Sunday, April 15, 2012

Get in the locker room! It's half-time!

Alright team, let's huddle up. It's half-time, and that means it's time for our locker-room talk. (I'm an avid football fan and would love to know what the coaches say to the team when they head in there for either a tongue lashing or a rah-rah good job talk...)

We're ½ way there! You're doing an awesome job out there! I've seen some great plays! No fumbles so far, and we're sticking to our game plan. Are there any questions?

Yeah, coach. I was wondering if I could sit out the third quarter. I'm just so tired!”
*If you need a couple of plays off, that's fine. There's nothing wrong with posting twice in one day to catch up for a rest day of no posting.

Coach – I've visited a lot of folks who haven't visited back. Should I just stop reaching out and concentrate on those who are being active in this game?”
*That's a tough one. Your call. As far as I'm concerned, the visiting is one of the most exciting parts. You never know what you're going to find. You don't know if your next blogging buddy is right around the bend, five blogs away! I think the navigation buttons that you'll  be able to install will get the fire going again on the visiting.

Coach – I've got lots of energy left. Where should I spend it?”
*That's an easy one. Visiting! I'm sad to say some folks have only gotten a very few visitors. Sad state of affairs! So if you've still got a lot of spring in your step, then step up your blog-hopping. Wherever you land, they'll be glad you came by.

Ok folks, it's time to head out there again. Keep up the good work, and don't forget our goals. Discipline to blog frequently, and community building through finding new bloggy friends! When this is all over, you'll be glad you stayed in the game.

And now some news!

A to Z Reflections post on May 7th

       On Monday May 7th the Linky list for your Blogging from A to Z Reflections Posts will open.   For those who have blogfests or other plans made already for that day, don't worry the list will be open for the entire week.  We hope all A to Z participants will plan to sign up and present your thoughts about the April Challenge.

        Be watching for more information about the Blogging from A to Z Reflections Post.

The A to Z Navigation Buttons Are Ready!

Many of you have asked for the A to Z Navigation Buttons that we had last year.  Those of you who do not know what I'm talking about can find the buttons at the top of the side bar.  Check them out--they are pretty cool.

Marcus Clearspring who created the popular A to Z Navigation Buttons for last year's Challenge   has done it again.   For those of you who are interested in adding the buttons to your site visit Marcus's site Writing Investigated.

If you don't want to add the buttons to your site or would just like to test them out, there is a special site for the badges at

Here are a few more words from Marcus:

1) Blogger's new "Dynamic Views" do not show custom widgets. Choose a
theme from a different group, if you have switched to Dynamic Views.

2) (only .COM) bloggers cannot use custom widgets. They
simply don't allow it. For these people, the page at
offers the buttons. You can just add an image in your sidebar and
link it to open the above page.

Here are some more Challenge participants who Missed the List:

Kerrie at Here I Am Kaycee has been leaving some wonderful A to Z posts with excellent reminders for all of us.   Stop in for a visit and while you're there click her follower button to help her try to reach her first 100.

Enhanced by Zemanta

Saturday, April 14, 2012

M is for Making Memories

This Letter "M" post is brought to you by Jenny Pearson, co-host for the A to Z Challenge.

How are you doing out there? Enjoying your Alphabet Adventures?
Meeting new bloggers, reading interesting posts, enjoying wonderful pictures, learning a little history along the way - these are just a few of the memory making moments mesmerizing me as I make my way through many magnificent blogs.
How about you - are you making memories along the way?
Today, one of the memories I am making is celebrating a milestone...
I have been a mother for a quarter of a century - my, my, where has the time gone.

Making Magical Memories since 1992
As you are reading this I am taking a stroll down Mainstreet, USA with Courtney - today she is twenty-five!

Her birthday wish is to spend time in the place which has inspired her career and fuels her passion - making more magical memories in the process. 

Do you know where we are? Have you been here too?
I will be sharing a photo montage of the memories we are making in the merry month of May! 

What is your most memorable memory you have ever made?

Friday, April 13, 2012

L is for Lego, Love and Letting go

This Letter "L" post is brought to you by Jenny Pearson, co-host for the A to Z Challenge.

LEGO - if you haven’t visited Courtney’s Sketchblog you really should.
For the Challenge she is using adorable little Lego figurines as her alphabet inspiration.
Here’s a sampling…
A is for Adventure:

B is for Bike:

drop by Courtney’s Sketchblog and see the rest.

Lego played an important role in Courtney's childhood and our time together. We had Lego-mania nights with great regularity where we would dump two big buckets of Lego on the living room floor, get out two big green Lego sheets and "go for it". Our imaginations were limitless and the fun priceless.

Today, we still dump the buckets over - hence her desire to share a little Lego nostalgia for this Challenge.


LOVE - one of those words I overuse when talking about my daughter (the Lego girl).
Tomorrow is her birthday, she will be twenty-five - hard to imagine - where does the time go; heck, I still feel twenty-five.
As you read this, we are on a great adventure, visiting her all-time favourite place to celebrate a quarter of a century of knowing each other!
The love I have for her knows no limits. 

LETTING GO - it is hard enough living my life, making and correcting my mistakes, and finding the path I am to travel as I journey through this singular lifetime.
As a parent it is often hard letting a child flounder; struggling to finding their own way; standing on the sideline as they correct their own mistakes. 
Oddly enough letting go is the ultimate gift a parent gives their child - they will manage and they will soar on their own wings, finding the current that best pulls them to where they are meant to be.
Letting go is good. Letting go is mandatory. Letting go is trusting yourself and your wisdom. 
I can only live one life...mine. As a parent I can only act as a guide, pointing out obvious pitfalls but encouraging the exploration of the unknown, even if I am afraid of it.
Letting go is liberating. It allows me to live my life fully while embracing the wonders of the lives around me. 
I can only ever be a vicarious participant in a life that is not my own.
Now, I ask you:  Are you living your life or someone else's? Are there things you need to let go of?

* * * is it going with this Challenge - are you enjoying doing your own thing - showcasing what is your passion and joy? Are you letting go here too and having fun? I know I am!!

Enjoy the Challenge; drop by Pearson Report and say HI!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

K ~ The Kaleidoscope of our Amazing Race

Are you Amazing Race fans? I am. As much as I am enjoying the journey we're on, I am also feeling a bit overwhelmed this last week, with so many comments to respond to, blogs to visit, technical co-host questions to answer, err...pass off to those who know how to answer technical stuff,and a complete logjam in my inbox. I realized that I'm in the Amazing Race.

In my travels through the list of participants, I've found that we have is a real kaleidoscope of bloggers out there. Lots of styles, colors, vivid writing, and blogs that make you turn your head and say, “Hmmm, I hadn't thought of it that way.” I've seen viewpoints I embrace, and viewpoints and topics that had me exiting stage left as fast as my sturdy Scandinavian legs could carry me. I've read wonderful, mind bending stories in 100 words. I've seen photos and art, watched videos, and experienced poetry so powerful your soul sighs. It's all out there. Waiting for you to visit.

It made me feel a lot less stressed when I could put my finger on it and realize that what's frustrating me isn't hard to overcome. Just like the contestants of that reality show have to overcome hurdles (will you PLEASE turn off word verification? At least for April???), play Where's Waldo to find the next hurdle (finding where to comment on a post is sometimes like a treasure hunt without a map) and get tired, cranky, hungry, and ready for a drink, I do too. In the end, though, we signed up for this, and if we just calm down, pour a drink, put our feet up, and keep going, we're going to finish this race. The blogging world will be clapping for us when we head into that last turn.

Break over. Let's get out there!
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

#atozchallenge J Day

Just hang in there!

You've nearly reached the halfway point.  Soon you'll be on the downhill stretch to the end.  Don't give up because you can do this.  Nice and easy does it.  Keep your posts short, especially if you feel like you're struggling.  You don't have to write a thesis.  Use this post today as a model.

Breathe deep.  Sip some good coffee.  Enjoy some chocolate.

Just hang in there.  You're gonna make it.

Just in Time for J Day:

Michelle Jones at The Family Tales is offering a give-away at her blog.  Head over to her blog and you may be a lucky winner of a  a new customized blog design and/or custom header graphic.  The graphic design will be created by fellow A to Z blogger, Lisa Campbell.