39% of the respondents filled out the survey on May 1, 2017.

... 7% filled it out on May 20, the last day the survey was open.
91% of the respondents earned an #AtoZChallenge 2017 SURVIVOR badge for completing the challenge.
I pre-scheduled some of my posts before April and wrote others as the month went on. That was the most popular answer by slightly more than half.
I wrote my posts on the day they posted. 27% of the respondents checked this box, making it the second most popular.
I wrote and pre-scheduled all of my posts before April. 19% of the respondents got proactive in anticipation of the challenge!
Two people had an epic fail, and two people commented on challenge blogs but did not create blog posts for A to Z.
Of the wonderful survey takers:
45 were first timers to the challenge.
71 were doing the challenge for the second time.
113 have three or more survivor badges!
2 have been at this since 2010.

I left comments on several blogs of other participants every day. (Over 100 comments in April.) 41%
I made some effort. (51 to 100 comments left for others in April.) 21%
I tried or planned to, but I was not a very active comment maker. (26 to 50 comments left for others in April.) 19%
Only 7 people said No, I did not leave comments for any of the A to Z participants on their blogs.

Yes. I received 51 to 100 comments on my blog in April, and I suspect it's thanks to the A to Z challenge. 64 of you also had a lot of love.
Yes. I had 26 to 50 comments on my A to Z posts. 54 of the respondents got at least one or two comments a day.
Somewhat. I had one comment on some posts, but no comments on others. Under 26 comments in April. That was the answer for 37 people.
And this answer is heart-breaking:
No. No one left me any comments at all. I had someone test my comment box, I've checked spam, etc. Nothing. The answer of 3 people.
- Of those, two posted on Twitter and Facebook.
- All three said they did NOT visit or comment on other blogs.
On to what you've been dying to know!
2017 went without a linky list.
Honestly, I don't care. List or no list, I love this challenge. I'll just roll with whatever the co-hosts pick. 45%
I was happy about it before, and I'm still happy about it now! 20%
I was leery, but I've been won over. Commenting with my daily link RULES! Woot woot! 9%
I was happy about it before, but now I miss the old way. 17%
I was against it and, dag nabbit, I was right, because it was terrible. 15%
This is my first year, so I have no basis of comparison. 18%
It's a dead heat when it comes to social media!
I have the hashtag on all of my blog post titles, and I cross-posted to Twitter. 38%
I pasted my link on the A to Z Facebook group. 39%
15 people do NOT want to spend 5 minutes a day to promote their own blog.
65 people were perhaps reached by Arlee's post, as they checked off: I thought about my blog in terms of marketing.
91% had a theme!
32% ended posts with simple, open-ended questions.
48% of the respondents MASTERED HYPERLINKING.
(Only 10 people said they've given up on trying to learn it.)

I am proud of what I accomplished during the challenge.
41% said they shared the post of others!
69% followed blogs they found because of the A to Z Challenge!
Only 3% say they feel like they failed.
27% follow A to Z participants on Twitter.
13% like or friend fellow A to Z people on Facebook.
Goodreads only drew the attention of 3 survey respondents.
Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, G+, and other social media of participants were followed by 13% of respondents.
28% of the respondents
formed friendships because
of the A to Z challenge.
And 53% of you feel a
sense of community
created by the challenge!
69% learned something from a post in the A to Z Challenge.
66% achieved a goal they set for themselves.
83% reply to comments left on their blog.
9 people said they bought something that exists because of the challenge. (A to Z books, pics, crafts, etc.)
And, as a result of participating in the challenge, 13 people created something that is now for sale.
13 respondents tried a food, a drink, or a recipe I found during the challenge.
Only 4% of the respondents reached out to Arlee, Alex, Jeremy, Heather, Zalka, John, or J (me) for help.
33% reported interaction with a co-host.

(None of which used the comment box to leave contact information.)
33% also said they read the posts on this blog during the other 11 months of the year.
And 27 people have an idea for a blog post to be used on this blog over the next 10 months.
(The only idea left in the comment box was: I'd love to see a blog post about how to make your Letter-of-the-Day comment more interesting.)
(I'm not sure if this helps, but here's some commenting information.)
100 people said the co-hosts did an amazing job.

16% discovered other blog hops, read-a-thons, flash fiction prompts, or ways to connect with fellow bloggers.
79 people checked I discovered a place I want to travel to or learned something new about a place.
A post improved my health or connected me to people of health similar to my own. That answer was marked by 6% of you.
40% of the respondents learned a new word!

185 people thought the new timezone was fine, or they really don't care.
Age 50 to 70 makes up 46%, age 30 to 49 is 44%.
No one who took the survey reported being under age 18.
Only 5 people said they are over 70 years old.
1 18-29 year old
2 30 to 49 year olds
6 aged 50 to 70
1 (of the five people) over 70
66% are PC users. 21% use Apple/ Mac. 4% are using another operating system.
Android is on the rise with 13% saying it was what they primarily used when visiting during the challenge. Ipads and Iphones were used by 10%.
29% used an equal mix of computers and mobile devices to visit other blogs during the challenge.

Wordpress is the most popular blogging platform, followed closely by Blogger.
53% made the A to Z Challenge a priority in their life.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to answer the survey, and thank you for reading these results.