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Kristine Carlson Asselin |
Reflecting on A-Z

I'll admit that I didn't comment as heartily on others blogs as the month progressed, but I did "meet" some great bloggers through this event.
Welcome to all my new followers!
Thanks to Elizabeth Mueller for creating this award.
A to Z Challenge Reflections
For anyone who is mourning the passing of the A-Z blogging challenge, or wondered what kind of inanities I'd come up with now that I don't have letters to motivate me, fear not. The wonderful folks who started the whole thing are hosting a reflections blog hop.
It's been an interesting month. Like with a lot of things, when I signed up I didn't pour too much thought into how I would get the task done. I blog five days a week anyway, and even though Saturday is the one day I never blog, I figured it wouldn't be a big deal for four weeks.
And the kind folks I used to work for laid me off a week before the challenge started. So that meant even more free time to blog. As long as I could slog my way through the more negative repercussions of unemployment.
And then I found out that thinking up words that start with each letter is easy. Relating them to writing...took a bit of a stretch of the imagination on my part. I'm pretty sure on most days I didn't quite follow my own themes.
It was all worth it though. The challenge was nice, but for me the best part was all the new people I met. I have more followers now *waves*. But even better, I discovered some amazing new bloggers and talent out there. I didn't comment on every site, but I visited each and every one and I was amazed with what I discovered. The diversity in theme, blogging style, thought process, all of it, was wonderful.
In the end, I'm super happy I signed up, and thrilled I got to meet you all. I'd do it again without hesitation, and I can't thank the organizers and participants enough.
Writers like the A to Z Challenge because it adds another dimension to the writing experience and it allows them do stretch a bit while having a good time writing. It's also a great way to network. If you're blogging anyway, you might as well blog from A to Z with us in April.
Wonderful reflections on the A to Z. I wonder if all the followers of the challenge are going to sign up later this month? just a thought,
Hi Lee .. you certainly had loads of takers for these A - Z reflections ..
.. and though I possibly looked at both bloggers back then -I possibly passed them by .. so now I can take another look.
Hi Kristine .. oh I know instructions can be so simple, but my mind gets numb blowingly dumb! I did get thrown completely by someone who post Z - A .. that threw me .. !! Glad you enjoyed it ..
Hi Loralie .. well I guess being made redundant as the A - Z started may have been a blessing in disguise - and gave you something to focus on. Hope you have some work sorted out by now. Glad to read you'll be doing it this year ..
Cheers - happy years ahead .. Hilary
I'm betting A to Z hits 2000 participants this year, which will make it hard to read and comment on every blog, but I'm thinking of setting a goal of doing it by June 30.
Lee, this was a great idea, it's been fun reading all of the experiences from past participants!
I agree with Lisa. The 2012 A-Z will most probably hit the 2000+ mark! And these reflection posts create an exciting "hype" around the whole event...
That's what it's all about - making new friends!
Loralie lost her job before the challenge? Wow, that is rough. What a great attitude to continue moving forward.
Thanks for the great memory--it was blast participating in the challenge last year. Here's to 2012!
Great Two Fer!
I agree with your last statement, Lee; if people are blogging anyway why not join in the fun!
The more the merrier, eh? Last year we were surprised by the sign-ups. This year should be another surprise.
Kristine, there was a lot to it, though also a lot of fun. Impressive that you signed up last minute and were away for a week and still made it!
Loralie, I definitely hear you on the words being easy to think of, but relating it to writing being harder. My posts all revolved around writing, too.
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