Are we ready!
Can you keep up the enthusiasm throughout the entire month?
The opening day of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge is always the biggest one. There's lots of blog action and optimism heading out of the starting gate. It's important to pace yourself over the next few weeks. As the cliche goes, this is not a sprint it's a marathon.
Those who have prepared posts ahead of time will be in pretty good shape for the month, but if you don't have your posts finished the race is not lost. Now what you have on your hands is the essence of what a Challenge is all about.
No matter how you've approached the A to Z Challenge, it can be done and done with great success. Personally my first time around I started without posts prepared ahead of the game as well as in later Challenges with the entire month's posts completed before starting day. It's a matter of willingness to finish and the fortitude to get it done.
Do you have what it takes to succeed this April? I think you do, but the bottom line is that you have to believe that you've got it and then show the rest of us that you can do it.
Forget about discouragement and fear of failure. This is a Challenge. Overcoming the negatives of your thinking is the point of staying in the game to the very end. Not getting the visits and comments that you'd like to have means that you need to get out to visit and comment on other sites. Like any job, if you don't do the necessary work, you don't get your payday.
This April the A to Z Challenge is your second job and for some maybe even your full time job. If you're working to make your blog great then you should work as hard as you can to be successful. If you're here to have fun then that's fine as well--we emphasize the fun factor of A to Z.
However you approach this Challenge, in the end you get as much as you put into it. You can finish and you can finish big if you set your mind to that aim.
The A to Z Team is rooting for you and we're here to help you. Stay focused on that finish line. You'll be glad you met the Challenge and you'll be a better blogger in doing it.
Let's go A to Z Bloggers!
Our post is up.
...and away we go!!
Yes, pacing is SO important.
The best approach is pre-written posts.
Writer In Transit
This is my first time and I have to admit that I am nervous. I am definitely looking forward to having fun l though! :)
And then there's option C, where I change my theme on March 30th. Oh, well, we had to switch sites and officiants the day before our wedding 19 years ago, and that worked out so maybe ... *lol*
LuAnn (approx #374 on the list) @ Back Porchervations.
(and one of co-host AJ Lauer's #wHooligans)
Ya. I was awaiting for this day to come. Post is up and looking forward to reading others today. Happy Friday.
Away we go!
YAY. The post is up http://www.sinamontales.com/alcohol-in-baking-boozy-bread-pudding-recipe
But don't we have a linky?
This is my 2nd year with this challenge. I returned because I loved it the first time..
I plan to sneak through the A to Z this year unnoticed as part of a cunning plan.
OK I'm still not of the list yet but I will be very soon.
Rob Z Tobor
Excited for another year of A-Zzzzz's. This is my sixth year, and I tend to only write a day or two ahead. I feel stressed if I'm not one day ahead, but more than a couple and I feel like my writing isn't as fresh. Good luck everyone!
Everything is spinning... I am sort of ready, ready or not here I come!
Welcome in the letter "A"... thank you!
Jeremy [Retro]
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2016]
Stop over and find a free "SIX STRINGS: BLOGGING AtoZ CHALLENGE" Here: http://www.jmhdigital.com/
You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?
I'm ready! And waiting to see everyone's theme and posts. I'm excited to share mine as I'm using book covers from the Pulp Fiction era. Such fun titles and graphics.
Congrats on another successful start, Lee!
This is the first year for team Girl Who Reads. We already blog daily so I challenged the team to think differently about the content they usually write and encouraged them to try something new.
So glad to get started. Loving reading people's posts.
Ready, up and reading. It's going to be the funnest A-Z this April!
And we are off and rolling!
I only got 12 preposted. I will prevail and finish the rest.
Popping in to all the ones in my email before work.
Having fun and enjoying them already!
I am ready with my first post. Do we need to link it somewhere?
Let the games begin!
I am new, but excited to join. Thank you!
Thanks, this is my first time at attempting this--I have written a few posts in advance
I'm writing my posts a week ahead of time. Last year I wrote each post on the day of the letter (I did this the years before too). I hope it's as fun this way as the other more spontaneous way. Time will tell.
First time joining this challenge. It should be fun!
FORTITUDE!!! You can do this!
"get 'er done!" Thanks for the motivation. Let's do this!
It's my first year doing this challenge and I'm quite excited about it!
Have a great day all! :)
I have no posts prepared and just finished the #SOL16 blogging challence at Two Writing Teachers. I didn't prepare in advance for that one either, and I blogged all 31 days, even while on vacation in Hawaii. Glenda from
Evolving English Teacher
And, as they say in horse racing, they're off! Well, we're off... LOL!
Thanks for the encouragement! Let the madness begin!
Thanks for the encouragement and inspirational post! I'm going to re-read this when the going gets tough :) Have a great weekend.
Right on, we're off! Hank is here!
A if for ALL YOU BLOGGERS ROCK! Sometimes the hardest part is just to start. Look at all of us starting today. If you still have those couple words or more to post, go do it now and then come back for the reads. I'm looking forward to seeing you all in here this month and getting to know as many of you and your internet homes as possible. Go have a great Friday! - Traci
Thanks for the visit!
Thanks Arlee! It's a huge challenge and thanks for being there!
I'm up an running. Look forward to reading the posts. @sheilamgood at Cow Pasture Chronicles
I'm happy to be participating this year.
My first post is about Affiliate Network Marketing for bloggers.
I'm doing this challenge with my first blog ever, created originally 16 years ago.
Wheee! Here we go....
It's going to take a lot of caffeine and patience, but I'm going to do my best to visit as many blogs as possible! I'm ready!
Twitter: @KnottyMarie
Literary Gold
Jingle Jangle Jungle
Where do I find the list sorry I'm new to this
This post is just perfect for the first-timers, and for the survivors. Thank you for the encouragement :)
Hello everybody!
I wish you a great A-Z Challenge!
Sinziana from
Sparkling Shoes Girl
I usually brainstorm themes for all my letters ahead of time, and then write the posts at the last minute. I intend to write them ahead of time, but... um... don't. Still, I've completed every year since 2012, so something about my method works. Encouragement is always welcome... thanks!
@DoreeWeller from
Doree Weller’s Blog
This is my first time and I am more than excited to partake. I've posted my first installment. You can check it here: https://erhynireh.wordpress.com/2016/04/01/a-to-z-challenge-2016-alienated/ Thank you in advance! More to come!
Year 4 here! Still nervous. I just know I've forgotten to do something, but what?
Great motivation! This is my first time, so scared! www.xoxomake.com
I'm ready to go! Let's do this!
@LGKeltner from
Writing Off the Edge
And we're off!
[@ajcray] from
Tilting at Windmills
is there going to be a linky up?
Here's my introduction post and my first post. I hope to get feedback as we go deeper into the Challenge.
Every marathon starts with a first step. We have done it! Let's do the second one tomorrow - well, for some it already is tomorrow... ;-)
I definitely think it's been easier when I've had my posts mostly or all written beforehand. I still have U,V, W, X, Y, Z so...I better get busy!
This is my first time at this challenge and I hope I'm up for it. I'm looking forward to meeting new friends. Good luck, everyone!
I did it! My first A to Z Challenge post :)
The Joyous Living: Amber Hagerman
x Joy @ The Joyous Living
Where do I put up the link for my blog...Is it here???
I'm guessing it is here so here goes...
First year participating. The previous 2 years I found out about the challenge half way through. This year, I only found out about it the day before, so improvement has already been made. Thanks for your work!
Yup, we're off and running with a bang.
So this is my first year. And on top of it all at 12:10 am i was taking my boyfriend to the emergency room. I signed up than felt it was to much for me to take on. Last minute I was told do it. So I have no theme. So thought about it and it is what word comes to me first thing in the morning. This morning the word is .......(I am not sure where to post this?)
A Faith Filled Heart
I'm in it totally for the connection and fun this year!
Revisit the Tender Years with me during the #AtoZChallenge at Life & Faith in Caneyhead!
And we're off!!! All the best to all the cohosts !
Damyanti, AZ cohost 2016
How do you get the link up ??? http://elan-creations.me
I thought I would finish in advance but life had other plans. Still going strong though. First post went up this morning and the second will be ready for tomorrow.
And we're off!
Good luck to all!
Great encouragement!!! Excited to be a part of it.
I'm already playing catch up because hubby and I went on a little trip for our anniversary yesterday.
It would have been very difficult for me without the fantastic job that you and the rest of the team have done.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
If you haven't found the list yet look at the top of the page and click on the page for sign up list.
http://womenslegacyproject.com/a-legacy-tools/ Been so busy writing I forgot to post here! LOL. A is for Acid Free.
So sorry that I only figured out today how to link-up with you ... still it's great fun writing for this challenge ... my first entry for the letter "A" was this one, written on April 1st: https://bastetandsekhmet.wordpress.com/2016/04/01/awaken-to-live-a-to-z-challenge-cleave-poem-april-1-2016/
But the next day I wrote this second poem using just words beginning with the letter "A" : https://bastetandsekhmet.wordpress.com/2016/04/02/a-is-for-awakening-a-to-z-challenge-april-1-2016/
Ciao, Bastet.
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