Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Well, What Now?

So, we have four days left in this year's A to Z Challenge, and I'm sure some of you are going to ask yourselves "Well, what now?" You've made some serious changes in your blogging lifestyle to get through this month (or not), you've probably made some new blog buddies, you've read some new blogs... and, if you're like me, you feel badly that you didn't do more...

Well, just because April is done and dusted doesn't mean you can't just keep going. To the best of my knowledge, no one's blog shuts down until the next challenge. No one says you can't read some of the blogs you didn't get to read during the month. That's what the Master List is for, so now would be the time, if you haven't done so already, to snag a copy of it.

You might want to go through your comments and make sure you've replied to everyone, and that you've visited everyone who visited you. You might even want to subscribe to their blogs. (By the way, did you know that you can subscribe to Blogger feeds using the Wordpress reader?)

Another thing you might want to do is start giving some thought to possible topics for next year's Challenge (you will be back, I just know it!).

We're going to do the A to Z Road Trip again this year, as always. Signups start May 10!

Hope you've had fun and found some great reading material. See you in the funny papers!

John Holton

#AtoZChallenge 2021 badge

Be sure your blog displays the participant badge so people know that you're doing the Challenge!

Please consider getting a t-shirt.

Be sure to get a copy of the Master List! Go here and select File > Save A Copy.


Pooja Priyamvada said...

Don't know about next year
This year was tough, especially here in India stick in Covid second wave/

Here from

Susan Sanderson said...

So many interesting blogs. I have tried the Road Trip in other years, but failed miserably. Last year I didn't sign up for it, but perhaps this year...

nashvillecats2 said...

My how time flies, Challenge almost over. I haven't visited as much as I liked due to arhtitis in my hands but wanted to try and complete the challenge in this most challenging times in the world.
Loved your post and have a great day.


Dino said...

A random W post:

Srivalli Rekha said...

This year has been satisfying in a way because of the topic I chose. But I couldn't visit as many blogs due to time constraints.

CAAC said...


I haven't done well this time around keeping on top of responding to comments or doing returns but I have plans to continue this process in May. I have a list of everyone who's stopped by this month, especially those who are repeaters and I'm keeping track of the posts on each site that I visit so I'll know where to pick up each time when I fall behind which is usually inevitable to happen with me. Why can't I be better organized? *hold head in shame* Oh well...I'm not throwing in the towel at least and am keeping at it. Now, I'm off to try to do a little of that catching up done. Happy A2Zing, dear friend!

Wile E. Coyote Looney Tunes A-Z Art Sketch

Gonz said...

Now? Simply put, let's take something.

Crackerberries said...

Well hey.... " read some of the blogs you didn't get to read during the month" What a great idea. And I think you are right ... our blogs don't just shut down. I have never done the road trip so am very looking forward to it and also thinking about what next year will bring... maybe more Weekly letters (not really). Have a great day!

Anne M Bray said...

Every year I fail at the Road Trip and feel bad about it.
Last year, I didn't sign up and didn't feel so bad.
The only road trip in my future is behind the wheel of a car!
as in
R is for Road Trip:

W is for Waterlogues:

The W Shoe:

Molly's Canopy said...

Playing catchup on visits/comments. Trying to keep up the momentum in the final days. Here’s my W post — World’s Fair 1964: I fall in love!

Jayashree (pagesfromjayashree) said...

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Looking forward for the Road Trip ;)

Farida Rizwan said...

It was a great decision on my part to participate in the challenge. I came across some amazing bloggers and I am going to check out on their previous posts later, once we are done with the challenge.
For today's post..

Trudy said...

I have lots of ideas for future movie-based A to Z themes, and I've been narrowing them down so I'll know what's next.

My W post: Movies reflect human needs: Wonder—curiosity

Trudy @ Reel Focus

Frewin55 said...

Today's post is for writers and readers alike and more questions than answers...

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Already thinking about next year's theme but have lots of sites to visit yet this year. Also have too many missing words for the scavenger hunt!

2 gators said...

W is for Western Gray Whale

Pr@Gun said...

Well, what now.. well I will still be reading and commenting on all the blogs I have yet to read as writing daily kept it pending. Haven't thought of next year as yet, its too far and life is uncertain, so one day at a time, reading, sharing, commenting as many as I can.

My post for alphabet W for #AtoZchallenge -

Lady In Read said...

I know I am falling behind on comments; while I caught up with posting, comments/replying to them and posting on many more is something I need to do more of.. so that is my goal for the next two days; and as part of the road trip too
Word Play and its Wonders

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

I've already made a list of topics for next year's challenge!

Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge with an A-Z of Faerie: The Ultimate Fae Warrior