Sunday, March 5, 2017

#atozchallenge - 'Practice Makes Perfect' posting day!

Nothing like some hands-on, practical practice to work the kinks out of a new system, am I right?

TODAY - In the comments, we want you to post a link to ANY blog post you want, new or old, just as long as its yours.

Either copy/paste your URL or use John's instructions on how to create a clickable link...HERE.

In the comments you can leave us your name, your blog name, what your blog post is about, and your link.

Got questions, comments, or concerns? Feel free to share them as well.



1 – 200 of 208   Newer›   Newest»
Martha Reynolds said...

Here's a link to my most recent post. I've framed out all of my April A to Z posts, can't wait!!

Mary B said...

On the blog today:

#FridayFive In Like a Lion - be sure to stop in to check it out!


PJ said...

My most recent post about a snowy day in the Cairngorms

Gossip_Grl said...

My blog is called The Chronicles of Loving a Heroin Addict. One of my newest posts is called: End the Stigma Stop the Shame

This is the post using the code. I'm not sure if it works
End The Stigma Stop The Shame

Janet said...

Gonna try this again. My recent post is about the pictures I took for the first few days in March as part of the 365 picture project I am doing. Looking forward to participating in the A to Z!

Me in March

AJ Vosse said...

Try... and try again!? I've been waiting (and preparing) for almost a year for the 2017 A to Z... so, this better be good!!

Debbie D. said...

My website is called THE DOGLADY'S DEN and you will find all of my 2017 A to Z posts HERE. That's way too time consuming! This is the actual link: (Just right click and go to.)
You'll find a grid page for all my latest posts HERE, or,
FYI: If you're commenting on a Wordpress blog, it will make your link clickable without going through the whole "a href=..." stuff.
My A to Z posts have all been formatted, but as for the actual writing, I'm only up to "F", so far. Yikes! Time's a wastin'...

Romi said...

I'm taking part in the April 2017 challenge!
On my Way Home

Deborah Weber said...

Testing to see if I can master this linking...
Deborah Weber

S. Lincecum said...

Latest post at the Southern Graves blog - William Mattox: the Meanest Man in Georgia?

I'm working on my A-Z posts right now. Good luck to all involved!

J Lenni Dorner said...

Hi from co-host J!
Blog of J Lenni Dorner
Here's a little flash fiction to keep the ball rolling.

J Lenni Dorner said...

Only the word "HERE" was actually hyperlinked/ clickable.
The A to Z challenge uses Blogger, not Wordpress.

J Lenni Dorner said...

Yes, your coding worked. Great job!

J Lenni Dorner said...

You did it! Great job.

Lisa said...

Just a completely random post I just put up about going to see the Monster Trucks last night
Monster Jam Ford Field

Anne M Bray said...

[Trying the coding method] A post about a cat print: A cat print


Anne M Bray

Pattern Recognition

Debbie D. said...

Yes, the hyperlinks were the word "HERE". The others aren't clickable, but if you highlight them, then right-click, it shows "go to". Just another option. There are plenty of us on Wordpress participating in the A to Z as well. My point is, if you find yourself wanting to leave a link on somebody's Wordpress blog post, the link will be automatically clickable. You don't need to go through the whole a href="http...." etc.

lindamaycurry said...

Here goes. Hoping that this works and I can go and cook dinner!

Anne Young said...

I blog about my family history One of the puzzles I am trying to unravel Regards Anne

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

Ooh - good idea :) Let's make sure I'm doing this right.
This is my latest post about this year's challenge :)
Tasha's Thinkings - So Who's Doing the #AtoZChallenge This Year?

S.K. Dubois said...

My blog is Sorchia's Universe. Here's my latest post
Fortune Tellers and Soothsayers

Keith's Ramblings said...

Mine is a very short piece I wrote for The Sunday Whirl prompt a week ago, using the 12 given words.

My story is called 'HELP US'

Keith's Ramblings said...

After leaving my comment and link I thought I’d visit those above mine. I was hoping to come across fellow flash fiction writers. The problem is, one has to jump blindly into other’s blogs with no idea of which genre they post in. It would be a great help if each comment started with a category eg. history, poetry, flash fiction, crafts et cetera.

Incidentally, I’ve use the link for many years and it really is a great way to increase your hit rate.

Click to visit Keith's Ramblings!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Your link worked great!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Hi AJ. You didn't include your link.
I used your highlighted name (above) to find your blog.

You can post this...
...and we can use it to find your daily posts.


Pamela said...

Great instructions - I hope this works!

Blogging from A to Z Challenge April (2017) Test

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Anonymous said...

My current post is about the book I didn't know I had written that came about because of the challenge.

The book I didn't know I had written

~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

LauraEhlers said...

looking forward to the challenge - I participated vicariously last year. my blog tends to be a flight of ideas, lifestyle theme - heavy on sailboats and Jimmy Buffett...
here is a link from last years challenge, which I joined a little late...

Heather M. Gardner said...


LauraEhlers said...

lol! should have finished reading the instructions!! the first link is titled:So Now I guess We Have a Fleet
the second is titled: It's M Day- what did you expect...

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Just like the category codes were on the list, it's completely optional if people want to post what their blog or their blog posts are about in these comments.
You may find during the Challenge more people will, just because it will be part of their theme.
Thank you for sharing your link with us!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Links work!

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Here's a link to my thoughts last year on whether I should try A to Z in 2017:

Why A to Z

cleemckenzie said...

I'm still on the fence about 2017. I guess I should jump down on one side or the other darned soon. I'm just back from a break, so I'll give you the link for my first post since January.LINK

Maggie C said...

This is a great help. I've always wanted to know how to embed a link in a comment.
Hopefully, I've followed the directions correctly:

getting there

Maggie C
What Rhymes with Stanza

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

Yes. Looking forward to April 2017. I am participating with my blog "Management Theory Review"
Tight time this year. I just sent a paper to an international conference. I have to write two more papers for two magazines. But, yes blogging challenge is a challenge. I shall face it.
A to Z: 2017 Blogging Challenge - Top Management Challenge Areas

Unknown said...

Looking forward to starting the challenge! Here's the link to one of my synopsis critiques from a multi-author blog, Operation Awesome: Enjoy!

LM Preston said...

Here's my most recent post: Announcing 1st Ever YOUNG ADULT Amazon KINDLE WORLD, RUNES UNIVERSE,

Ashmita said...

My name is Ashmita and my blog is Chaoticsoulzzz. The link of the post that I have mentioned here is about the truth vs lie that happens in the interview room for a new job.

Deeksha Shetty said...

Here's a link to a short story i had written very recently :

The Banyan Tree…#ShortStory

I am all excited to be participating in the AtoZ challenge for the 1st time this year. Hope all goes well! Do enjoy my short story!

rhodrymavelyne said...

Today, the next segment of 'Waiting for Rebirth', my prelude to my 'Tales of the Navel' series is posted at What do this have to do with 'Blogging From A-Z'? Some of the characters in this story will be appearing in 'C is for Christopher', 'D is for Damian' and 'G is for Gabrielle'. Come and meet them!

Anonymous said...

My blog is Writing is Communication and the post I am sharing with you today is called Raising Boys: The Penis Chronicles. This piece is my inspiration for A – Z this year. Here is the link, if I do this correctly it should be clickable:


This is my first time participating in A – Z, and I am excited to share my posts and read yours!

Shari @

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

The link works great! :) And if you ask me, doing the challenge is definitely worth it.

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

The link works great!

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

You did! They work perfectly. :)

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

Looks good! And well organized :)

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

Link works great! Welcome!

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

Looks lovely!

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

Link works great!

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

The link works! Welcome to the challenge!

Wendy said...

Here's a link to one of my recent posts - relevant to the A-Z Challenge

Just Do it


Wendy's Waffle

Doodle T said...

Hi - My blog is called, Doodle T. I blog about finding magic every day. One of my recent posts is "Windows and Door" About having your life turned upside down when having a child in the hospital and trying to find the Magic. I look forward to all the hospital stuff being behind us and I'm exciting about the A - Z Challenge. Jeanne

Dihiwi said...

Howdy! My blog's name is "In my own words ..." and I write about adjusting to living in a smaller town (from a larger city), our pets, funny experiences in our daily lives, friendship, love, loss, etc. I've participated in the A to Z Challenge before and really enjoyed it. Here is a recent post having to do with our struggle to "relocate" mice from our garage and vehicles, only from the mouse's point of view. Enjoy!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Debby said...

Hi I'm Debby and will be joining with the A-Z challenge in April. My first one was in 2013. Then I skipped a year, didn't finish a year and completed last year. So this is really my 3rd year. Usually I would "wing it" every day. This year I have a theme, and have half of my posts scheduled so I will succeed this year!!! I am excited. It's always nice to meet new and interesting people from all over and am looking forward to it all. Now I hope I did the linky thing right....We'll see. If not here is the address

A Good Lesson Learned

Heather M. Gardner said...

Links works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Links works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!
Co-Host, 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge

Alana said...

Hi, this will be my 3rd A to Z. This is a post about a local animal park whose pregnant giraffe's webcam has gone viral - and the reaction is showing the best and worst in human nature.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link worked!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Links works!

Amelia said...

Hi all! This was my most recent post on my blog

I'll be posting about the A to Z challenge in the next few days too!

Shari Elder said...

Hi. My name is Shari Elder. My blog is sharielder (dot)com/blog-a which his my author site. Here is recent post on revising old manuscripts, which was done as part of the insecure writers support group blog hop. LINK

Shari Elder said...

In the pursuit of continuous improvement, I'm trying this again with the footer this time. Writing

*Shari Elder*

Shari Elder Author

Operation Awesome said...

Just giving this link a test as well.
March Pass or Pages query contest

Operation Awesome said...

Ahhh. I missed the instruction about highlighting first.

Unknown said...

My blog address is and the blog I have chosen to share today is at It is my latest and favourite poem.

Dobson said...

Hey Heather! I have a related comment. When in the day will the daily A to Z letter become active? I am in the EDT time zone, so on WordPress that means at 7 PM the new day begins. Are you guys similar in your operation?

The Librarian Witch said...

Hello all!
I'm Jodie and my blog is called Believe In Fairy Stories. I post about fairytales, folklore, magic, as well as book reviews and my own short stories.
The post I've decided to share is my Confessions Of A Bookworm post.

Laith Preston said...

I'm looking forward to the challenge, I do think that the change in how you are doing things will really make things work better and visiting other blogs less daunting.

Laith Preston - Laith's Ramblings

My A-Z 2016 looking back post

Pooja Priyamvada said...

Hey everyone.... Practice makes us perfect...test test

Pelican1 said...

Good morning. I'm new here and I this will be my first challenge. Here is my test link using the "clickable" instructions: Also, could someone explain the theme issue? I know I write a post based on the letter of the day, but are the posts to be based on a single theme that I choose or that we are given? Thanks for putting this together.

Pelican1 said...

Hmmmm.... the previous didn't work. Let's try this:

Pelican1 said...

Ugh! Will this work?

Pelican1 said...

The link keeps going back to YOUR page. What am I doing wrong?

Birgit said...

Ok, so my name is Birgit and my blog is I am going to try this and you can view my latest talk about movies here

Anonymous said...

Perfect, thank you.

Donna B. McNicol said...

Late to the party, I was on a cruise. {snicker} Click to visit MY BLOG

jesmck319 said...

Here's a link to my latest post Stitch Fix

Crystal Swan said...

Check out a recent post: Motherhood and Career

Weekends in Maine said...

My blog is "Weekends in Maine".
Post Link Test: Spring Teaser at Popham Beach State Park and a Visit to the Fort
A post about our most recent outdoor adventure in Maine.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

All your links are working!


Heather M. Gardner said...

I left a note on your blog about this link.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Hello. The A to Z Team will be making each daily post available the day before so places like Australia can post.
So, technically the April 1st post will be available on March 31st. Thank you for asking!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link worked!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Some participants use a theme of their choosing for all the letters of the alphabet. Some do not choose a theme. It's completely optional and up to you what you would like to do. There will be a Theme Reveal on March 20th, when you can let your blog readers and other A to Z participants know what your April posts will be about.
Best of luck!

Heather M. Gardner said...

The first link did not work.
The second link did.
The third link did not.
You do not have to make it 'clickable'. It's easy enough to highlight/right click.
Thank you for practicing with us!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

J R Vincente said...

My Blog is going to be an Adult Content Choose Your Own Adventure!

The best part is: you--my blog readers-- get to make the choices in April!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Operation Awesome,
Your link works.

Denise said...

Let's see if this works. My Life in Retirement

Pelican1 said...

I think I see what I did wrong. Trying it again. Here is a link to my latest blog post

Pelican1 said...


Linda Gardiner said...

I had an issue yesterday as well so trying again with the link.
Here are my thoughts:I participated in the A to Z challenge for the first time last year & loved it. I'm jazzed to do it again. I have no problem with learning some new tricks in the techy world. I amazed at the rants people are writing. I'm grateful for your efforts to teach us these things. I found the list very cumbersome & a moving target. This will be interesting and I;m sure some tweaking will occur as it moves along.

Impressions of TCI

Molly said...

I'm very excited to participate in the A-Z Challenge again this year! I had so much fun last year, met several wonderful bloggers, and developed a daily writing routine. Hopefully this link will work... it is my summary of last year's challenge.
Paris A-Z

Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to participating in this year's challenge. My blog is called FiftyPhilosophy and I use the space to talk about life, family, travel and all the things that make life after 50 worth living. Here's one of my recent posts. A Tale of Two Taxi Drivers

Unknown said...

Testing this out by just making a general link to my blog.

Megan Morgan's Blog

Unknown said...

Check out my latest post
Are books better than the internet?



Filled to Empty

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Nice idea, even if I am a day late and a dollar short. ;)
Barbara from Life & Faith in Caneyhead

Sumoflam said...

I am ready!! It's Go Time.... I have a Story to tell.

Sumoflam said...

Wasn't paying attention.... Let's try again, because I have a Story to tell!! Less Beaten Paths Travel Blog

Marie A said...

Excited for this year's A-Z Blogging Challenge! The Articulate Image

Sandra Williamson said...

Trying again, yesterdays effort on the other link "Tutorial: Creating Clickable Links In Comments" didn't work so I'm trying again.

Applying to Emigrate to the Australian Colonies


Sandra’s Ancestral Research Journal

Mary R. said...

I'm MaryR and I blog about quilts and crafts at Urban Quilter. My test link is a Saturday Snapshot post from last spring about Growler Totes

Marquessa said...

Hi. My name is Marquessa. Here is a link to one of my latest blog posts.

Her Grace, Heidi, the Duchess of Kneale said...

My blog tends to be about one topic (Escapist fiction) but my A to Z will actually be about another (Astronomy).

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Thank you!
Best of luck.

Your link works.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

This link works as well.
Clickable or non-clickable, either way is fine!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Your link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Your link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Carolyn Astfalk said...

I'll be blogging about my April 1 book release, a coming-of-age novel called Rightfully Ours. This is my first year doing the A to Z Challenge. Am I correct in understanding that I do not need to sign up anywhere but that I will link my post to the daily threads and share on social media?

An Open Book March 2017

Carolyn Astfalk
My Scribbler’s Heart

Gail said...

Taking me a few tries to get the links to work. Got my theme and posts done, looking forward to blog hopping!



*Gail Park*

*Making Life an Art*

JazzFeathers said...

Sorry I'm so late. Being ill all through the week.

Let's try the link :-)


Sarah Zama

Gang Roundup – March 2017

Heather M. Gardner said...

That is correct. You did exactly that.
Thank you and best of luck!


Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works great!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, I'm Momma and I blog about a lot of things that make me think. Motherhood, Homeschooling, being an expat or a sahm. Or just about life in general. Come visit ;-)

Belinda Nicoll said...

My participation is an opportunity to make a blog come-back after a change-over to a new website and time off to work on two books: a novel and a creative writing guide. I'll be blogging on my work-in-progress writing guide.
Character Transformation based on a Life Coaching Model

Dena Pawling said...

I'm really late to the party. So what else is new? I blog [and tweet] about interesting legal and military news.

djinnia said...

just checking to see if it works. :)

S.K. Dubois said...

I'll be participating at Sorchia's Universe. A thought about filtering--If you guys could provide a list of specific category words like Cats or ShortStories or something like that, those of us who post here can include that word on our post. Then visitors can just hit F3 to filter. MIght not work on FB, but would help here.

Carrie Ann Tripp said...


virginiaallain said...

My blog is about my mother's life and includes some of her writing, my memories, her recipes, and crafts. LINK

Sandra Williamson said...

Hi Virginia, this is my first time doing the A to Z Challenge and one of the delights is finding others who are writing about their family history. Really enjoyed your blog. Look forward to reading more.


Sandra’s Ancestral Research Journal

shalz75 said...

First time here on AtoZ as I had just missed it last year - so had earmarked and now very excited about it!

Alice Gerard said...

Looking forward to the A to Z link. This is now my third year. Today's post is about the big storm here in western New York.

Alice Gerard said...

How do I get the blog post to give you a link?

Ishieta said...

testing this.. hoping atleast 1 of the syntax will work for me :)

Thankful Thursday - My Quirks

Anonymous said...

Hi, I totally spaced this year so I only ahve two weeks to plan and prep, but I think I'm doing this, so here's a test link to my last image writing prompt response post:

WriteMighty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rashi mital said...

hi, i am rashi mital,
blog name: Rashi's Blog
the blog post is about a two people getting drenched in the rain and the feelings of the girl.
here is the link to the post:
The Mesmerizing Rain…

WriteMighty said...

i just came to know about the challenge, commented somewhere else too, thinking that was the way to participate, until i read this post. but i didn't quite understand about 'Theme Reveal' and how exactly should i be going around through the challenge.

WriteMighty said...

i was just browsing your site, but couldn't really find a link which explains A-Z challenge explicitly, as in how to participate, and the process to post each day blog/post. I would appreciate if you would help me with the same. As its already 17th today and 20th March is the Theme Reveal (which i haven't figured out what is), i have quite less time to prepare (if i need to).

Looking for a revert soon.

Harvey Heilbrun said...

Is there an email reminder list that sends us updates about A to Z things like this practice session. It would be helpful, rather than having to check this blog all of the time.

This blog post of mine is about the Night Work I do... Dreaming.

Night Work

Harvey Heilbrun

AJ Vosse said...

Third Time lucky??

Thanks Heather... let's see if I'm successful this time...

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Your link did not work.
I left you a note on your blog.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Your link works.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works!

Heather M. Gardner said...
This is a blog post about creating clickable links.

You don't have to make them clickable.

Your link works. TY.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Link works.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Rashi Mital,
Your link works.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Thank you for your interest in the Blog Challenge.
I'm going to leave you links to check out to get more information, but basically, we post for each letter in the alphabet.
There is a letter schedule located on the top right side of this page.
For 2017 there will not be a sign up list.
After you post Letter A to your own blog, come leave your link on this blog in the comments of our Letter A post.
The Theme Reveal is optional, but if you have one and would like to share it, that's on March 20th.
We also have a FB page you can post on.
Please use the hashtag #atozchallenge when using social media.

2017 announcement:

2017 theme reveal:

Thank you!

Ishieta said...

Thank you so much for checking... i have been trying out all the options to get this right :) so glad 1 worked!

Heather M. Gardner said...

On the right sidebar of this page you can...
Subscribe To Blogging from A to Z Challenge Blog
Follow the A to Z Blog by Email

Your link works.

Saraallie said...

It's almost time and I finally got to practice posting :D
Soooo here goes:

Sara Writes

MsDarkstar said...

Here's my linky (should work)
Darkstarian Discourse -

MsDarkstar said...

Oooooh, Epic FAIL...
Trying again - Darkstarian Discourse

shalz75 said...

Yessss it works! Looking forward to this blog party with you Ish!! All the best!!

Natasha Sinha said...

My first time on A to Z. Am I excited? Oh yes, and the butterflies are somersaulting in my tummy too. :-)))

A link to one of my fiction's:

This is a 100 word story that is set in the present but haunted by the past.


AJ Vosse said...

My practising has begun! Let's hope this year's fun is as pleasant as last year's pleasure!!

Yolanda Renée said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yolanda Renée said...

Ides of March

Trying again!

Yolanda Renée said...

*Yolanda Renee*

Ides of March

Yolanda Renée said...

Got the both to work! Yay!

Unknown said...

Are we still testing? :P

Unknown said...

arrgh...such a simple code and I did not use it in the last comment... trying it here:

Lessons I learnt from my mother

Unknown said...


Just an update on what was going on.

Rik said...

Hi, I am going to be blogging at:

Since its past reveal day, I don't mind telling you all my topic will be related to politics. Specifics to be outlined on the site soon!

Julie Weathers said...

I'm late to the party, but I'll be participating again this year even though I'm trying to finish a novel at the same time. Yikes. My blog is The Tale Traveler Julie Weathers. It got hacked and deleted so I'm just getting it back up. Here is the latest post, which isn't recent, about the opium bed. My novel is about a female spy in the Civil War, so I'll be blogging about the Civil War and possibly sharing bits from The Rain Crow.

I hope I did this right.

Alice Gerard said...


Wendy of the Rock said...

I'm even later to the party than Julie ( above) but at least I made it.
My theme reveal is available at LINK

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