Monday, April 24, 2023

T is for Time #AtoZChallenge


T is for Time

Do you ever feel like you don't have enough time? That is my constant state of being. My To Do List never ends, and sometimes feels like it gets longer every time I look at it. Just focusing on the A to Z Challenge for a moment, I have over 100 emails from the blogs I've subscribed to that I haven't read yet. I'm behind on my posts on my personal blog (actually, I got caught up just now, but I was two days behind). I haven't had a chance to read any new blogs...

The list just goes on.

I share this because I want you to know that if you feel the same way, you aren't alone! And while time is always short, there's still time left in April for you to catch up. Even if you can't catch up on your own posts, we hope that you'll take some time to visit and comment on new blogs, revisit some of your favorites, and hopefully gain something from this challenge.

Take time to invest in blogging this month. Feel free to tell us in the comments what you hope to accomplish this month with the time we have left!


weejars said...


T is for Tracks

kaykuala said...

Here we go again. T for Tom


ladyleemanila said...

Frewin55 said...

Yes! Time! But the reward for throwing yourself into the April madness is worth it...

Susan Sanderson said...

I am hoping to write some book reviews to schedule for later in the year. Time management is important!

Misky said...

songbird's crazy world said...

I always want more time for the good things

Crackerberries said...

There is never enough time, but if you have 60 seconds Today is the Day and maybe you would like some Tangerine Salad


Anne M Bray said...

The T shoe sketch:

martine said...

I have enjoyed giving more time to blogging this month, but other things have been neglected. So many books, so little time:-)

jabblog said...

A to Z has consumed me, but I am enjoying it and learning a lot.

Lady In Read said...

i need more time to blog hop and comment (and each year i hope to earn that time by scheduling posts in March, but....).. so i am guessing i will be doing more blog hopping in may..

Donna B. McNicol said...

I've really enjoyed meeting some new friends via the blogs and hope to continue to follow them as I hope they will continued to follow me. My current WIP (Halloween themed mystery short) is getting a couple sentences a day. LOL!

Donna McNicol - My A to Z Blogs
DB McNicol - Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, and Significant Memories
My Snap Memories - My Life in Black & White

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

It's good to know I'm not alone...

Ronel visiting for T:
My Languishing TBR: T
Terrifying Trolls