Friday, April 3, 2020

C is for Communication (#AtoZChallenge)

#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge

The team decided our theme for this month's posts here would be a take "2020 visions of blogging." This set of weekday posts focuses on:

Memories from Blogging in the Past

I started blogging in 2007. I had just gotten a scholarship to study abroad in the USA for a year, and one of the first things my student adviser told me was "Start a blog. It's going to be a lot easier to keep people updated than sending out dozens of emails."
And that is how my blog started. For Communication, for Connection. At first, it was daily news for friends and family about my study abroad adventures. Later it morphed into reports from storytelling festivals and conferences. Then, in 2012, I joined the A to Z Challenge for the first time, and started sharing storytelling and folklore content regularly.
Through Comments, I was starting to make new friends, and meet new Colleagues. I became part of a Community.
Today, thirteen years later, my blog is a Combination of professional Content and reports from my travels and performances. I have grown as an artist and as a person. It is strange and nostalgic to look back at the very first posts, and remember when and how it all began.

How has your life changed since you started blogging? Did it change thanks to your blogging? What does it feel like to look back on the early days?

#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge

Ready to sign up for the challenge? Click this: Signup link

Already signed up? Grab a copy of the Master List! Click this: Master List

Grab your A to Z gear, and other cool goodies from our graphics guy, here:


ladyleemanila said...

I love blogging!

Gonz said...

If you're *very* good at communicating, you might find out dealing pacts with fine print is very rewarding. Our visit to Cabralin will give us some insight aout precisely that:

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Oh yes, blogging quite change my life as it allowed me to be connected with a fabulous community, quilters! I have friends from all over the world, even if they are only online friends!
Communication is the key of this World ;))
C is for Colour

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

I'm glad that you blog, Zalka -- I enjoy your blog posts immensely!

An A-Z of Faerie: Cù Sìth

The mommy blogger said...

communication is important indeed, its wonderful to see how have you grown with your blogging, I am in nascent stages.

Do visit me

Jamie said...

I hadn't thought about using a blog that way. Pretty good idea!

Arti said...

Interesting how you started blogging.
The best thing about blogging for me is connecting with people, some with similar interests and some not.
Blogging, for me, keeps my writing practice in good shape.

Crackerberries said...

I love the blogging connection the challenge offers us. I look forward to this every year!

kaykuala said...

Social distancing the new phenomena

Hank is here:


Nilanjana Bose said...

Life has changed hugely since I started blogging, but I don't know how much of that is due to blogging itself. But that it has had an enormous impact is indisputable.

CAAC said...

It's funny how we all started blogging for one reason to morph in a different direction. The years go by fast, too.

I hope everyone is well and taking necessary precautions to remain healthy. We'll get through this pandemic if we're wise.

Cathy's Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge Art Sketch Series (C)

Glenda Cates said...

Things have changed since I began blogging and so has my site but if your willing to learn something new every day then you can and will become a success and be able to blog for many many years.

Sharon E. Cathcart said...

Facts About Pompeii: C is for Circumvesuviana

aggiekesler said...

I like to communicate through my blogging too!

My theme this year is memoir, and my 3rd post is “Coffee” for letter C. Enjoy!


Joy Weese Moll said...

I care about creating content to communicate with a cohort :)

C is for Courage

Ashmita from Chaoticsoulzzz said...

I started blogging when I was quite vulnerable. It was definitely a way of communicating for me with people I don't know.

Ashmita from

Mary B said...

I used to be very good about responding to comments, but lately my health has been failing me and there are days when I just don't have the energy. Am hoping this challenge will help me get back on track.

Literary Gold

Jingle Jangle Jungle

KatyTrailCreations said...

I am forever grateful to the one blogger friend who was once a penpal, who suggested "why don't you start a blog". Really glad for all the memories I now have for my family and friends that are saved up.
My link

Angie said...

I've been a blogger on and off for basically my whole life. I love it!

Anne M Bray said...

The Connection! Yes! I would be a very unhappy person if it weren't for blogging and social media.

My A-Zs:

Back ends of trucks (4th year)

“Stitching the World” A-Z (embroidery project)

Leslie Moon said...

Wanted to thank you for the time that you have invested in the A to Z challenge. It's appreciated.

The most significant benefit (of blogging) was meeting amazing people including my husband.

Happy A to Z in the key of "C" everyone.
I'm writing fiction and non-fiction about elderly issues (near and dear to my heart.)

Julie said...

Love how you got started blogging and how you have stuck with it. Check out my C post today -a Cajun Meatloaf Recipe

Aditya Sinha said...

Very true, It all started with some communiaction on the prompts. Some memoirs , some reports. Slowly moved to thematic passions. Cooking was one of them and so the food blog emerged.

C for Chhena Poda from Orissa.


Pr@Gun said...

Blogging for communication, community, content, and combination. fully agree
My C post -

Aditya Sinha said...

Right C for Communication. And what can be a better way to communicate than a kiss. So C for Chumban ( Kiss in Hndi)is the next entry here.


Aditya Sinha said...

And one another - A five sentence fiction - Crossroads

Anjana said...

Nice post! Right kind of communication is so very essential in today's social world. It is nice to read so many posts with such carefully chosen themes - a great platform to read and know many things in a simple and creative way.
Please visit my post on C -

Dihiwi said...

I am excited to be blogging again. I hope this refuels my creativity long into 2020. I chose "community" because that's been affected so harshly by the coronavirus.

shaggerspicchu said...
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shaggerspicchu said...

I started my blog when I was nudged as a writing teacher to start writing myself. I joined a Slice of Life Challenge and wrote every day for March and have continued since then, a few years ago. Now I am writing collaboratively with my 4 year old daughter! I am glad I have another writing challenge to continue our writing.

Here is my post for today: C is for Cars.... or maybe Capital Letters

Ravi Sivaram said...

I am 1979 model! perhaps the eldest opps oldest blogger participating in this third year of A to Z April Challenge. Really exited and I am sure I am going to enjoy the next 28 days.

Yes feel sad about the Corona Virus, and here in Melbourne so far the curve is slowly becoming straight which is a good sign. all I can say is stay home satay safe.

My blog well I started long time back and have 660 posts and almost 12,00000 page visits The focus is on ad slogans catch lines and tag lines The theme this year is Brand management. All the best Regards.. Ravi

Charan Deep Singh said...

Well I look forward to Comments on my blog and reply to each one. If not spam.

Letter C is about Crazy People in Crazy times. Today's post is about the good crazy people and bad crazy people. Read my post from today here. Crazy People - Part II

Dr Genevive Angela said...

Glad to see your post, and nice to read about your experiences. As I am working full time, blogging is something that gives me space to do something different, I blog whenever Possible and i do enjoy the April challenge once a year. Otherwise i generally make around 4 posts per month = two on tree love, and one post on gratitude another one for #WAWTB. Thank you for inspiring.

CRD said...

My theme for this year's challenge is "Idiosyncrasies of a Covidiot"

My third post is titled



asha said...

Labeling someone as per their 'character', that's the favorite topic of most people.

Joyce said...

2011 was my first year in the A-Z, and I participated each year through 2016. This is my first year back since. For me blogging has made me more observant of the world around me-people, attitudes, behavior, beauty, and blessings both large and small. Thanks for sharing here and helping with the Challenge this year.

Buttercup said...

Blogging has given me a wonderful circle of friends around the world. Can't imagine my life without it.

Lady In Read said...

Here is my C post -
and yes, commenting definitely helps build our community..

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

Blogging made me real active member of the global village. A to Z has also has an important role in my blogging activities. This year, I got into a useful theme. My C-Day post is Coca-Cola - Cisco Systems - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs

It will become part of Online Handbook of Industrial Engineering

Ghata said...