Monday, June 27, 2016

Some Good-Anytime Tips for Blogging (#atozchallenge)

       The following guest post comes to us from Sneha Sasikumar who blogs at Life As A Potpourri!!!  Currently she is working on a possible series to appear at the A to Z Blog over the upcoming months, but be sure to visit her site to learn more about her and read more of her fine work.   

 Key takeaways from the #AtoZChallenge:

1. Preparation is a must : 
Whether or not you have chosen a theme for your challenge, deciding it way before the challenge starts makes half the challenge easier. At least the 26 words or ideas that you would be using should be jotted down before heading into April.  This is something you can actually begin now for the 2017 Challenge.

2. Look and Feel of the Blog Posts:
If you have in mind to follow a particular style of font, images and other cosmetic customization for your posts prepare that well in advance. Also, consider drafting of all your posts with these basic things as a framework where all you would be left to do during or prior to the challenge is to post your content

3. Follow for a follow, comment for a comment:
The #AtoZChallenge is all about collaboration and networking. When so many people with so many topics have been registered for the challenge there is no point if you are just focused on your blog alone. Try to reply to all of the comments that have been posted on your blog (if not the same day, as soon as possible). Follow folks who have followed your blog, read their posts and leave them a comment as to what you liked about their posts. Mutual encouragement is very important during the challenge.   Who doesn’t like the appreciation of the hard work they put into their posts?

4. Stick to the deadline:
Ohh yeah, we are all so used to procrastinating things in life but having a deadline helps you to avoid this bad habit if you don’t already have your posts scheduled for the challenge way beforehand. There might be times when you’ll face the writer’s block, but don’t let this stop you from blogging. Just write even if it’s about how the writer’s block is not letting you come up with ideas but just do it.

5. Read Read and Read:
The knowledge base that is formed during each challenge is immense. One should spend more time in reading other blogs to gain knowledge in just 26 days and also do a lot of reading for your own topic if required.

Personally the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge has helped me in many ways: 

  • It helped me organize and plan my posts. 
  • It made me think how unique my next blog post could be and how much better than the previous one. 
  • Picking up a theme like #Emotions helped me understand each of these 26 emotions personally as I did research on them. 
  • The challenge helped me interact with so many old and new friends. <3 

I would also like to thank all the guest bloggers who took time from their blogging challenge to post on my blog and share their thought and views.

About Sneha

     A strong willed Sapiosexual / Cheerful person and a true Cancerian!!! I am a passionate dancer. I enjoy travelling, trying everything possible in life..I don't want to regret when I am about to kick the bucket. Besides cooking and writing, I enjoy all kinds of sports. Sadly none of these are my profession. I am a techie working with a product based firm and for the last six years have been in Bengaluru (aka Bangalore- which is the capital of India's southern Karnataka state).

       If you're interested in contributing to the A to Z Blog please email us at one of  the links on the Contact Page or shoot me a message at   We are interested in articles about blogging or anything of general interest to the A to Z community.


cleemckenzie said...

I agree about all her points. The AtoZ Challenge requires some work and organization for sure.

Claire Annette said...

Great tips. I need to work on better time management so that I can read and comment on more blogs.

Arlee Bird said...

Thank you, Sneha, for this post. I look forward to the upcoming posts that we discussed.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Number three is vital.
I prepare my posts with html so they are always uniform in text.

J Lenni Dorner said...

“Mutual encouragement is very important ”
I couldn't agree more!

Pat Garcia said...

I so hear where you're coming from. The A to Z Blog Challenge demands preparing. However, it is so nice to know you'll be back next year. Thanks for your honesty.
Shalom aleichem,

Unknown said...

yes! planning. I realised in my first year doing the challenge, getting through the posts I hadn't planned were tricky to write and time consuming.
Josefine from
Getting to the end