Wednesday, March 30, 2016

#atozchallenge -- Comments! Get your comments here!


The Challenge starts on Friday. We hope you're all prepared, but it's okay if you're winging it, too.

Just remember, the Challenge is here to push you, so if you're feeling pushed, we're doing our jobs. 

In my humble opinion, there are 3 key elements to the Challenge.

*Daily blog posts.

*Responding to comments received on daily blog posts. Optional, but recommended.

*Visiting and commenting on other participants daily blog posts. Optional, but highly recommended.

Let's face it, we can't force any of you to respond to comments, or to visit others to comment, but it is part of the Challenge guidelines and the Challenge fun.

Leaving comments on a stranger's blog can be intimidating, but let's put it in perspective.

Bloggers are people just like us and they like to get comments on their blog posts just like us!

Not every comment has to be a full paragraph, re-stating the post's premise, and quoting the author.

Leave a quick remark. Like a sticky-note. Just enough to get your point across. Something you wouldn't mind receiving on your blog.

When you do comment, think about leaving a signature so they know where you're coming from, like your name and your blog title. Something you can cut & paste quickly onto the end of your comments.

You can make a hyperlink signature as well. HERE is the latest A to Z blog post on how to create one.

Remember, the Challenge isn't just about the destination, but the journey. This is your blogging community. Make the most of it.

Heather M. Gardner
Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Co-host
The Waiting is the Hardest Part


shortybear said...

great advice.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sticky Note comments - simple!

Debbie D. said...

One of my biggest pet peeves is bloggers who don't respond to any of their comments. I try to make it a point to do that as much as possible and make a return visit to the commenter's site as well as share their post. It might be a few days later, but that's okay.

Piper Presley said...

My policy is to respond to EVERYONE who visits my blog AS WELL AS visit their blogs and leave comments. I'm with Debbie D. It's a huge pet peeve of mine with people just take, take, take but never give. In my opinion, that's not the spirit of this blog hop.

A to Z Theme Reveal: Becoming an Author

Unknown said...

Comments are half the blogging experience!

Jazminn Skye said...

Just in the last few days since the Theme Reveal I've received so many comments and it really motivates me to keep writing, and interacting, with everyone else in the challenge.


Under Jazminn Skyes

J.L. Campbell said...

Good advice, Heather, nobody knows we've been unless we leave a footprint.
I sometimes don't respond to comments, bad I know, but I make return visits.

Leanne said...

I love commenting and receiving comments - blogging for me is about the connection and I've already met heaps of new people just from doing the theme reveal - can't wait til we get started on Friday! Leanne from
cresting the hill

betty said...

I'm bad about responding to comments directly on my blog, but if someone asks a question about what I wrote, I will make sure to answer that. I do always return visits from fellow bloggers and try to visit new blogs daily through the challenge.

My biggest peeve which has continued through the four years I've done the challenge is how hard it is on some blogs to leave a comment. Sometimes I can't see where to comment, sometimes you have to sign up to comment, etc. The simpler the better especially during the busy time of the challenge


Seena said...

I am super excited about this.. And yes I feel very pushed...So thank you! I am doing this the first time and so am just getting the idea of how much planning and preparing actually goes into this.. So amazed and excited!!

Seena @

Carrie-Anne said...

I typically only respond to comments when someone has asked a question about something, or commented on something which might need more explanation. I also will thank someone who's given a particularly nice compliment on a post.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Heather - I do make a point of replying to comments and I'll get to visit ... cheers Hilary

Nilanjana Bose said...

Hi, and that's great advice. No point signing up for a blogfest if one is not going to interact with others. I do suspend responding to comments on my own blog during the A-Z, in favour of returning the visit and commenting over at the bloggers own site, unless it is a specific question that requires a reply.


It's me. said...

I'm not able to find out how to make a hyperlinked signature. I click the link and it says I don't have permission to see it. It's it just wordpress code for a link?

Shelly @

Stephanie Bird said...

Nice! Thanks for this informative post! See you during the challenge.

JazzFeathers said...

Well, commenting is half the fun of the chellenge. Even two thirds of the fun of the challenge. Why would anyone not comment?

Heather M. Gardner said...


Heather M. Gardner said...

I thought so. Until I get to your blog! I write too much!


Heather M. Gardner said...

I admire bloggers that can respond to them all, but I know I'm not able to do that. We just have to try our best.

Heather M. Gardner said...

This blog hop is definitely for commenting and visiting.
You have a great policy, but its not for everyone.

Heather M. Gardner said...

They are awesome to get and awesome to give!


Heather M. Gardner said...

We love hearing that!


Heather M. Gardner said...

We try our best, J.L.!

Heather M. Gardner said...

That's great news! Heaps of people!


Heather M. Gardner said...

Thank you for your comment, Betty.
We've been trying to push the open comment platform. Hopefully this year will be better.


Heather M. Gardner said...

We're glad to hear you're on the right track!
Best of luck!


Heather M. Gardner said...

I think that's totally fair.


Heather M. Gardner said...

I love when you visit! It always puts a smile on my face!


Heather M. Gardner said...

That sounds like a fair deal to me!


Heather M. Gardner said...

Not sure why that's happening. It's the March 23rd post on this blog.
I will cut&paste the info below.

From Blog:
Fill out this template with your own information:

[Your name or Twitter handle] from
Name of Your Blog

You can add more lines if you have more blogs.
For example, my signature looks like this on code:

@TarkabarkaHolgy from
The Multicolored Diary

And looks like this when you see it at the end of my comments:

@TarkabarkaHolgy from
The Multicolored Diary

IMPORTANT: SAVE YOUR SIGNATURE somewhere where you can easily find it and copy-paste it. Me, I have it saved under Drafts in my Gmail box. Every time I go visiting, I just Copy the code, and then Paste it at the end of my comments.

Heather M. Gardner said...

TY for stopping by!


Heather M. Gardner said...

Not sure, but it does happen.

J Lenni Dorner said...

Very well said!

Anonymous said...

A couple years ago, I knew someone who signed up for the challenge but declared that they wouldn't visit anyone and I wondered, "What was the point?" Half the challenge is visiting blogs IMO.

Beauty by Dee Blackett said...

If I do this on my instagram page do I just hash tag #atozchallenge? That would be fun!

Beauty by Dee Blackett said...

If I do this on my instagram page do I just hash tag #atozchallenge? That would be fun!

It's me. said...

This is what I see when I click the link:

Your current account ( does not have access to view this page.
Click here to logout and change accounts.

Ann Bennett said...

My goal for the challenge is fairly lofty. I plan to make a comment on everyone's blog at least once. However, last night I found a blog with no way to make a comment.

Claire Annette said...

I've already received comments - hooray! I'm off to read some more blogs and comment. Here's to a fabulous month!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

The waiting is the hardest part? Truer words were never spoken!

Michelle Wallace said...

I like the idea of "sticky-note" comments.

Unknown said...

Think I came in late here. Need some idea on how to I register myself for this challenge? So .. will my blog be linked to this?

Unknown said...

Think I came in late here. Need some idea on how to I register myself for this challenge? So .. will my blog be linked to this?

Unknown said...

How can I check to make sure I'm registered? I filled out the info and put a widget on my site but I want to make sure I'm listed. Thanks!

Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond said...

Comments are a great way to meet other bloggers and you are so right receiving comments makes our day. Sue from Sizzling Towards Sixty. I need to read up on the signature. Thanks for the helpful posts leading up to the challenge.

LA Nickers said...


These posts (from my blog for writers) may be helpful for some:

5 ways to invite more blog comments

Bloggers' bonus: How to leave a linked comment

Boost your blog's readership by commenting

And if you have a Facebook page to go with your blog:

12 ways to add fans to your professional or topical Facebook page

Happy A-Z to all. Looking forward to blogging and visiting and commenting! (Doing SEVEN blogs this time.) :v

LA Nickers said...

If you go to the original signup post (where the LINKY widget is), you will see the massive (hooray!) list. Hit CTRL and F at the same time on your keyboard. A search box will pop up. Type the name of your blog. See if it shows up.
Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

How do I register myself?

Aditya said...

very true.

Cassmob (Pauleen) said...

Love your images! Thanks for the tips.

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

I read it once again. Thank you for the suggestions.

Unknown said...

you have great work and great ideas viral stuff