It's April 30, and our trip through the alphabet has nearly reached its conclusion. There are less than 24 hours remaining in this year's A to Z Challenge before we can say, in a bad Maurice Chevalier impersonation, that it is "ze end."
I hope you had a good time doing this annual exercise. This was my eleventh challenge, and I consider it the highlight of my blogging year. At the end of March, I remember some people saying "I want to do the challenge, but I don't know what to do it on!" I told a few of you, just wing it: write about a word that starts with A on April 1, a word that starts with B on April 2, take Sundays off, and proceed through the alphabet that way. A lot of you took this on without a theme and did a great job. I did a few years ago, and may do it next year, unless I can come up with another theme. We used to say that having a theme was recommended, but really, it's optional.
Don't forget, starting this coming Monday, we'll be starting the A to Z Reflections posts, where you get to tell us how it went for you, what you want us to do differently, what you think you'll do differently next year (you are planning on joining us next year, aren't you?), and anything else you'd like to share with us. The reflections posts run through next Saturday.
Then, starting on May 16, we start the A to Z Road Trip, where you can visit the blogs you didn't get a chance to during April. If you didn't get much time to see other blogs, this is your chance to do that. We usually give six months to do the road trip, but if you want to take until next March, none of us will stop you.
From all of us here at A to Z Central, thanks for making this year's Challenge the best!


Please follow us on social media.
File, Make a Copy of the Master List for yourself! Click this:
Be sure your copy is updated with everyone who signed up for the challenge. Hopping to other blogs to leave comments is half of the challenge!
Thanks to the A2Z Team for all the hard work.
This is my 4th Challenge and the best by far because I had planned my posts and had everything ready to post at least two days before time but often up to a week ahead. This really took a lot of stress out of it and left more time for visiting other blogs, and some out there are well worth a visit!
I'm already looking forward to next year.
Today's post: Z Is For Omega
I enjoyed the challenge :) thanks for hosting <3
I guessed who was the author of this post! Thank you, John and all the team, for your hard work to make this challenge possible. https://suestrifles.wordpress.com/2022/04/30/zechariah-atozchallenge/
Yes! A big thank you to all the team - your effort and encouragement was great as always. I will be back...
I can't believe I've successfully completed this challenge -- again!
Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge My Languishing TBR: Z
Howdy all and happy Saturday. I’m sad it’s the end. I really want to keep in touch with everyone and hope to continue to post. A GREAT BIG THANK YOU GOES OUT TO THE A2Z TEAM. We appreciate you so much! My offering today is Zugzwang
Thanks to a to z team for this opportunity and thanks to all a to zers who actively interacted and energized me! I hope i can continue my writing habit ...fulfilling month it was..gathered posts to read and revive for an year :) love u all....will miss the madness for sure
Congrats on completing a to z. From "The Pensive"
I can't believe it's over! This is my second A toZ, and it has been fun. I'd prepared my posts a moth added of time. Already trying to decide what to do for next year.
Everything that is knowable is dominion of Zivilyn:
I hope you all enjoyed your A to Z Challenge as much as we did!
Biggles, Ludo and Locksley from Georges Guinea Pig World
wow, this is the 2nd time I finish, so thrilling! :D
A to Z might have ended, but the Zombie apocalypse has just begun!
this is my 5th year doing the challenge (4 consecutive) I have finished all 5 this year however was the easiest as the first 4 there was a LOT of life. Thank you, guys, for the fantastic support and encouragement along the way
Z is for Zamboni https://heavygators.blogspot.com/2022/04/a-to-z-challenge-z-is-for-zamboni.html
Thanks for moving us along and motivating us. I'm talking about our little zoo today. Looking forward to reading everyone's reflections.
Congratulations on everyone who completed the challenge! Idea-ist@GetLostInLit
I truly enjoyed the challenge this year! This is the first year that I never fell behind and finished right on schedule! I neither plan nor write my posts ahead of schedule. But, as a journalist, I am used to writing everything for a tight deadline. Still, finished feels so good. Thank you for running this challenge!!!
Zest for Life
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