last year.

7. Visit blogs: Start with those below you on the linky list so everyone gets love. Aim for at least 10 new blogs a day. I'm aiming for 40, but I need to do my hosting duties.

8. Comment love: Comment unto those who comment unto you, and then loads more.

9. Social Media: Broadcast your posts on all media with the #atozchallenge tag

10. Relax, have fun: It is not just about quantity, it is also about quality.

There, you have a win!

-----Damyanti, A to Z Challenge co-host at Amlokiblogs.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

#atozchallenge: Last Minute Check List

Badge by Ada Z from

          We're almost there!  We've passed last year's sign-ups and as of this writing pushing toward 1400.   We encourage you to sign up now if you haven't done so already.  The list will close on Monday night April 2nd.  After that it will be too late to get you signed up.   Decide as soon as you can so you can start making preparations.  We'd hate to see anyone get left out who really would like to be a part of this exciting and rewarding event.

Is your blog dressed for the event?

          Before we take off on Sunday, now is the time to get your blog in order.   Do you have the official A to Z Challenge logo (pictured above or find code in sidebar) displayed in a prominent place so you are readily identified as a participant?   In my blog travels of late I've run across some blogs on the list that show no indication that they will be taking part in the A to Z Challenge  Please display the A to Z badge prominently, preferably toward the top of the sidebar, so we know you're in the Challenge.

           For those who prefer to use one of the other badges on the "banner and badge" page of this blog or your own design because of matching color schemes, again please display this badge prominently.  Make it obvious to visitors that you are participating.

            Also feel free to dress up your blog with any additional badges and banners that will make it more festive.  Co-host Jeremy has created a stunning array of blog bling which can be found in a tab at the top of the page.   Feel free to decorate your blog for April.

Stay in the game!

            Starting Sunday April 1st make sure you are posting with the current letter prompts.  If you do encounter a problem that might cause you to be absent for a day or two, please make sure your most recently displayed post provides an explanation so we know your intentions are good.

             If we see a blog that stays inactive for five days or more or if we see a blog that shows no indication that they are actually participating in the Challenge, we will pull that blog from the list so as not to waste the time of the bloggers who come to visit you.   The list is intended for A to Z participants only and not for advertisers or blog-hoppers just trying to get noticed.

             If you do encounter a problem with posting (illness, computer crashes, emergencies--things happen we know), let us know and we will work with you and try to help in any way we can.

A Warning to those on Blogger

            Have you noticed this message at the top of your Dashboard:

                Blogger is getting a new look in April. Upgrade Now.

             The Blogger dweebs are at it again and conveniently timed for A to Z.  I haven't messed with this yet because I am concerned about it.   According to the Blogger Blog there will be an option to switch back to the old interface--if I understood this correctly.  If we have this option I plan on switching back to the old format for April.  I guess I'll change it to the new interface in May because they say that all blogs will be changed eventually.

             I thought I might give you a heads up in case you hadn't seen this message.  If you're brave you can experiment with it before Sunday.  Some of you have already changed.   I hope this doesn't whack a bunch of us with a huge monkey wrench, but I guess we've probably survived worse.

Do the right thing

     You may have received an email already from one of the A to Z Team members or you will receive one soon.   I'm going to provide a copy here as well just in case you don't see your e-mail.  This pretty well gives the basics of what we hope you'll consider doing to make the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge the best experience it can be:

    The A to Z Challenge kicks off on Sunday!
As a co-host, I’d like to thank you for participating. The Challenge is all about discipline and making new friends. Your blogging skills will be sharpened and you will meet a lot of cool new bloggers in the process. The A to Z Team has worked hard this year to make it the best Challenge ever, and once it is over, we invite you to post your thoughts and reflections on the Challenge on Monday, May 7.
Here are the basic guidelines:
Post on a topic or word that matches the corresponding letter of the alphabet, starting with “A” on Sunday, April 1, then every day except Sundays after that. (B is April 2, C is April 3, etc.)
Visit fellow Challenge participants starting with the blog immediately following yours on the sign up list. Aim to visit five blogs a day; more if you have time.
Keep posts SHORT!
Turn off word verification. Make it easy for others to leave comments.
Make it easy for others to follow you. (Move that Google Friends Connect widget or other following device high up in your sidebar.)
Use the official A to Z button. Link back to the A to Z Blog -
Have fun and make new friends!

         Any questions?  Let us have them in the comment section.   Get ready to have the best A to Z April Challenge yet.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Keep Posts Short and Easy to Read!

There are several ways to encourage comments, including making it easy for people to leave comments and by visiting other bloggers. Those are good practices anytime. There is one more thing you can do during the Challenge and it’s critical – keep your posts short.

There are over a thousand participants in the Challenge. We’re encouraging people to visit at least five new blogs a day (starting with the one immediately following one’s own) but many will visit far more. That means time is of the essence.

And short posts are a must!

What is a short post? Definitely under five hundred words. Probably under four hundred, and even shorter is better!

The purpose of the Challenge is to make new friends. If your posts are long, participants are far more likely to skip your blog and move to the next. You’ll miss so many opportunities for new friends. Plus writing long posts takes time! You could spend that time visiting new blogs instead.

In addition to keeping posts short, they need to be easy to read. Long blocks of text are hard on the eyes. Break text into smaller paragraphs. Add images. Highlight or bold some of the text. Pretend you are cooking and spice it up!

And since I want to set an example (and I just made myself hungry) I’m making this A to Z tips post short!

Ninja Captain Alex is one of the A to Z Challenge co hosts and can be found HERE