Monday, April 3, 2023

B is for Beauty

 B is for Beauty

B 2023

There is beauty in resilience, don't you think?

A rainbow appears over a field

Whenever I see a rainbow after a storm, I'm reminded of the resilience of nature. The beauty that is encapsulated in this simple act of nature makes me think of other beautiful and resilient things in nature. I always think of all the animals who had to literally weather the storm. There is beauty in imagining the emerging of the animals from their shelters as the storm lets up and the sun begins to shine again.

As we embark on Day 2 of our A to Z Challenge, let's all remember the beauty in our resilience as writers, as bloggers, as people. 

Tell us about the beauty you find in resilience!

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Copy of the MASTER LIST 2023 #AtoZchallenge

Here's something new we're testing in 2023

#AtoZChallenge 2023 badge

Jayden has created a way for the spreadsheet FOR THE MASTER LIST 2023 to be visible here on the site.

#atozchallenge Theme reveal scroll reminder

This is not your personal copy. You won't be able to reorganize the entries. You can't change "no" to "yes" as you leave comments for others. 
You CAN see if anyone noted "other" with their theme category, and see which sites are "adult," by scrolling left and right. (see the image pointing out where the bottom scrollbar is located). 

Depending on feedback, if this method is popular with our blog-hopping participants, we will make a post like this for the other forms too. The form will update until April 9. (It can take Google up to five hours to refresh. If you sign up and don't see your info on the list on this post by then, please contact a team member. We're locked to the top of the list for your convenience.) 

Please, let us know if you enjoy having the completed list on a post on our site.

Get your own copy of The 2023 OFFICIAL MASTER LIST: (File, make a copy -- be sure to keep it updated!)

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Arrival! A to Z is Here! ( #AtoZChallenge )


#AtoZChallenge 2023 badge A

All Aboard!


     The A to Z train has pulled into the station once again.  The train has arrived, but this is just the beginning of a great journey.   Many of you have climbed onto the train to start off another trek through the alphabet.  It might be a first for some or just another journey with which you're familiar.

      This year promises to be another wild ride with all sorts of sites to see and ideas to entertain us.  The trip tickets are free and all that is required from those riding with us is a bit of work that is hopefully more like play.  If you've got your mind set in the right place then you're going to have a great time.  But many of you have been down this way before and know pretty much what's going to be happening this April.

       Whether you're a new traveler on this journey or a veteran of this train trip, you've got what it takes.  Resilience and creativity.  Hang it there.   The trip might seem a bit wild and grueling, but don't let it overwhelm you.  It's all about fun!

        Are we ready?   Then let's go!