So what’s the latest and greatest regarding NASA? And why should I care, you ask? Hasn't the shuttling of the Space Shuttle Program and cutbacks in funding and lack of vision from our political leaders made this once awesome organization boring and irrelevant? Well, please allow me dispel these thoughts and take you on a tour of the NASA Web site.
NASA For Students: Have kids? Are you a school teacher, home schooler, or know someone who is? Then the NASA for Educators, the NASA for Students, and the NASA Kids Club and are worth a navigating and Bookmark or save in your Favorites. NASA for Students is broken up into grade groups of: K-4 5-8 9-12 Higher Education Each group has age appropriate links.

NASA also hosts youth ambassadors from around the globe for successful outreach programs. NASA’s Web site is a great site for kids to research homework and for author to research their novels. What about classrooms and partnering with other classrooms around the globe?
Virtual Tours: Can't work out a visit to a NASA facility? Check out their interactive features such as their Interactive Features and Virtual Tours.
Connect with NASA: Yep. There's an app for that. Check out the various apps and social networks NASA has such as Facebook and Twitter.
What's Next For NASA? NASA is conducting an unprecedented array of missions that will seek new knowledge and understanding of Earth, the solar system and the universe. NASA has observatories in Earth orbit and deep space, spacecraft visiting the moon and other planetary bodies, and robotic landers, rovers, and sample return missions. One example is designing and building the capabilities to send humans to explore the solar system and working toward a goal of landing humans on Mars. NASA has a payback on our hard-earned tax dollars, providing great paying jobs, supporting entire communities, and opening doors for incredible future opportunities such as planet colonization and mining asteroids (more on this in a future post).

You can visit Stephen Tremp at Breakthrough Blogs.
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Nice to know NASA is still around. I sorta thought they packed up and closed down. Thanks for the info.
I'm ready for a virtual tour!
Enjoyed the read Stephen.
That's kinda what I thought too, packed up and gone home. I was very disappointed when they stopped their space exploration programme.
I have mixed feelings about the amount of money spent on NASA. If you haven't read it already, you might enjoy Dan Brown's book Deception Point.
I miss the shuttle launches.
"Thank you, NASA. Thank you, NASA! Thank you, NASA! Thank you, NASA!"
I bet you've read Deception Point. I couldn't, literally, put it down. But it's fiction. I'm still a big NASA fan, and we try to catch live events when we can. It was thrilling to watch Curiosity land so perfectly, all Apollo 13 yelling control room and all...sigh. I'm such a sucker for watching history happen...
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge
Born in the 50's, growing up in the 60's NASA has always been a big interest in my life. I still remember watching the landing on the moon, Mercury and Gemini Missions where the fished the spacecraft out of the water and to this day I check the status of the rovers on Mars every month.
In my mid 50's now I guess NASA is still filling my boyhood dreams :)
Images by Bil of the 60's and 70's
Very cool! I'm off to take the virtual tour. Thanks for sharing this, Stephen.
Just getting home from a very hectic day and finally able to check in. Thanks everyone for stopping by and saying hello!
Truly enjoyed this post. Who knows what our government is doing half the time, or even why. What we do know is that organizations and programs like NASA help us in a variety of ways. That's important and we should never underestimate their value in our society. Thank you for writing this, Stephen!
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