Wednesday, January 20, 2016

#atozchallenge -- Stormy the Weather Gnome talks about A to Z Themes!

 This post is originally from 1-15-2014 and re-posted with permission.

Actually, I didn't get permission from Stormy at all, but since he lives with me, rent free I might add, I took the liberty of assuming he would be okay with headlining yet another A to Z post.

Thank you. Heather

Hi. My name is Stormy the Weather Gnome and I'm being used.

For the last two years the host of The Waiting is the Hardest Part has been using me as her theme for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.

She never asked me.

She never consulted me.

She never even mentioned it.

I just thought I was at a photo shoot.

Anyway, jokes on her, because I'm much more popular than she will ever be.

Since I starred in the Challenge...

I've been a guest poster on other blogs.
I've been quoted on the bathroom wall.
I've been requested to start my own Facebook page.
I've been told to stay away from the gate at the White House.

I am popular!

So, I'm guessing you want to know what my point is.

My point, besides the one on top of my hat, is that sometimes having a clearly defined theme can be the best option for your A to Z April Challenge.

Readers will know what to expect of you and come back ... willingly!

Are you thinking about a theme for this April?

Heather M. Gardner


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Heather, you are just a big a star as Stormy!

Michelle Wallace said...

I remember Stormy from the previous challenges. Who can resist such charm?
After the White House adventure, Stormy will definitely need a Facebook page.
Hi Heather! *waving*

Jo said...

Now why was he told to stay away from the White House I wonder? Nice post and I too like Heather as well as Stormy.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Heather - knocked out by the thought of being ready! I'm ready with my theme and sort of got my ideas out for the letters .. will concentrate in the next few days ... good reminder and life doesn't change re themes - makes the A-Z easier .. cheers Hilary

mshatch said...

I have my theme picked out and pretty much know what I'm going to do with all the letters - except maybe for those pesky ones like Q and Y and Z. Still workin' on those...

and yes, why WAS stormy told to stay away from the white house?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know my theme this year. Unless something more shiny catches my attention. ;)

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I wish that I had time to take the challenge. My job commute take up a big portion of my day. I wish you all the best.

Lowcarb team member said...

Just love gnomes ...

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

Just love gnomes ...

All the best Jan

Rob Z Tobor said...

I have to say Stormy is one of the big stars of the A to Z . . .

Debra Renée Byrd said...

I think this is the first time I'm seeing Stormy, and he's adorable. lol