Time Crunch/ Forgetting to Post :
- Write as many posts as possible ahead of time.
- Schedule your posts in advance.
Post Ideas (Too Many/ Too Few) :
- Using a theme helps focus ideas.
- Brainstorm with a friend (or a fellow A to Z participant) #AtoZBrainstorm
How about an #AtoZBrainstorm for #AtoZchallenge participants in need of theme or post ideas for April 💡⛈️
— J Lenni Dorner (@JLenniDorner) January 20, 2017
Lacking Comments :
- Be sure you have A to Z posts up.
- Check that people can leave you comments. (This may require asking someone who is not logged in as you to test it using another Internet-accessed device.)
- Make certain your link is posted on the correct blog post, Facebook thread, and is on Twitter. Be sure it is going to your blog. (And not, for example, to your Wordpress Admin page.)
- Leave more comments for others. (It's what bloggers do for each other. How important is it to you to be a valued member of the blogging community?)
- Include the #atozchallenge hashtag in your post titles and be sure to share your posts on social sites such as Twitter and Facebook.
- End each post by asking a simple, open-ended question.
- Consider hyperlinking your signature.
Not Enough Blog Post Shares :
- End posts by asking people to share them.
- Enable sharing links at the bottom of the posts.
- Come up with creative blog post titles that will make sense and intrigue people.
- Share the posts of others.
Not Enough Social Media or Blog Followers :
- Check that your links actually work. (Sending people to Twitter.com or Goodreads.com is not going to get you followers. Either link to your profile on social sites or don’t have those buttons at all.)
- Be sure people can still get to your follow links when using a mobile device.
- Follow others.
- End blog posts by asking people to please follow you.
- Follow back when someone comments that they are from the #AtoZChallenge and have followed you.
- Keep your posts and comments interesting, relevant, engaged, and friendly.
by J Lenni Dorner
Reference and Speculative Fiction Author
A to Z Challenge Co-Host
Operation Awesome Debut Author Spotlight Organizer

These are all challenges I have faced when writing blog posts. Thanks for the great suggesgtions! - Marie The Articulagte Image
Great advice for blogging anytime!
Barbara from Life & Faith in Caneyhead
Hey A to Z folks! I was just wondering, if I choose to do the same theme as I did last year can I repeat some posts? I had an introductory post for the letter A which won't really change much so I was thinking of re-posting that for the letter A. The rest of the letters will have new posts obviously!
You can explore numerous writing tricks and blogging advice that help you to avoid common mistakes at our blog http://overnightessay.co.uk
I planned and planned. I wrote my posts. I check them for accuracy. And now I've decided not to participate in 2017s event. It's either do the AtoZ or commit myself to an institution for treatment. To put a positive spin on this, I'm way ahead for 2018.
Why not?
I really appreciate the work that went into this post. Very helpful tips that I'm sure to come back and read carefully. Big thanks!
I'm not absolutely sure about this, but I've heard that you should at least change some text around, especially your opening lines because it could create a problem with search engines or something like that. Maybe someone else can verify this or say it better than I have. But in essence, repeating a few posts wouldn't be horrible.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Glad to help.
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it.
It's your blog, no one can or will stop you. But what Arlee said about the search engines is true. Our ""Google Overlords"" don't like the same exact thing in two places. Readers who might have missed your good stuff last year, however, might enjoy your idea. Rock on.
And by an institution, you mean a winery, don't you? ;)
You're very welcome.
I love that opening quote. Working out your priorities is very important.
Great post! Lots of good thoughts to help us get organized. Looking forward to theme reveal & the challenge.
I ended up reusing two of the names from last year's A to Z on my secondary blog, but I changed and expanded what I'd written last year. The way my theme worked out, there were almost no names to choose from for those certain letters. I've also reused and changed some segments of past A to Z posts on my main blog, but they were used as part of entirely new posts, not the exact same posts all over again.
Can I use this platform to brag on J.Lenni Dorner? I hatched the idea of posting teasers to my A to Z Theme on Twitter using Hootsuite and I don't think J. Lenni has missed re-tweeting a single one. This co-host is already on the job and living up to the title. Thanks so much J. Lenni.
Dobson, Brag all you want about J. I've been honored as well as fortunate to have J.Lenni on my Ambassador Team in previous years and found J's service to have been very helpful to me and was enthusiastic to see J.Lenni become an actual A to Z Co-host. J's presence has been an outstanding addition to a core of dynamite A to Z Co-hosts. I thank them all!
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Loved the point on interesting titles, that's something I need to work on :D It's going to be a weekend, trying to figure out all the letters :)
Do we have a separate A to Z 2017 group on Google plus or Facebook?
Facebook is the most active at: https://www.facebook.com/atozchallenge/
I don't remember if we set one up for Google+--I thought we did. Maybe someone else will know.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
As a 1st timer, this is a great reference read! Thank you for sharing.
Isheeria's Healing Circles
thank you :)
I'm back to do my 3rd A-Z Challenge!
I've always went the Theme route; it keeps me organized. :)
He is amazing . He always goes out of his way and above and beyond ( pardon the double cliche) to help others. You couldn't have a more organized,knowledgeable dedicated and helpful co-host for the challenge.
That was intended as a reply to a comment above where Donson was praising J and I was agreeing. My phone made me sign in to google to comment and when I came back I Guess I was no longer under the reply Section to the guy's comment. Just wanted to clarify since I didn't mention any names in my comment so I didn't sound completely nuts.
Melissa @
Sugar Crime Scene - A to Z Challenge
Aww........ you two........
*hands out beers or whatever*
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