The team decided our theme for this month's posts here would be a take "2020 visions of blogging." This set of weekday posts focuses on:

Janet Miles is my pick for "a blog with 2020 vision." Janet's blog is Janet's Smiles. I first got to know Janet when she asked about how to "simulcast" her blog on Wordpress. I had written a post on how to do this from Wordpress to Blogger, and she wanted to know if it worked the other way. I think my answer was "it should," and she managed to set it up with little or no help from me. You can find her Wordpress "simulcast" here. We've been "blog buddies" ever since.
Janet is a scrapbooker, and she and her husband and/or daughters attend a lot of concerts in the Bay Area. She takes lots of photographs and keeps track of the set lists. She then turns these memories into scrapbook pages, and does beautiful work. This year, she's sharing the scrapbook pages she's created. They're truly works of art, and she writes a "mini-review" of each show. It's almost as good as being there yourself.
By all means, stop by Janet's blog(s) to admire her work and to say "Hi!"
Who would you choose, just based on what you've seen so far?
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Oh my, John! What an honor to be selected by you, and such kind words about my scrapbooking. I am truly grateful for your support through the years. It is people like you that make it all worthwhile and why I continue to participate in the A to Z each year. I am happy we connected! Happy Saturday.
Janet’s Smiles
Excellent choice! Janet is amazing. I'm so glad she's the first one to get our 2020 vision nod!
Happy Saturday! :)
John and Janet don't seem to be related to dragons, but for sure they look majestic as them.
Allow me to invite you to Jund, where dragons and sangrite abound!
Congratulations, Janet! A well-deserved recognition!
Literary Gold - #AtoZChallenge: Jammed
Jingle Jangle Jungle - #AtoZChallenge: J
Oh, yes. Janet's blog is amazing. I have been following it for years, having found it through the A to Z Challenge. One blog I have found this year, which I recommend is
And on Easter Eve my post is
Great choice! I'mfollowing Janet since last year's AtoZ Challenge, and I like very much her scrapbooking pages.
Great post theme today, I planed too to make a favorite list of blogs tomrorrow ;)
J is for Jewelry
Johnson & Johnson - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs
Janet's scrapbooking is so impressive! It leaves my box of concert ephemera in the dust.
Stitching the World:
Good Choice . That means Ill have to go through Janet's scrapebooks first. Then let me come back again.
Facts About Pompeii: J is for Julia Felix
Jealousy is ingrained in human nature. You can’t fight it. When it hits you, it hits you hard. Even the ones with the ‘purest’ interest in their hearts are not immune to this universal feeling of ‘inability to come to terms with one’s own inefficiencies’!
scrapbooking is an amazing hobby. people are so creative and have a real personal brand.
Janet is a fellow Etsian! Love her work!! Great to give a shout out to her and definitely well-deserved.
Good to know it's a simulcast possiblity from WordPress to Blogger.
My Link:
Looking forward to the Sunday break tomorrow. Today from Letter J, I wrote a short story, about a cab driver and his passenger and their strange circumstances. Read my story titled Joker in the Pack.
Thanks for introducing me to the Janet Smiles blog!
My post today is J is for Journal -- a journal is so helpful on any creative endeavor, the constant non-judgmental companion to talk things over with.
Hiya! I'm MIA in Blogosphere but today's A2Z post is live. Please stop by when you can and I'll be by to see you asap. Have a blessed Easter weekend!
Cathy's Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge Art Sketch Series 'J'
I have bookmarked Janet's smiles blog and all set to read them during the weekend.
My post on the letter J is
Thanks so much for the wonderful comments, folks. I love making my scrapbooks and I appreciate your kind words. So honored to be picked among all the wonderful bloggers out there. Today I am late but have "J" is for "Jessie's Girl" by Rick Springfield.
Janet’s Smiles
You are so right about her works of art. I love looking at her scrapbooks and right about feeling like you are right at the concert. She does great work.
J for Jacaranda
I am not with wordpress, but I also like art, I paint in acrylic, but I also love to do photoshop !
Janet's blog is definitely worth a visit. Her scrapbooks are works of art.
Thanks for the recommendation -- I'll have to stop by her blog!
An A-Z of Faerie: Dagda
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