But let's say that the posts you've worked so hard to write are falling on deaf ears, that nobody's coming to visit you even though you're sure you've done everything right. You've put the graphic for the challenge (below) on your blog and the one for the letter of the day (above) in your post. You've added the direct link to your blog post to the daily spreadsheet. You're returning comments you receive and reciprocating by visiting you commenter's blog and leaving a comment. You might be doing other things to promote your blog, like posting the link to Twitter and Facebook. You're visiting other blogs that you find on the daily spreadsheet or the main sign-up list and visiting the blogs of people who are visiting the blogs you read. And you still aren't getting as much traffic as you'd like.
It's discouraging, isn't it? Well, I'm here to help.
Before you even think about giving up and going home, leave a comment on this post with the name of your blog as it appears on the main sign-up list or the daily link lists. Then, go visit the blogs of the other people who have commented. Come back a couple of times to see if anyone else has commented since then and visit them.
And to those who aren't hurting for visitors, read the comments and visit the blogs of the people who left them and encourage your readers to do likewise. Let's pick each other up!

If you wish to include a direct link to your blog post of this day's letter, please click:
If you wish to visit other blogs in this bloghop challenge who have incorporated today's letter into their current post, please click:

Click here for the MASTER LIST of all participants who signed up for the #AtoZchallenge 2018!
Don't quit now! We're almost there!
I hadn't realized the the graphic for the letter of the day was here each day! My posts have been missing out on that so far this year, but now I know where to find them. Thank you! marcyhowes.blogspot.com
The graphics are so colorful and hel pop the posting.
I thought about quitting a couple of times because I only get a couple of people & those are people I know... never any new ones. Granted I'm only posting music, but I post broadway shows when I can find them with the letter & then other top ten tunes or oldies. Oh yes, lots of oldies I'm a HUGE fan of the oldies. I guess other people aren't! Sad... anyway just stopped to say hello! SO HELLO! hugs and have a great weekend!
Most everyone whose blogs I have commented on has come to visit me. When I use the spreadsheet, I really don't comment on blog posts that are just a picture or a few sentences but I comment a lot on people's thoughtful posts. Also, make sure your link works before you post it in the spreadsheet because I have just bypassed a lot of people whose links are malfunctioning. Mostly people that publish through Blogger.
Curious...I clicked your profile and it lists http://www.thenightowlmama.com/ as your site but I can't find the A-Z posts there...
Donna B. McNicol|Author and Traveler
A to Z Flash Fiction Stories | A to Z of Goldendoodles
Yikes, guess I should double check my daily blog links. I try to keep up with 50-60 A-Z blogs, answer all comments, share ones I like on Facebook...and daily, I find more to follow. LOL!
Donna B. McNicol|Author and Traveler
A to Z Flash Fiction Stories | A to Z of Goldendoodles
That's a wonderful idea - to visit the blogs of people who have commented on this post. Nice way to find new blogs.
Another problem is Gravatars that lead to nothing. Gravatars need to be linked to your blog. I've spent time searching for the blogs of gravatars that have liked my posts.
Nice idea.. ll do bloghopping
here's ours
Good post, thank you! I've been posting my link each day but I haven't actually commented on the post for the day until now. Q is for Quiet!
Q for "Quiet burpees & quad leg lifts"
Comments on my posts are running at about half of last year which is a little disappointing considering the number of sites I visit each day. Maybe it's my content, I don't know. But I'm not dropping by the wayside, no way!
A-Z of My Friend Rosey!
Aprils been a roller coasted - unexpected illness and guests - somehow managed to keep posting for the AtoZ challenge. The enthusiasm is contagious.
I'm really enjoying the challenge, but I'm getting the same four or five people commenting on every post. I appreciate them so much. I look forward to seeing these new blogs today. Great idea! Melanie's Stories
That’s a great idea. Thank you for suggesting it. I have been writing my posts one day ahead. I got stuck yesterday with the letter Q. I was ready to call it Quits but I gave myself a pep talk, got up early this morning, wrote and posted my Q. My blog is “Lynda Grace An Hour Away”.
Yes, I had the same issue as Donna B. .I clicked your profile and it lists http://www.thenightowlmama.com/ as your site but I can’t find the A-Z posts there…
But I would like to visit your A2Z posts :)
Questions that are silly and ask at most serious of times
Questions that are silly
Short of the exceptions that you've listed above, I totally agree that we should not quit. Only 9 letter to go (after today). I have met some awesome bloggers through this challenge. I look forward to meeting more!
I am not getting any comments, and only 15 visitors to each post. But I am not promoting via FB or Twitter, and I have a somber subject.
Hi, all. My content is pretty niche specific and I know it doesn't fit everyone. But if you are a Grandparent, have a Grandparent or have children with Grandparents, please stop by today and answer my survey about "what makes a Grandparent memorable". Even if you aren't one, you maybe you had/have one and can contribute to my research. Thank you!
Passing Down the Love #AtoZChallenge
Marcy, you can find all of the letter graphics here:
Emily In Ecuador
I found her! She is posting at http://www.xmasdolly.com/
Emily In Ecuador
We have visited many blogs in this challenge, though we are lagging behind in reading blogs by 4 alphabets.
Writing is as per schedule and many new visitors for each blog post.
MeenalSonal from AuraOfThoughts
I was just making some notes about my A to Z experience in preparation for my retrospective post at the end of the month. I was writing about how my one regret is not interacting with the awesome posts the A to Z team has published each day to encourage us and give us some helpful ideas for making our challenge more successful. Then I though, "Why not start commenting today?" So here I am. I want to thank the A to Z team for all the effort and energy you put into making this a Q-uality experience! Heather Erickson Author Writer Speaker and
Facing Cancer with Grace
Quit has come up a few times to tempt me. I even blogged about me struggle on Sunday. But, perhaps I'm obstinate or something. I can't quit even if I still have five posts to write and kids visiting next week.
I tend to use May to visit new blog sites as less pressure by then. Anyway, Quit is just a word beginning with Q.
As is Quake - https://rolandclarke.com/2018/04/19/q-is-for-quake/
Are you leaving your URL in comments on other blogs? Most people will return visits of those who comment on their blogs. I sometimes find posts to read in the comments of other blogs, too.
Emily In Ecuador | Quake: Puerto Lopez two years after a 7.8 rocked Ecuador
Something that gets in the way of visiting people's blogs is when I make a comment and it doesn't post. I'm much less likely to revisit their blog. Please if you haven't already, open your blog to automatically post comments. I have not received any spam in my comments section, so I think you would be safe!
I just tweeted your blog. Go ahead and promote on Twitter. Also, the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge has a FB link like last year. Post there as well as in the Google spreadsheet for each day.
Great job not quitting! My Q word is Quake, too. I'm off to read yours now :)
Emily In Ecuador | Quake: Puerto Lopez two years after a 7.8 rocked Ecuador
I've been enjoying this, but it is extremely challenging at the same time. Hang in there, everyone!
Hear hear! Make it easy on us and yourself. I have to approve every comment but it is easy to comment and your comment will appear by the end of the day for sure.
Not quitting yet! I'm trying hard to visit anyone who visits me but am guilty of not being very proactive in checking out new blogs. Report card would say "must try harder"!
Thanks, Emily! Off to check it out...
Off to visit!
Donna B. McNicol|Author and Traveler
A to Z Flash Fiction Stories | A to Z of Goldendoodles
Guess I'm lucky...I'm running way over last year on both blogs (first time I've done two).
Donna B. McNicol|Author and Traveler
A to Z Flash Fiction Stories | A to Z of Goldendoodles
Off to check it out...thanks for posting the link.
Donna B. McNicol|Author and Traveler
A to Z Flash Fiction Stories | A to Z of Goldendoodles
Heather, I put your blog on my blog reader list but haven't taken time to read any posts yet. But I did share you link with several good friends dealing with cancer/caregiving. Right now I have two close friends with stage four, one spouse of a good friend just passed and another spouse of a good friend is in her final stages. I love my husband to cancer in 2004. Thank you for this wonderful series!
Donna B. McNicol|Author and Traveler
A to Z Flash Fiction Stories | A to Z of Goldendoodles
Off to read your blog!
Donna B. McNicol|Author and Traveler
A to Z Flash Fiction Stories | A to Z of Goldendoodles
My Q is for quit but something else entirely. Not this challenge, not this far into it already.
Looks like my numbers are about the same as last year. However, I think I had more new people find my blog mid-alphabet last year. The majority of mid-A-Z new visitors commenting this year are return visits from new (to me) blogs I visit.
No, Keith - do not drop by the wayside!
Good for you, Donna! Double the number of blogs, double the readers on each?
Emily In Ecuador
I'm trying to keep up with visiting blogs, though I'm still struggling with the challenge of no longer having my own place, with privacy and my former schedule. As always, I'm loath to comment on blogs requiring registration with a unique-to-the-blogger or rarely-used commenting service.
Onomastics Outside the Box
Welcome to My Magick Theatre
It looks like Lisa's blog could use some love. I just left the first comment on her Q post. Her blog is Musings of a Middle-aged Mom and she's blogging about her recent trip to Israel.
I try to visit blogs with topics that intrigue me as well as a few new blogs each day. When people comment on my blog, I visit their blogs and comment too. It's been interesting to read such a diversity of posts each day! My theme is hobbies that I've introduced my daughters to through homeschooling. They really are hobbies that anyone could do, so hopefully it provides some inspiration for things people can do in their spare time.
Q for quest
I've got Quotes on Creativity up for my Q! :) Thanks for welcoming links. I'll make my way through these over the next week!
Thanks! Alana
I love your blog even if I don't comment much!!
Donna B. McNicol|Author and Traveler
A to Z Flash Fiction Stories | A to Z of Goldendoodles
My post for Q - Quilon
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