Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Who Are You?

I visit a lot of blogs during the week and over time, most of those bloggers become my friends. Good friends as in on a first name basis. During A to Z and other blog hops, I have the chance to meet new-to-me bloggers. Some are so interesting and I'm happy to have found new friends. But sometimes I can't find their names.

Perhaps their blog has a name relating to their area of interests, something like Bug Eaters of Pennsylvania. After I read through a fantastic post with delicious recipe for fried crickets and comment on it, I decide I want to follow this unique blog. Or I want to make my comment more personal by using the blogger's name. Or perhaps I want to tell everyone about this fun site by linking to it on my own blog. But no matter where I search on that blog, I can't find the name of the person or persons behind it. Who are they?

Sometimes people want to keep their exact identity from general knowledge and that is understandable. But even then, coming up with a name for your online presence is better than no name at all. For instance, one of the blogs I've discovered recently is SpacerGuy. It's a fun blog about Star Trek and SciFi stuff. I have no problem with the name SpacerGuy. It's a name I can call my friend.

I don't want to point out any of the blogs that I've found without a name but I'm sure you've run into a few of them. Check your blog title, your blog sidebar. Is it easy for a new visitor to figure out who you are? Do you have something in your blog header or the sidebar that lets visitors know what your blog is about? Is there a name they can call you if not your given name?

If your name is the title of your blog, then it's easy for people to know who you are. If it's not, do your visitors know what they can call you? Or should we just call you, Bug Eater?


nashvillecats2 said...

A good question if you don't know a bloggers name.
My blog is different from my name , I guess I'm one of the awkward ones. (Sorry)

Chicky Kadambari said...

Oh yes! I've come across so many blogs where it is impossible to determine who is the author of the blog! It becomes very difficult to leave a personalized comment on these blogs. I have turned my blog header into a brief "about me and the blog" section. And I use a signature at the end of my posts.

betty said...

I did take a look at my blog; I realize I have nothing that tells about me. I think I'll work on that. Great tip!


Unknown said...

Great post, makes lots of sense. I find it frustrating too if I can't find the name of a blogger. Its so much more personable to address a comment to the person who wrote the post. Otherwise, it sounds bland and I abstain from commenting.

holli said...

Yes!! This is so true. My name is in my blog title so its easy for others. I usually ad-lib for those who I don't know real name with "you" or other fillers. haha

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I follower spacerguy, great blog. I think mine tells you what you need to know about me but your right quite a few do not could be to do with the society we live in now or the plane fact people are ignorant on what to do

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

That's true, Yvonne, but you put your name in your comments so we know who you are.
Susan Says

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Those are all good ideas, Chicky. People who want to be your followers usually want to know a little something about you.
Susan Says

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Yes, please, Betty. LOL Stop being a mystery woman. But at least we know you're Betty.
Susan Says

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

And some people write very personal blogs but their names are nowhere. Thanks for stopping by, Gulara
Susan Says

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Maybe those without their names will get the message is we all say, 'hey, you." Thanks for stopping in holli.
Susan Says

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Good point, Bill. I think some bloggers just don't realize they don't have their name anywhere. Others may have personal reasons for keeping it secret.
Susan Says

Anonymous said...

I've run into that when looking at book review blogs. When asking for a review, you want to get personal, but how can I do that when I can't find the reviewer's name?!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm with you - I need a name. Doesn't have to be real. But the name should be there somewhere without having to search for it. Same with an email address. And I won't even start on Google+ and the inability to find someone's blog...

Dixie@dcrelief said...

Thank you! I may need to make some changes, (smile).

Rob Z Tobor said...

Some say I am Rob Z Tobor . . . . .but am I. . . . . Some think I'm the ghost of Christmas Past but they are mad and some but not many know I am very scruffy. . . DAMN a few more know now.

Rob Z Tobor

Unknown said...

I am a member of several team blogs. We go by the name Team Netherworld, but the names (mostly pen names) of our team members appear in the sidebar, and, as we are on Blogger, the name of the person making the post appears at the bottom of the post.

Surya Kumar said...

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Hmmm, my name is up there but I do need to write something more descriptive on one of my blogs about what it's all about. I'm starting to figure it out.
The View from the Top of the Ladder
Take 25 to Hollister

Michelle Wallace said...

My name isn't visible on my header, but my comments are in my name/surname.
Not too difficult to find.
Unlike some bloggers who don't include a name in the avatar, so, for example, Ditzy Chick is the only form of identification. How would Wilhelmine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenberg look on her blog banner?

Denise said...

I have often wondered if I should have started an anonymous blog. Then I came across a local political blog that is completely anonymous. It is so frustrating not knowing who the person is though I have a pretty good idea. I like knowing who I am reading about.

G. B. Miller said...

My first blog was actually one of my chat room personas, but over the past 8 years, while the blog name has changed but thrice (Cedar's Mountain and Father Nature's Corner on Blogger, Father Nature's Mountain on Tumblr), my name has changed about four: Georgie B, G. B, G and finally, my current pen name G.B. Miller.

Father Nature's Corner

Surya Kumar said...

Thanks for such a nice information on such a complex topic. Please keep posting such good contents. Thanks for your time and efforts. I really appreciate your work.

Carrie-Anne said...

My blog's title is the same as my old Angelfire site, Welcome to My Magick Theatre. It's a reference to the Magic Theatre in Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf, the book which most changed my life. I just wish my blog header weren't cut off on the right on mobile devices!