Saturday, April 8, 2023

G is for Giant #AtoZChallenge

G is for Giant

Sometimes things that we think are


today turn out to be little tomorrow. 

When I reflect back on life, sometimes I laugh (guffaw!) at the things I thought were such a big deal at the time that turned out to be small. Certainly that happened a lot when I was a teenager and everything was a big deal (just ask my parents), but it has also happened as an adult. Right now, I look at all the blogs I'm following (most of whom I found through the A to Z Challenge) and all the notifications of new posts, and I am overwhelmed by how much I have to read. It really is a GIANT list. And that's not even to mention all the new blogs I want to explore! Where will I find the time?

I'm not sure yet, but it'll come. (Maybe Sunday.)

And I'll look back at this April, like all the others, and I'll catch up on my own posts and read many others. Someone commented on my blog just this week, "It's never too late." Don't get discouraged. Just write one sentence at a time. Read one blog at a time. Write one comment at a time. And before you know it, you'll get there.

Tell us, what is GIANT for you right now?


weejars said...

A reflective and somber post for today…

G is for Grief

Susan Sanderson said...

If gigantic means huge, perhaps the subject I am tackling this April counts.

Misky said...

Good morning everyone.

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

I have "giant" as the subject of one of my posts today.

Ronel visiting for G:
My Languishing TBR: G
Giants of All Kinds

Frewin55 said...

Like yourself - the A to Z is giant but your concluding advice is spot on - one post or comment or new blog at a time...

kaykuala said...

Coming on in with G,


Crackerberries said...

You are absolutely right....giant mountains today are little bumps in the road tomorrow. One thing is constant...Ground meat and GRITS


songbird's crazy world said...

Yeah,the challenge is turning out to be gigantic

Dyanne @ I Want Backsies said...

I am the QUEEN of making things giant that shouldn't be. 99% of the time is because it requires me to make a phone call, and I have a GIANT amount of anxiety about doing that. Bear in mind that I have no problem advising someone else to just make that phone call, but I can't do it myself!

Anne M Bray said...

The G shoe sketch:

Pradeep Nair said...

Nothing is a giant if we can get on top of it!
G for Gallium

Donna B. McNicol said...

My writing commitments for this year. Yes, they are only personal goals (other than one book) but if I get done what I have set out, I will know I can tackle GIANT goals.

My A to Z Blogs
DB McNicol - Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, and Significant Memories
My Snap Memories - My Life in Black & White

Maria L. Berg said...

Today's Gossip and Graciousness:

Lady In Read said...

a little late but here is my letter G -

KJ Scrim, Writer said...

GIANT is a great word to describe those overwhelming things in life that seem so daunting. Time is the name of the character that takes the giant down. Great way to look at it. Giant for me is getting a post written every day this month, but I just slay my giant by either painting (that post to come) or working in my garden. Read about the giant that I faced this winter in my garden (one was the weather and the other a small fur ball.

Dave Roller said...

Great Post! I am really enjoying this year's challenge. In unrelated news to this post, I was going through the master list looking for blogs to read. (I have ths sytem where on whatever numeric date it is I look at as many blogs as I have time to with that number.) Well as today is the 9th, I was looking at # 91 on the list P.T. Diloway's blog. It is not listed as an adult content blog yet when I linked to it it has a content warning on it. I do not go to blogs with adult content, so I really appreciate the warnings. I was thinking if someone could check with P.T. Diloway and see if the blogger content warning is just a mistake (as I know that has happened before) or if the master list for 91 could be set to adult content.