🔎 Magnifying Glass Game:
In this game, you post close-up (magnified 🔍) pictures on your blog and visitors guess in the image in the comments.
(You'll also find out how dusty your camera is. Yikes. 😬)
ANSWERS will be posted at: https://twitter.com/AprilA2Z on Sunday!
ANSWERS will be posted at: https://twitter.com/AprilA2Z on Sunday!
The following all start with the letter M:
(Hint: marine mammal)
(Hint: may attract metal)
(Hint: Meat condiment)
(Hint: 💪🧀)
(Hint: Makes 🔥 fire)
How many can you guess correctly?

Please consider getting a t-shirt.
The Master List - know what blogs are officially taking part in the 2021 challenge:
Wow! such simple but innovative ideas
here from atoz https://go.shr.lc/3mMyTZn
Most interesting, would never thought of these things you mentioned.
Great post.
Let's play!! Hmmmmmmm, I can guess correctly 2 of them ;)
Quilting Patchwork & Appliqué
I've made a list of my guesses. Maybe some will match the answers!
I will see if I can find time to do this later - off to get first shot of Vaccine today so might feel a bit poorly...
Meanwhile over at the blog - https://how-would-you-know.blogspot.com/2021/04/m-is-for-music-in-science-fiction.html
Diegesis and another chapter...
I'm confident I guessed 3 of them right. Will crosscheck with the answers when posted. :)
Very cool idea. Are we supposed to put our guesses here? Here’s mine.
I think your challenge was much more fun than my little letter about Marriage
If there is something magnifying magic here, it's definitely the Mirari.
This might be a cool game to put up on my blog sometime...if I don't forget. Gee, I'm not sure about some of these close ups 1)Manatees 2)Magnet 3)Mayo 4)Munster? 5)Match.
I'm movin' right along this morning hoping to motivate others to mozy over to my place to check out Marvin the Martian, the next art sketch in my Looney Tunes A-Z series. Happy A2Zing, my friends!
My M post is about the social magnifier of nicknames: Margot, Moose and ancestral connections. https://mollyscanopy.com/2021/04/margot-moose-and-ancestral-connections-atozchallenge/
Interesting concept. https://pagesfromjayashree.blogspot.com/2021/04/m-for-muggle.html
Mmmmmmmmm can guess 2 for sure, because of your hints!
M is for Maps: https://www.anne-m-bray.com/blog/167639/atozchallenge-2021-m-is-for-maps
The M Shoe: https://repeatsamb.blogspot.com/2021/04/atozchallenge-2021-m-is-for-malala.html
Definitely liked having hints for this one. It's amazing how different things look when you're up so close. Weekends In Maine
That's fun. I could only guess "Magnet" if I am correct :D
I wrote about Media Kit for blogs today. One of the key elements that drive massive passive income to bloggers from advertisers.
Read it M for Media Kit - Best Blogging Tips for A to Z Challenge Series
That's a fun challenge, to guess those images! I think I might be right on two or three of them.
Today's post: Movies reflect human needs: Meaning and purpose
Trudy @ Reel Focus
This seems interesting to magnify and guess.
I can guess a few, seems 1 is it moose, 2 are a magnet, the last one is a matchstick.
My M post for AtoZ - https://praguntatwa.com/mother-multitasker-and-a-magic-maker/
Here's to day 15 Napowrimo - https://www.djranch.org/2021/04/15/haiku-34/
I already know the answers, so I won't ruin it for others.
But I'm gonna say it again, "elbow cheese? No one is going to understand that hint!"
Looking at the comments, I'm right.
M for Moving On
I have accidentally magnified images on Google... Scary stuff!
Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge with an A-Z of Faerie: The Raven Faery: Morrígan
magnified images can be cool or creepy my post today is on the Mammoth
Cool pics and could guess them all..
and finally catching up with posting
Those Wonderful Muses of Poetry & How to Find Your Right Muse
I could guess magnet easily, rest I am not sure whether I got it right.
Mind is full of imaginations..
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