Friday, January 17, 2014

For #bloggers new to #atozchallenge : What is it and Why You should Join

On twitter, I come across many #bloggers who ask me what Blogging from A to Z April Challenge really is all about.

I tell them 26 posts on 26 days of April, with Sundays off for good behavior.

While this is factually correct, it doesn't tell them all about it so if you're a blogger wondering about what A to Z Challenge is all about, read on.

Arlee Bird came up with this challenge in 2010, and no one can describe the process better than him, so I'll just link to his post. Go on, read it, I'll wait for you.

Now that you know the concept, I'll give you my take  as a participant in 2011 and a co-host in 2012-13:

1. It is a community-building exercise. My co-hosts have been like my blog family, and I've met and kept hundreds of blog friends on my two blogs, Amlokiblogs and Daily (w)rite. The sign-up list was 1656 participants long at the end of the last challenge-- that's a hell lot of bloggers gathering under one roof!

2. I've enjoyed writing to theme, whether it was flash fiction, hosting other authors or going wordless. The challenge has improved my blogging by 50% (I'm lazy, so nothing can improve my blogging by 100%, sigh.). I even got a book out of it, and it still gets bought!

3. Which brings me to my next point: You get out of the A to Z Challenge what you put in it. Schedule your posts in advance according to an interesting theme, and go visit other participants during April-- you'll reap more benefits.

4. Last year, I posted on 10 tips to Ace the A to Z Challenge. They'll hold true this year as well-- and, if you choose to follow them all, you're likely to be an exhausted but ecstatic blogger at the end of April this year!

Questions? Leave them in the comments!

Here's hoping you'll join us for the amazing ride that will be Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2014!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Stormy the Weather Gnome talks about A to Z Themes!

Hi. My name is Stormy the Weather Gnome and I'm being used.

For the last two years the host of The Waiting is the Hardest Part has been using me as her theme for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.

She never asked me.

She never consulted me.

She never even mentioned it.

I just thought I was at a photo shoot.

Anyways, jokes on her, because I'm much more popular than she will ever be.

Since I starred in the challenge...

I've been a guest poster on other blogs.
I've been quoted on the bathroom wall.
I've been requested to start my own Facebook page.
I've been told to stay away from the gate at the White House.

I am popular!

So, I'm guessing you want to know what my point is.

My point, besides the one on top of my hat, is that sometimes having a clearly defined theme can be the best option for your A to Z April Challenge.

Readers will know what to expect of you and come back ... willingly!

Are you thinking about a theme for this April?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Road Trip Pit Stop Oil Check

Hi guys! It's time to cruise into the mechanic for an oil check to be sure we're moving forward in the best shape possible. Wouldn't want to stall out on the way along the A-to-Z Highway!

The holidays have been a busy time for all of us, whether because of gatherings with friends and family, time spent shopping and preparing feasts, children vacationing from school, finals, or even work deadlines before the end of the year. So if your visits to your A-to-Z friends slowed, there's no shame in it. Get that engine check, make sure your spark plugs are in working order, and continue along at whatever pace your speedometer is comfortable with.

If you need to take an extended pit stop, grab some eats at a greasy spoon, nab a night in a motel, that's okay, too. We hope to see you on the road when you're able! Above all, have fun and stop to enjoy the tourist traps.

In the meantime, I'll continue cruising along with my fantastic Road Trip partners, Tina, of Life is Good, and Nicole, of The Madlab Post. I couldn't ask for two better ladies to Road Trip with.

Honk if you're still taking part in the A-to-Z Road Trip!

~Shannon, The Warrior Muse