We're celebrating our Tenth Anniversary here at the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
#AtoZchallenge. The blog hop that made an online community by asking bloggers to spend the month of April using the English alphabet as inspiration for their posts. We're glad you stopped by today.
Book Blog Tours
There are plenty of authors and book bloggers in the A to Z challenge. Simon says raise your hand if you know what a book blog tour is!
*cough* This blog held one earlier this year. If you're not a newb, your hand should be up. *cough*
Okay. Simon says you can put your hand back down. Book Blog Tours are an easy way for writers to reach a larger audience. It also gains your blog extra exposure from people who are looking for information on a certain book. Plus, it's an easy post to create, so that's freebie content.
Sometimes bloggers who aren't authors or book-bloggers aren't sure how a novel could tour on their blog. Here's a list of ten categories of blogs and ways they could invite certain books to tour:
- Culinary blogs could host novels that have unusual food. (The Hunger Games eventually got a cookbook.) Or non-fiction recipe books, because those can tour too.
- Entertainment blogs could compare a book to a movie, television show, or play. Or perhaps use books that reference certain bands or music. (Rock-fiction is a thing.)
- Genealogy blogs could host books that feature characters who look up their genealogy.
- Health blogs could discuss books with characters who have certain health issues. (The diverse book movement is encouraging more of these!)
- Lifestyle and Social blogs could interview authors or characters who live the certain lifestyles featured on the blog. (I've interviewed an author who lives on a boat and another who traveled around the world.)
- Mythology and Folklore blogs are perfect for novels with that subject.
- Parenting/Family blogs are a great place for children's' books to tour.
- Spirituality and Religion blogs might be a good place for books with characters of faith.
- Travel blogs could compare their journey with those of a character who travels.
- Women's Interest blogs could feature books with strong female characters.
I hope this list has inspired you to invite an author to tour on your blog. Do you know of a book that fits one of the types of blogs listed?

Interesting idea. I'll keep it in mind for my blog.
I do book blog tours on 2 other blogs :D
a Ballade from me :)
All I know is I'm going to have to reread this one when I'm more awake. Goodnight to all! Hugs
Yes this is my post on Letter B
I like promoting books on my blog especially when the author gives you a free copy ARC. Laura Kaye and Jennifer Estep are favourite authors who have given me free paperback copies of their books. Also when you do a Cover Reveal, they give you all the content for your blog. I am signed up with a few book promotions site as well but honestly? You can write reviews on Amazon for just about anything and it's good practice.
Jackie's Bookbytes Letter B
A haiku from me for B. Also featuring the famous haiku poet Matsuo Basho
Haiku @ NamySaysSo
Thanks to you beautiful bloggers who keep the torch going in this annual event. Bravo & big hugs to you boys & broads!��
Y'all come see me for today's Little Mermaid Art Sketch feature B is for Bishop on Curious as a Cathy!
B for Boat & B for Bali. How would you like to visit Bali by boat?
Odisha And Bali Connection- Anita
Bear's Paw for Letter B is here: https://katytrailcreations.com/2019/04/02/letter-b-for-bears-paw-atoz-19/
I'm down for featuring one of those cookbook authors :)
Stephanie Finnell
@randallbychance from
Katy Trail Creations
B is for Baincthun
Join me in celebrating the 10th anniversary of my debut novel, In The Eye of The Beholder
B is for Bhes Badalna (It is Hindi for Putting on a Disguise). In this I talk about yet another trope used in Hindi Films / Bollywood Films. And how we fall for it every time.Read here B : Bhes Badalna
I was a book blogger for about 6 years, so I'm very familiar with blog tours! I agree that they're definitely easy and fun, since there's a variety of post types.
Thank you for this detailed post. I'm a lifestyle blogger from India, I always wanted to interview women in my field :)
This post was an eye-opener for sure :)
My second post - B- Bhogave Beach. The most serene beach in Sindhudurg. http://vrag.in/the-picturesque-bhogave-beach/
AtoZChallenge #vigorousreads
as someone who loves to review books, how do you get to be part of a book blog tour?
I have written a book using the mermaid theme I did in 2017. It's under submission right now so perhaps I'll be able to do a book blog tour with it one of these years.
I do have a book coming out in April of 2020 so will definitely plan a book tour for that one!
Great B post!
Fred from https://quiltingpatch.blogspot.com
A free verse dedicated to the most beautiful and intelligent part of the universe.
Here is my take on the day.
B is for books and believe
Here is my entry for B - https://jilywily.wordpress.com/2019/04/02/b-is-for-b-52s-atozchallenge/
So interesting for B
I join a few blog tours each year for authors that ask me - and tweet about others.
My post for the letter B is - https://www.ladyinreadwrites.com/b-is-brilliant-b-is-for-the-book-thief-the-bop-and-boundary/
I need to look into book tours myself again. I never did it when I was really active on my blog three years ago and I think I missed out.
Visions of Other Worlds
My blog for the B day is - https://anjus.home.blog/2019/04/02/beating-boredom/ Please do stop by and tell me your views.
My posting is here:
My posting is here!!
Joy-- Search for "debut authors" on sites like Twitter. Then invite the author to do a tour on your blog. Once you've done a few, they'll start coming to you. Create a page on your blog (different from a post) that discusses your review policies and book interests. For examples, use the A to Z hop to visit a bunch of book bloggers to see how they do it.
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