Showing posts with label Calendar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calendar. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

2023 Calendar #AtoZchallenge


March 12- 18= Theme Reveal
March 26- April 8= 2023 Master List sign-up
May 1-6 = Reflections
May 15= Road Trip

Participant Badge

#AtoZChallenge 2023 badge
Change the * height="250" width= "250" * numbers in the code to suit your needs. As long as both numbers match, the image remains square.

The team's theme for the 2023 A to Z Challenge is RESILIENCE.

Our bloggers have adapted to new circumstances, many having persisted through tough times in and outside the blogosphere, and have transformed and revolutionized their blogging skills to be here with us this year. We praise the fortitude it takes to run a successful blog (whatever qualities you consider a success) in 2023 and are grateful for each participant in the
April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
Our new (anonymous ๐Ÿฅ”) graphics person hopes you'll enjoy the image of the resilient tree on the 2023 graphics. 

Friday, February 25, 2022

#AtoZChallenge 2022 Dates and New Graphics Team Member Chosen

#AtoZChallenge 2022 tribute badge #AtoZChallenge 2022 alternative badge

Please give a warm welcome to:

Anjela Curtis

This is our new graphic artist and team member! 
You'll see the winning badge, plus an alternative (non-tribute) badge for 2022, both shown above.
Please welcome our newest volunteer and note the unique name spelling!

Important Dates for 2022

Mar 7- Theme Reveal OPEN
Mar 21- Theme Reveal CLOSES
Mar 30- Master List OPENS -- officially sign up for the challenge
April 10- Master List CLOSES
May 2- Reflections
May 7- Reflections CLOSES
May 16- Road Trip starts

#atozchallenge 2022 calendar

Friday, March 1, 2019

MASTER LIST #AtoZChallenge 2019 and post 1000

This is the 1,000 post on this blog! That's amazing, isn't it? And on the same day as the sign up for our TENTH anniversary!

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge
To see all the available badges for this year, click on the Banners and Badges page.

Here's the link to sign up on the Master List:

The Master List sign up is how participants officially register to join the A to Z challenge.

There is NO OTHER way to officially sign up for the challenge.
Need a refresh from last year? Is this your first time? Click here.

What you need to know to sign up:

  • Blog Name : What your blog is called.
  • Blog Link : The main link to your blog (NOT to a website or an individual post)
  • Category : Usually the type of posts you have. Or, if you prefer, the type of blog you run.
  • Comment : This is NEW for this year! We've made a column so you can keep track of which blogs you've gone to.
  • Adult Content : This challenge is based out of America, where adulthood begins at 18. If your blog has, or will have, content not suitable for minors, you are required to state as such.
  • Continuous Story : For those who write a part each day, and it makes more sense when read from A.
  • Voting : For those who need votes to determine their next post. (Such as Choose Your Adventure)
  • Year : What year did you first take part in the A to Z Challenge?
  • Twitter Link : The url of your Twitter page. (NOT your @name Handle.)
  • Facebook Link : The url of your Facebook page or profile, if you'd like to be followed/ friended.
  • Theme : This is not the theme reveal. Just an optional teaser.

The results of this form will be MADE PUBLIC.

Please only sign up YOURSELF, your blog. Do not try to sign up blogs of other people

Calendar for your use:

Are you making a post announcing that you've joined the challenge?
GREAT! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Please consider using this hashtag in your blog post title:


It helps when you or others share the blog post on social media.

If you use Twitter, please consider liking and/or retweeting this:

If you use Facebook, please consider clicking "Going" on our event. The more you interact with our page, the more you'll see the notifications.
Please also consider sharing the event. This helps us spread the word. Thanks!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Back-to-School Means...

Hey there friends, it's been a while since I've taken a turn at this wonderful venue.  It's been quite the summer for us - each day a new surprise adventure, some good, some bad, some scary, some a total blessing.  I'll come out and say it: I consider summer over as of today. My youngest started high school.

For many of us, end of summer and beginning of fall doesn't much matter.  Our lives run on a regular schedule, January-December.  Once we were done with school, we became adjusted to a different calendar.

That's never been the case for me.  I went from being a student into immediately being a teacher into having kids and then they had a school schedule.  My life runs mid-August, then all around the year, with summer in between.

There are many rituals I enjoy about getting ready for a new school year to begin: buying school supplies, getting new clothes, getting a fresh haircut, and other preparations.  Egads there's more when you have a senior.  I had been warned repeatedly by my friends with older kids, but being me, Schedule Woman, I thought, "How much different can it be?"  I was wrong.  I'm adjusting.

What does "back-to-school" signify for you?  What's the school year like in your country?  What calendar does you life run by?  Do tell.

~Tina, feeling a bit blue, yet also excited because my son was so thrilled about going :-)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Preparing Ahead for April

Artwork by Ada Z. at CollagePodge

          Several of you have commented that you are already planning your A to Z posts.  Some are mapping them out while others have actually started writing them.   There's nothing wrong with that.  It's not cheating.  In fact I consider it a darn good idea.

           I usually start by printing out a calendar grid that is available on many internet sites.  Or you can use a regular calendar (whatever happened to all those free calendars businesses used to send out--they seem to be in short supply for me anymore), a date book planner, or just a list of the days.  I like using an actual calendar format since I get an easy to see overview of the month.

           Once I have my calendar (or blank format) I first add the letters for each day.  I then go back and start coming up with ideas.  Coming up with those ideas is often the most difficult part of the challenge.  And they're not written in stone, just on a calendar and you can always erase them if you change your mind.  Knowing that you at least have some ideas to work with will make the writing of the posts less difficult.

          Planning and actually writing some or all of your posts ahead of time will make your Challenge less stressful, but don't think you have eliminated the challenge of Blogging from A to Z.  Many of us have found that the real challenge comes with trying to visit the sites of the other participants.  After all, networking is one of the more important aspects of the April Challenge.  If you've taken care of your posts ahead of time then you will have more time to visit other sites and interact more freely.

         One more point:  If you've looked at the 2012 April calendar you may have noticed that without Sundays there are only 25 days, which means we'll have to post on one Sunday.  To me the logical choice is Sunday April 1 since it's the first day of the month and we get the seven day stretch of writing done at the beginning.  In 2012 the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge will begin on Sunday April 1 with the rest of the Sundays off.

        Whichever way you choose to approach the Challenge is fine.  It's your personal challenge and creativity is what will make you really stand out--creativity and how much you visit other blogs and leave comments.  Preparing beforehand will allow more time for visiting.  Writing the posts as you go will boost the adrenaline and keep things more topical.  Either way, have fun Blogging from A to Z in April.
          We've been getting mentions on your blogs and I'm trying to keep up with them. 

          Here's one I missed when it first went up.  Thanks to Retired Knitter at My Next 20 Years of Living for her ardent post on October 18th.   This is the kind of shout out that we need.

         Delores from The Feathered Nest also has done her part in getting out the word.

         If you've done an A to Z Challenge post on your blog and I haven't mentioned it please let me know so you can be recognized for your support.  And whenever any of you post something about the Challenge send me a note to my email or in the comments and I'll add your link to a future post.  Thanks for all the help.

         Please visit Tossing It Out tomorrow Wednesday 11/16 when I have as my special guest award-winning best-selling author of nine books Lani Diane Rich.  She'll be offering  a bit of a pep talk with some great advice for all writers.

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