The team decided our theme for this month's posts here would be a take "2020 visions of blogging." This set of weekday posts focuses on:
Blogging in the Present
Blogging in the present is so ridiculously difficult. My
most successful years of A to Z have been when I wrote all of my posts before
April so I could dedicate more time to interacting with bloggers instead of
trying to stay caught up. I planned to do the same for my blog posts here.
Except...I didn’t. I don’t know why, but there wasn’t inspiration. So I let it
go, made sure I knew when I was due for another blog, and didn’t stress about
But now that the time has come to write my post for L, I am
glad that I didn’t write this one in advance. The world looks very different
now than it did a month ago (particularly for those in the hardest hit areas
for the dreaded virus). Life is so different. So whereas my blog posts written
over the last few months haven’t been impacted, this post definitely is.
As I have viewed blogs from all over the world these last
few weeks, I have seen many people struggling with how to handle this worldwide
crisis. Address it? Pretend it isn’t happening? (For the purposes of blogging,
of course.) The truth is, there isn’t one right answer. Each blogger has to
decide for themselves if they will dive into a fantasy world of fiction (as I
have) or stay in the reality of the world we live in today. But what I have
seen, and hope to continue to see, is an outpouring of love. Love for fellow
humans. Love for fellow bloggers. Stay safe and spread some blog LOVE.
And please share with us something you LOVE today.
~Jayden R. Vincente (adult fiction writer)

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Today I am loving the fact that more people are forced to work from home. No more crazy looks when I tell people I work from home. Some people just needed to experience it for themselves before they could fully understand there is a lot more involved than 'just staying home'.
Literary Gold - #AtoZChallenge : Lady Alice's Dilemma
Jingle Jangle Jungle - #AtoZChallenge: L
sending you virtual love and hugs :)
Lovely creatures is definitely something you can find in Lorwyn... not so much in its dark counterpart, Shadowmoor.
Love, love, love (song by the Beatles): I send love to all of you!
L is for Landscapes
Yes, life is different and people are showing more love for one another. Some things never change. The theme of my challenge - the Easter story- is something handed down for over two thousand years. People's perceptions of it may change, though. https://suestrifles.wordpress.com/2020/04/14/l-is-for-last-supper-and-lent/ Perhaps I should have included Love as well...
Love is something we all can use a lot more of. I agree with Mary about working from home. It used to be that people thought less of you when you said you worked from home. Like they thought it wasn't a real job. It's real now. Having that flexibility to work from home is wonderful, but you still have to work. I have always loved this challenge. Looking forward to seeing more posts. You are right about one thing, we do not look at our world the same as we did a month ago. Things will never be the same again.
We've all had to do some adapting to the current times. Hopefully the love and kindness shown will continue long after this crisis is over.
Well done & well said. The challenge this year feels like it has a special purpose...to keep us better connected.
Pulp Paper & Pigment-My Fiber Art Blog
Our world today is a bit grim. I think the virus is serious but believe the media heights peoples fears with misleading facts and sometime deliberate lies with their reports. The unknown is scary but for me Christ has been my refuge. He gives me peace through the storm. I hope others can find this blessed assurance, too. Saying prayers for everyone to remain healthy. God bless!
Cathy's Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge Art Sketch Series 'L'
The time is really very different, difficult and unprecedented.
Glad A2Z is here that helps me keep my sanity.
Facts About Pompeii: L is for Lupanar
With loads of parents stuck at home with their children I'm loving the time to share how I survived all these years. It's great to feel helpful. I know many of them are struggling and it just doesn't take a lot of toys or money to make children happy.
I meant to write my posts in advance, but didn't make it all the way through the alphabet. Which meant that I got to write X for Xenophilia yesterday -- a very satisfying exploration of "what the world needs now."
For L, I'm talking about how fun lists are for creative work: L is for Lists
Interestingly I have also written a love story today from Letter L. Here's my short fictional story titled "Love in Lockdown". Read to know if Lokesh and Lata are made for each other or not.
Yes we are urging capitalists to reduce love for wealth and increase love for their fellow human beings. Save them by all means. Love for human beings now will make societies stronger.
A successful blog post today with 129 hits so far.
Lockheed Martin - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs
Its true, you would have never seen such a concern world wide for each other. This also shows the faith that all would be fine in future.
Life takes you through myriad lanes, some are narrow, some broad, and some super highways. You cross these lanes at different juncture of your life, sometimes stumbling, sometimes at a new high. This journey is never the same, at each turn you learn something new, you find something unique.
Life in its everyday is what is the focus for everyone now.. and looking for love, laughter and happiness in those everyday moments is so important..
My L is for Laughter (And of course many book reviews today)
Continuing my journey of a2z of care, my post for L is - https://anjus.home.blog/2020/04/14/learning-disability-care/
L for Love
Who would have ever thought we would be in this moment in time? My post speaks to a different time, when we went to work and needed to pack a lunch. Read it and save it for later. How to meal prep lunch.
After my first post this month was pointed out as being hitting too close to home (I wrote about Death in folklore), I took a look at my selected and prewritten posts this month and realised that it might seem to some that I have a bit of a preoccupation with death... It wasn't planned, it just happened. *Sigh* Hopefully it won't be perceived as unfeeling to those who have suffered many a loss during this pandemic: I love folklore and I'm sharing that love through my posts this month.
An A-Z of Faerie: Galno
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