We're celebrating our Tenth Anniversary here at the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
#AtoZchallenge. The blog hop that made an online community by asking bloggers to spend the month of April using the English alphabet as inspiration for their posts. We're glad you stopped by today.
Ready, Set, Go.... into the home stretch of A to Z!
We are getting into the home stretch! We have one more weekend in April. So get ready to jump into the last 8 days! And hopefully, life will be slowing down for me after April. I thought I would share with you some things I am ready to do once the last days of A to Z wind down!
1) Reflect on my adventure of A to Z while I write my Reflections post on May 6th.
2) Read the blogs I missed.
3) Read comments on the blogs I fell in love with.
4) Respond to comments.
5) Rave about awesome blogs I read.
6) Road Trip with A to Z Blogs starting May 20th.
7) Respond to the A to Z Survey between May 3rd and May 18th.
8) Rejuvenate myself to get ready for more writing!
9) Review the novels I’ve read but didn’t review yet.
10) Record your new favorite blogs in an electronic way so you can easily find them again! (aka bookmark them!)
What are you most looking forward to next?

a RemyLaRhyme from me :)
R for Roots
R for Rabbits
I have a Pinterest wall for all my favourite A to Z bogs :)
Today I have a Review of a memoir of an amazing Icelandic shepherd who took on an electricity company that wanted to flood her land with a dam... and won!
I already made a ROSTER blog ROLL on my Blogger A-Z.
That would be The Shoes:
WP, later. Maybe today.
That would be The Trucks:
Does anyone REMEMBER the 2017 A-Z Bingo game?
(search it on the sidebar in "search")
Roaring good R-list!
This year, I rarely looked for new bloggers which rub me the wrong way I don't mind telling you but I'm on point with responding to all commenters on my site, making revisits and leaving comments. I plan to rejuvenate myself after the challenge by taking a few days off from blogging before picking back up. Thanks for hosting the fun!
Check out today's A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch 'Ray-Ray' post. Happy a2zing, my friend!
I've started thinking about my Reflections post!
R is for Ready Player One!
R is for Rock 'n' Roller Coaster!
I never think we have reached the home stretch until I have posted the Letter T then I know I can just write total gibberish and it will get me to the Big Zee . . . Yes OK I started writing total gibberish at the letter A but I think I have got away with it and no one has noticed yet . . . . PHEW.
Rob Z Tobor
Please note no Ducks have been hurt in the writing of this Blog (well not yet)
As we continue celebrating 10 years in print for In The Eye of The Beholder ...
R is for Roses
R is for Reruns!
Cherdo on the Flipside
Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge
Nice R's. I start my reflection post during the challenge and add to it as I go through. Making a Pinterest board for the blogs I like would be a great idea! Love learning things from others who comment. May is almost a let-down month after the whirlwind of the A to Z. Thanks for all your hard work! R is for Repurpose and Recycle.
Janet’s Smiles
Today is resting ;) This challenge is quite hard to follow, lot of blogs to read and comment, my days are not long enough ;)
R = Rulers
Do you like remixes of old songs? Today's post is about a maddening trend in Bollywood. Read R for Remixes in Hindi Films
This challenge has gotten me ready to really step up my Instagram game.
Guess what my favorite Easter candy is - hint it starts with R, plus book titles that start with R. See it at Girl Who Reads
Great list for me to glean ideas from.
Along with writing a follow-up post for AtoZ, I have a book to format into an ebook; plus a series book and another to edit. . . all before November's NaNoWriMo.
Very thoughtfully prepared list for the last days of the A2Z challenge.
Please find my post on R - https://anjus.home.blog/2019/04/20/recycle-to-reuse/
R is for Resplendent
Timely reminder that May will be busy in the A to Z world - it's not over yet. I've got to post my combined A to Z posts as one complete story so people can read a more friendly version. And as you say, "Review the novels I’ve read but didn’t review yet".
My Link for "R" is linked below!! Sorry for playing catch-up!!
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