Jenny Pearson from Pearson Report was a first-timer in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge in 2011, but I can assure you that won't be her last time. She'll be back!
A-Z Challenge Aftermath and Interview

AHH…so this is what life looks like after the April A-Z Challenge!
Blue SkyWarmthDelicate Floral FragrancesBirds Chirping it Spring?
WOW! Where did the time go…
The following interview will summarize my experience with this writing challenge and the impact it has had on my existence.
HRH: So, Jenny...what made you want to enter a writing challenge in the first place?
JP: Well, ever the glutton for punishment I figured what the heck let’s see how much more I can pile on my already over burdened shoulders before I break.
HRH: Really, that’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think?
JP: Look who's talking about drama! But, generally speaking, it's how I do things. You’ve heard the saying, “If you want something done, give it to the busiest person.” Well, as busy as I was I just wanted to give this a try and see what happened.
Besides, I love being challenged.
HRH: Well, I see from reading your posts, for this challenge, that you seemed to have a theme going on?
JP: Bright little light aren’t you?
I started off with every intention of enlightening my 55 Followers about my work world; but I soon realized even I didn’t find it that exciting and trying to fill twenty-six letters with my career would be a stretch at best, and torturous for my 55 loyal, devoted, amazing and awesome Followers.
HRH: You seem a bit stuck on the number of Followers you have.
JP: Look, you may not know this, being all cooped up in a castle and all, but Followers are the cornerstone that hold this whole blogging world together. So, yeah, I’m stoked that I’ve got 55 Followers.
You know, when I started this A-Z Challenge on April 2nd, I had 26 Followers - yeah, that’s right 26, don’t look so stunned.
HRH: WOW! Gee...that’s pretty amazing. You’ve gained 29 new Followers...WOW!
JP: You’re not very good at this interviewing thing...haven’t you ever talked with someone that had fantastic stuff happen to them. Like, am I the first person you’ve ever interviewed?
HRH: Ah...well...kinda’...they don’t let me out much, you know, to mingle with the commoners, so it’s a little hard to know exactly what to talk about.
But, I think it’s really cool that you have doubled your Followers because of this challenge.
JP: It true, getting this kind of exposure with like minded bloggers, all wanting to be seen and read, is pretty gratifying. The folks that put this together are an impressive bunch as well.
HRH: And who might these folks be?
JP: Your getting better at this, feeling more comfortable with the questions, eh?
Here, I’ll give you the list of the hosts and maybe you can work it into your article.
Arlee Bird's Tossing It Out
Jeffrey Beesler's World of the Scribe
Alex J. Cavanaugh Alex J. Cavanaugh
Jen Daiker's Unedited
Candace Ganger's The Misadventures in Candyland
Karen J Gowen Coming Down the Mountain
Talli Roland Talli Roland
Stephen Tremp's Breakthrough Blogs
HRH: Pretty impressive list - I’ll have to check them out, during tea!
JP: You do that...and tell them Jenny sent you! Oh, and while you’re at it check out the very long list of excellent bloggers that entered this challenge.
HRH: Have you been to visit all of them?
JP: I’ve been too busy walking on water! What, do I look like a miracle worker to you? Really, give your head a shake there were over 1200 blogs on the list.
Okay, okay...truth is I am making my way through the list and because I finish what I start I will get to all of them come hell or high water.
HRH: So, what do you think is next, now that this is over?
JP: You know that tall drink of water I was talking to you about, back in March...the one with that fast car? Well, I’m going to take him for a spin!
HRH: Be careful, there are lots of roadblocks out there and you may have to take a detour en route to where ever it is you are going.
JP: That’s half the fun, not knowing what’s around the next bend.
HRH: Thanks Jenny, for sharing your feelings with us about this challenge. Is there anything else you wish to say to the millions of readers that will see this article?
JP: If you already Follow - thanks.
But, if you are one of the folks that leaves a COMMENT you are truly the icing on my cake! You are the SWEET stuff - the YUMMY part of this whole experience.
You - dear commenter make this all worthwhile!
Cheers, Jenny
Thanks Jenny and we look forward to another great Challenge in 2012. I know you're ready.
That was a hoot...HRH
Lol! Great interview and I am looking forward to A-Z 2012.
mybabyjohn/Delores - Thanks! HRH was able to squeeze in a quick chat between royal scandals!
Tracy Jo - I had such fun participating in the A-Z last April, I'm quite excited to see what lurks in the corners of my mind for this next one.
I'm glad you are on board for it!
Very funny interview/post!
I like the banter back and forth.
Alex J. Cavanaugh - Thanks! That came out of being tired and wondering what to write about...I was sitting at my computer, talking to myself (I always answer in British English as the Queen) and it just went from there! I'm glad you liked it!
L. Diane Wolfe - It was fun giving this Aftermath post the feel like someone important was interviewing me! Who better than royalty - I always say "go big or go home"! (it's the crazy woman in my's all her fault) :)
Thanks for stopping by and taking a read!
Wonderful to read.
Yvonne - Thank you for dropping by.
If only I kept the audio...HRH sounds so delightful on tape. :)
I love the dialogue. :)
I felt a bit like that after the Challenge--like, I actually have time to do things during the day other than blog, blog, blog? And it's nice outside? Awesome!
Hey dear Eagle - thanks for dropping by!
It was a fun experience but at times I truly forgot to look outside, so when it was over I thought were did all those flowers come from!
One of the highlights was getting to know you - your posts were really something - I learned a lot!
Cheers, Jenny @ PEARSON REPORT
Wooot, fun interview! I had a theme too. It was based on writing. I wonder what theme I'll use this time? Maybe writing again. Or parenthood, the woes made funny? ;)
Hi Jenny .. great take on the A - Z life .. and how can HRH possibly know what it's like til she's joined us .. but her birthday occurs then doesn't it and last year her grandson got married .. so she was slightly busy.
It's great you joined in - but as you say the comments are the icing on the cake ..
Enjoy the 2012 Challenge, but before that a very Merry Christmas and New Year .. cheers Hilary
This was great fun. Now I need to visit Jenny :-)
Fun interview and very honest.
Elizabeth Mueller - Thank you for checking out this post!
Tough choices in the theme department - I’m still tossing the coin on my options, but hopefully by April 1st we’ve got it figured out!
Hilary Melton-Butcher - Yes, HRH was busy back then, and now too! Poor dear, I bet she’d love to blog about “the family”!
Thanks for dropping by, Hilary, and giving this a read!
Sarah Pearson - (gotta love the last name!!) Thanks for taking a look at my Aftermath post and commenting.
Do drop by my blog, stay for tea and maybe HRH will surprise us with a visit!
Rek - Thank you! I had fun with it and I know HRH did too! (grin)
To all the wonderful bloggers who stopped by, and left a comment, I say a sincere “Thank You” - you are the glue that holds this blogging world together.
Jenny, This was such a clever way to sum up A to Z! Looking forward to taking the "challenge" with you in April! In the meantime, have a very Merry Christmas!
Lee, wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas too, and I hope you take a little time off! Julie
A great interview - and funny too!
Empty Nest Insider - Thanks for dropping by! I'm looking forward to this April's challenge with you as well - it will be fun!
Mish - Thanks! I'm glad you liked this - I had fun with it myself!
Cheers, Jenny
What a fun way to do this! When you're done walking on water and enjoying tall drinks of water, I'll see you in the next challenge!
Shannon Lawrence - I'm laughing! I am still enjoying my tall drink!
I'm looking forward to the next challenge too! It'll be great fun!
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