Tuesday, April 9, 2019

H is for saying Hello (#AtoZChallenge)

We're celebrating our Tenth Anniversary here at the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

We are in the second week of the challenge! Have people been stopping by at your blog, saying hello? One of my favorite parts of the Challenge is the visiting. A to Z really brings people together. For our tenth year, here are ten things that make visiting even better:

1. Make sure to say hi! If you stop by on a blog, leave a comment, even if it is a short one. 
2. Make sure people can say hi on your blog! Check your comment settings to make it as easy as possible.
3. Make sure to leave a link to your own blog. It is sometimes hard to track you through your Google profile, so it makes visiting back a lot easier if you leave an address!
4. However, don't just leave an address. Say something nice first. No one wants a guest who just yells "come see my stuff!" through the window without saying anything about yours.
5. Venture outside your own category! It is fun to visit like-minded people, but it is also fun to discover topics you have never really read about before. 
6. Visit back those who visit you. 
7. Try to visit a few new blogs every day! Even if just one or two, keep returning to the master list, and see what you can find. You can make new friends in unexpected places!
8. Save your favorites for beyond A to Z. Bookmark them, Follow them, or sign up for their updates. A to Z comes around once a year, but good blogging relatinships are fun all year round :)
9. Sometimes I see people sharing my posts on Twitter or Facebook, and it warms my heart. You can make someone happy by sharing something they wrote that you loved!
10. Put your creativity into your comments. We are all dedicated writers (of posts), we can brighten each other's day by leaving lovely messages!

Everybody say hi! :)


That's the link to the Master List. You can find, and hop to, all the blogs officially participating on that sheet.

Grab your A to Z gear, and other cool goodies from our graphics guy, here: NeatoShop.com/artist/Jeremy-Hawkins

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge



Thanks for sharing

new post

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Yep it's definitely a great way to say hi and meet new people. Enjoying visiting new blogs on the list


Jackie said...

Hey, Hi, what's up? People have been commenting just not on the letter G. However, hurray for the letter H! How is it your date is stamped April 9? Do you live in the future already? I don't know how to do that. It is only 8 pm April 8 where I'm from. Heaven's to Murgatroyd. :)Jackie's Bookbytes Letter G

crgalvin said...
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Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Hi, Hello, Aloha!
Great list of reminders, especially about visiting a few new blog sites each day and leaving a short message.
G is for: Great Honors Bestowed by Ludwig
(Theme: very short stories/varied genres)

ladyleemanila said...

Hello :)

RO said...

This is a great idea, adn a wonderful way to meet new blogger buds! Hugs...RO

Masoom said...

THanks all for so much love and appreciation !
My new post for H -- "Havoc"

Anonymous said...

This is a timely post. I don't know what I'm doing wrong this year but comments are a challenge. Blogger won't take my comments, wordpress only sometimes. I cna;t comment during the day because of a firewall at work and my phone doesn't work either. Even when I do manage to leave a comment or tweet the other blogger's post I rarely get a return visit. Feeling sad, disheartened and ignored. Has the A to Z Challenge become so big that commenting etiquette has flown out of the window? Anyway, I'm enjoying the new blogs and if it doesn't lead to more engagement, so be it.

ujjwal mishra said...

This is my first attempt at A2Zchallenge as well as at writing fiction, this is my 8th post. looking forward for your visit and comments

CAAC said...

I always try to leave a comment and say something about the blogger's post. I will admit, I'm finding it harder than usual to reach out to new participators this year but I do visit every single person who stops at my little niche. Thanks to the A2Z team for hosting another challenging year through the alphabet!

Catch my latest art sketch in this month's A2Z Challenge. My theme is The Little Mermaid and today's feature is H is for 'HAMMERHEAD' shark!

Sharon E. Cathcart said...

Continuing our 10th anniversary celebration of In The Eye of The Beholder

H is for Harrods

Angie said...

Hello! :)

H is for Hidden Figures!
H is for Hollywood Studios!

Susan Scott said...
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Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Bonjour ! Hi! This first week I made a blog list of my favorite, visiting them everyday. And them on Sunday there were new blogers commenting here, so I visit them and I'm now following some of them. Not always easy to visit a lot of blog everyday thou, weeks are busy ;)
Thank you!

Anne M Bray said...

Well, HOWDY!

The H shoe:

The H truck:

Sunita said...

Hello Everybody Happy Blogging.


Jade Li said...

It's been fun doing A2Z. Yes new people have dropped in and I've found some great new blogs. I agree with Anonymous that it has been difficult to make comments "stick" both at WP and at Blogger. I think it's on the WP end. It's not stopping me from reading and commenting. Check my A2Z, on symbols across the globe, at http://tao-talk.com !

mjp541 said...
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mjp541 said...

Great challenge. Before this week is done, I will visit and comment on other people's blogs. We can get so caught up in our everyday life and forget about building community friendships.


Janet said...

Great post. I've found a couple of new bloggers this time around as always. It is a fun way to learn new things for sure!

Janet’s Smiles

Cherdo said...

Well, hello! So far, the A-to-Z has been fun. I'm enjoying visiting new blogs.

Cherdo on the Flipside
Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge

Girl Who Reads said...

One of the things I always liked most about the A to Z challenge is getting to meet bloggers outside the book community.

Today I'm showing off my new hat and books that start with H. Girl Who Reads

Anjana said...

My post for the day of H is https://anjus.home.blog/2019/04/09/housekeeping-hues/

https://antoinettetrugliomartin.com said...

And Thanks a Bunch for the reminder.

Charan Deep Singh said...

Here is my H post guys. Say Hello to Henchmen and Policemen in Bollywood. In line with my theme of talking about cliches in Hindi films, today I talk about the actors who always played the same character. Read more in Henchmen & Policemen

Gregory L Frieden said...

My post for "H" is linked below!!


Roland Clarke said...

First off, HI all. Second, apologies in advance for taking ages to visit even the people that visit. It seems over the years that I have followed so many blogs doing A to Z that I am struggling to get to everyone - well, not until June, maybe August.......2020. Just kidding.

Antoinette said...

I do find commenting thoughtfully on other's post to be hardest part of the challenge. Even now I am keeping a comment short.

2 gators said...

H is for halo

kaykuala said...

H for Honey Bee



Dishki said...


Pr@Gun said...
