Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Letter Y

Y: the next to last letter and the finish line is just ahead.

Do you see it? 

Isn't it beautiful? 

Y is for YOU did it!

Y is for YAY!

Y is for YIPPIE!




Timothy S. Brannan said...

This one has been a hard one! I didn't write any of my posts ahead of time AND work has been busy as all heck.

But I made it...just need to find a vampire that starts with Z.

Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
2015 A to Z of Vampires

Jolie du Pre said...

Yes! I can't believe I'm almost done with another A to Z Challenge. This will be the fourth one!

Precious Monsters

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I'm sorry this is a lousy post for Y, Yes it is next to Z but You have not finished Yet I have and it will go out at 6am tomorrow. Now where me I survived badge

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

One more day!!

Door2Lore said...

So excited - and I bought the t-shirt to boot. What are the chances of me running into others wearing the shirt this summer? Can't wait to find out! @Door2LoreSue
PowerofStoryABlog - Every Hero Has a Story

Pooja Priyamvada said...

Lovely. to the point, brought a smile.

holli said...

Yippee for sure on seeing the finish line merely inches a way!!! This challenge went so much faster than I expected though. I am very proud of myself for doing this and so happy for the people I met along the way.

kaykuala said...

Yay it is! Hank is here

Stephanie Bird said...

Yay, indeed! I see that finishing line, bright and shiny.

Unknown said...

Y is the hardest letter in the alphabet to write a flash fiction story for. Y? You tell me. Even X was easier! I can't believe it's nearly over. What a great challenge, but I'm exhausted.

TD Harvey
A to Z participant

Unknown said...

Y is the hardest letter in the alphabet to write a flash fiction story for. Y? You tell me. Even X was easier! I can't believe it's nearly over. What a great challenge, but I'm exhausted.

TD Harvey
A to Z participant

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

So close. I can feel it the relief coming.

cheerfuloptimistic said...

Y is also for Yes! We're close now.

Michelle Wallace said...

Thank goodness - the light at the end of the tunnel beckons...

Dixie@dcrelief said...

YOU said it!!!

Claire Annette said...


Rachel Pattinson said...

I can't believe that I've almost managed to complete a blogging challenge!! I've loved every minute of it! And this is coming from someone who quits NaNoWriMo after the first week every year ;)

Rachel Pattinson
Rachel's Ramblings - Full of writing, tea and cake

Tyrean Martinson said...


Courtney said...

Psyched! One more day! Woo Hoo!
Maui Jungalow

Strayer said...

Ha, you are funny!

A Daft Scots Lass said...


Nilanjana Bose said...

Yup. :)

Stephen Tremp said...

I'm ready. Its but fun, but its time to cross the finish line.

Charlene said...

I have a great time during the Blogging from A to Z challenge! Didn't think I would keep up with my #atozchallenge posts PLUS my own regular posts, but i have! YAYE!! ONE MORE DAY and I will be very happy to wear my badge with pride!!

Intangible Hearts said...


SpookyMrsGreen said...

I just scheduled my final post, hooray! Now, who said something about a t-shirt? I do believe I earned one this month... It has been a tough one this year, but the pleasure of completion is so much sweeter for it. I promise I will do my best to visit a whole load of other blogs during May to catch up with folk! Congratulations you guys :)

Fee said...

Just scheduled my final post! I can't believe that it's over already. I'll miss everyone :)

Fee | Wee White Hoose
Scottish Mythology and Folklore A-Z

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

I've enjoyed it immensely, but I'm getting excited to have it over with.
~ Tomorrow is Z Day! ~
Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
with the A to Z Challenge

Anonymous said...

YIPPEE! We're almost there. Sometimes it felt like it flew by and other days dragged.

~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

J.L. Campbell said...

Yup, we made it!

Unknown said...

What a sweet post!

Amaryllis Turman said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been great fun.

Deepti Agarwal said...

Yeah We did it reached here.. I posted my Z post too.. Loved the challenge immensley..

Ida Thought said...

Yay Yippee Yep. I even got my Z up before you and I've been running about 12 hours behind the whole month... Yahoos :)
Reflex Reactions

Unknown said...

This just inspires me to be more healthy and join a marathon. Thanks!

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Dr. Pearl Ketover Prilik (PKP) said...

Not familiar with the A-Z challenge - this one is adorable can see that finish line - Yay!

Peggy said...

A to Z challenge is a hard one--I tried it one year I think. Y is an especially hard one and your poem does it well!

humbird said...

Ha, it was witty! You did it! Who'd doubted about it! Congratulation, Hank!