This is the 1,000 post on this blog! That's amazing, isn't it? And on the same day as the sign up for our TENTH anniversary!

To see all the available badges for this year, click on the Banners and Badges page.
Here's the link to sign up on the Master List: Master List sign up is how participants officially register to join the A to Z challenge.
There is NO OTHER way to officially sign up for the challenge.
Need a refresh from last year? Is this your first time? Click here.
What you need to know to sign up:
- Blog Name : What your blog is called.
- Blog Link : The main link to your blog (NOT to a website or an individual post)
- Category : Usually the type of posts you have. Or, if you prefer, the type of blog you run.
- Comment : This is NEW for this year! We've made a column so you can keep track of which blogs you've gone to.
- Adult Content : This challenge is based out of America, where adulthood begins at 18. If your blog has, or will have, content not suitable for minors, you are required to state as such.
- Continuous Story : For those who write a part each day, and it makes more sense when read from A.
- Voting : For those who need votes to determine their next post. (Such as Choose Your Adventure)
- Year : What year did you first take part in the A to Z Challenge?
- Twitter Link : The url of your Twitter page. (NOT your @name Handle.)
- Facebook Link : The url of your Facebook page or profile, if you'd like to be followed/ friended.
- Theme : This is not the theme reveal. Just an optional teaser.
The results of this form will be MADE PUBLIC.
Please only sign up YOURSELF, your blog. Do not try to sign up blogs of other people.
Calendar for your use:

Are you making a post announcing that you've joined the challenge?
Please consider using this hashtag in your blog post title:
It helps when you or others share the blog post on social media.
If you use Twitter, please consider liking and/or retweeting this:
MASTER LIST #AtoZChallenge 2019 and post 1000
— AtoZChallenge (@AprilA2Z) March 1, 2019
If you use Facebook, please consider clicking "Going" on our event. The more you interact with our page, the more you'll see the notifications.
Please also consider sharing the event. This helps us spread the word. Thanks!
Anyone else in 'panic' mode? Reality just set in that this is one month away!!!! And I just signed up not only one, but two blogs. Super excited!
Is the calendar available as a full-size page to print out, or in downloadable format?
Contrats on you 1,000 post. I too last week put the A to Z on my blog.
It dosen't seem 10 years ago I sighned up (the first person to do so )
wondering if I can could achieve the challange.
Good luck.
Yay! on the 1000th post! Congratulations!
Looking forward to the excitement already! ❤
1000th post? Congrats!
I can't wait!! My fourth year to do this!! Thanks Arlee and all of you at the A to Z team. I have already added a Badge on my Website. YAY!
Congratulations on the 1000th post, AND 10th anniversary! So excited to join the fun!
Flipping between'panic mode' and 'determined & obstinate'. But moving goalposts as well. Congratulations Arlee and team on the thousandth post.
I have been somewhat quiet in the world of cyberspace for a while but I must consider rejoining the ever popular A to Z after missing last year . . . . I'm sure I did the one before that, but then my brains falling to bits these days. I blame the Cat I think he is trying to confuse me in a cunning plan to get more food. I seem to be buying a lot of cat food too so I think his plan is working. . . . Right MMmmmmmmm A . . . . I know . . . . A Plan followed by Plan B . . . OK right I'm off to ponder.
Good luck everyone . . . After all it is not as bad as visiting the Dentist . . . OK I may be lying. And remember a Z is but a N that has fallen over.
Rob, always good to hear from you. I don't even have a cat to blame and I'm often confused. A to Z is a time to get organized. Even if it is alphabetically and sometimes pretty random.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Super excited about A to Z. Happy 10th Anniversary!
How can I tell if my sign up worked?
Hi Arlee and Lenni,
What a joy to be here again after a big gap.
I am so glad to be again part of this esteemed challenge again.
I just registered my name and url.
I am so glad to say that today I updated one of my ato z post published in 2013
here is the link: AtoZBLogchallenge
Ha ha ha. I'm with you.
Feel free to right click and use it to suit your needs.
I see it on the list.
We didn't publicize the link yet so as to not confuse people.
Hey, just thought I'd join and say 'Hi'.
Congrats on the 1000th post and the 10th year, A-Z team.
Signed up, super-panicked and uber-excited to be back among A-Zers for this milestone year.
Hello everyone. Just popped in to join up and thank Lee for what he created so long ago. Thanks Lee, Geoff.
1000 posts! My, my.
J Lenni Dorner - Yes, I know that! It's not me, the image itself is too small to use. Even saving as a document and trying to enlarge it. I'd like a full-sized page to take notes on.
Wahoo! Looking forward to AtoZ #2 for me. I had a tortured blast last year. Really. It was fun once it was over. hahaha. Congratulations on #10 for you all!
Try that.
1445x2136 pixels is the original image size.
That's amazing!
Hi back!
Signed up for the Challenge. Made a post also. Look forward to the activities and interaction..#AtoZChallenge 2019 - Operations Management A to Z Have to start writing so that there will be time in April for reading and interaction.
So where is the list of participants? How do I know if my sign-up actually worked and I'm on the list? How will I know which blogs to go and visit when the challenge starts?
The Master List is available from this post from March 8th:
So glad this event is back. Last year was my debut. I was not actively blogging since January. I am hoping to post consistently and this challenge will help me this time.
I missed opportunity to join theme revel and will sign up in master list.
Hope to find new bloggers and exciting content again.
Best wishes for 10th anniversary to the organizers!!
- Jui Positive Cookies
Hi everyone, congrats on the 1000 posts and the 10 years! It's great to have the challenge still around and hope it'll be just as fun as always. I have decided to join pretty much in the last minute :) See you on Monday!
Signed up for the challenge but missed the deadline for theme reveal post sign up. It is my third year in the row and here is my theme reveal post. Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge 2019
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