Saturday, September 22, 2012

Letter Play - N is for News

The following blog photo (alphabet letter only) is brought to you by Nicole Ayers at The Madlab Post....

First, I apologize for dropping the ball on our regularly scheduled Friday Fun Time program. This post comes a day late because I forgot to write one this week and didn't realize it until last night, as I was at an AMC movie theater in New York, watching "The Girl is In Trouble," starring actor Columbus Short and produced by independent film director, Spike Lee. You see, that's just it -- Letter N is for News today and I'm showing you guys one photo featuring a letter that describes one of the characteristics of news, whether it be on TV, radio or in print. That thing is: URGENCY!

Me with Short Film "Barbasol" Writer & Producer Kiara C. Jones 

More importantly, the urgency of me getting "Letter Play" up to date coincides with other writing duties -- duties related to my field of interest. Right now (read: this weekend), nothing is more Urgent than the 2012 Urbanworld Film Festival. Well, that AND me moving forward with the production of my short film due out later this Fall. So, I welcome you all to bear with me for the next week or so because things will be hectic but that still doesn't meant that I have forgotten about my A to Z Challenge peeps!

Here is a photo that you can use on your blog, if needed, for the Letter U during the A to Z Challenge in April:

Have A Great Weekend, Everybody!

Sign up for the Monday Movie Meme, a weekly group blogging series that inspires discussion about entertainment in a whole new light and provides recommendations for your DVD, on-demand or theater fix. New topics are posted every Monday at The Madlab Post!

Also @MadlabPost on Twitter


Rob Z Tobor said...

What six hours and no one has made a comment on the A to Z that is terrible..... No hang one there does seem to one ...... . . . .AH OK


It is soul destroying to write a post and no one reply. Just one would be
enough for me.


Nicole said...

Rob and Yvonne,

It's like that win some and you lose some.

Blog posts that receive the most comments are sometimes the very ones that we least expect to strike a chord with readers and yet, the ones that we think might get a large response are the very ones that sit empty of comments...maybe because no one read the post, maybe because readers don't know what to say or maybe because they just don't care....either way, it's all part of the blogging arena. Posts with zero comments sorta comes with the territory.

That said, this past week has been a roller coaster ride but we live and learn!

Arlee Bird said...

I figured there was a good reason that you didn't post on Friday and I think it's a matter of priorities. I think you've got yours straight.

Tossing It Out

Tina said...

I'm with Arlee. I haven't posted in a week. Busy, busy with the remodel, and my health is improving enough that I can bark even more orders now! I know the family is thrilled with that! I'm doing an update post, unless there's an MMM...then I'll be doing that. Cool that your film career is in full swing and that you're getting to meet such wonderful people.
Tina @ Life is Good

Jolie du Pre said...
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Jolie du Pre said...


Nicole, congrats on your success!


Folks, please remember that just because a post may not receive comments, or many comments, that doesn't mean it hasn't been read.

Many people are subscribed to A to Z. I'm subscribed, and I get entire blog posts in my email. Despite that, I make it a point to visit the actual blog and to post occasional comments. However, I wouldn't be surprised if a number of people just read the posts that land in their email rather than come to the actual blog.

Jolie du Pre
Precious Monsters