Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now!

I’ve been involved in the publishing industry for almost ten years and taught publishing and promoting seminars for over five years. They are my favorite seminars - I get so fired up when I speak in front of a room of hopeful writers! After years of attendees asking for a book, not to mention my husband prodding me to write one, I finally wrote one. And today, I can finally say - yes, I have a book!

By L. Diane Wolfe

Publishing and promoting made simple!

Have you always dreamed of publishing a book but didn’t know where to begin? This book walks you through the steps of identifying markets, budgeting, building an online presence, and generating publicity. Get the whole story on:

• Traditional publishing
• Self-publishing
• Print and e-book setup, formatting, and distribution
• Finding your target audience
• Generating reviews and media interest
• Networking and developing an online presence
• Promotional materials and appearances

Uncover your ideal publishing path and numerous marketing options before you begin. Writing is your dream. Give it the best chance for success!

Publishing/Marketing, 214 pages, Dancing Lemur Press LLC
$14.95 Trade paperback ISBN 978-0-9827139-5-2
$4.99 Ebook ISBN 978-0-9827139-9-0

Purchase here: Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and Amazon Kindle Available soon for all e-readers.

“She gives an unbiased take on the advantages and disadvantages of traditional publishing and self-publishing and publishing paths that combine the two… It's the perfect book for those who want an overview to begin the decision-making process.”
- Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning series of how-to books for writers

“A must-read for writers planning on self-publishing or any writer who wants the ultimate how-to on promoting. Tons of links, advice, and how-to, whether you're going for print or e-publication.”
- Helen Ginger, author of Angel Sometimes

Known as “Spunk On A Stick,” Wolfe is a member of the National Speakers Association and a motivational speaker. She’s conducted seminars on book publishing and promoting for five years and assisted writers through several author services. Her other titles include “Overcoming Obstacles With SPUNK!” which ties her goal-setting and leadership seminar’s information together, and a YA series, “The Circle of Friends.” Wolfe travels extensively for media interviews and speaking engagements, maintains a dozen websites & blogs, and contributes to several other sites and newsletters.

Spunky’s sites: Blog, Website, Twitter, Facebook, and Deviant Art

And today I am giving away one autographed copy and some cool swag at my blog, so please visit Spunk On A Stick’s Tips!


Jolie du Pre said...

I took a "look inside" over at Amazon. The chapters are extremely short, which can be either a plus or a minus. However, currently I'm reading everything I can on this particular topic, so I'll buy and read the book as part of my research.

Leigh Caron said...

I'm ordering today!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Diane. It is on top of my books to buy list the next I sit with my Kindle!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Jolie, the chapters are short but packed with info - and there are 84 of them.

Thanks all!

Rob Z Tobor said...

I know when I produced my album many moons ago I had to do all sorts of things like smile and be nice to folk . . . . . . . . Luckily I don't need to do that now PHEW....

Tina said...

Diane, what an asset you are to our team! Heading to Amazon to get my copy now. Sounds like it will answer all the stuff that's been rattling around as I work on my first novel...which is far from done (17% if you're doing NaNo...which I did...)

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS, Diane! Looking forward to getting my own copy.

Konstanz Silverbow said...

This is awesome, congrats!!!! Haha, I just sent in my first manuscript and have decided that if going traditional doesn't work, I will self-publish. Now I know what to get if I go that route! :D

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Tina, thank you. I hope I can use what I know to help the team.

Konstanz, over half the book is on promotions, so it will help you either way.

Arlee Bird said...

Congratulations A to Z Team member Diane!

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Nicole said...

Much congrats on your book release! The next writing/publishing seminars will be a hit when attendees find out that they can grab a copy...especially if autographs are given on the spot :)

