Monday, January 9, 2012

alexandra heep

        Alexandra Heep may be new to the A to Z Challenge in 2012, but she's got the right idea.  Here are some of her thoughts on Blogging from A to Z.

My experience has shown me that many people were bloggers first before becoming writers. With me, it was the opposite. Even then, I was only a sporadic blogger, until I participated in my first blogging challenge last October.

At first, I was hesitant because many people seemed like blogging pros with hundreds of followers, and they were authors, whereas I am a copywriter with a blog that is somewhere lost in space. I was not sure if I would fit in, but I was soon hooked. It was through that experience that I found out about the A - Z Blogging Challenge coming up in April 2012.

What appeals to me about a blogging challenge with a theme, like A - Z, is that it provides a framework for a mind that spills over with ideas. Since I have to write content for a living with sometimes ridiculous guidelines, I like that it provides just enough structure for self discipline, but otherwise encourages creativity.

Yes, I have my theme already picked out. It took me only a few minutes because the idea had already been in my head, but I had no idea how to make it work. The A - Z concept however makes perfect sense. What will the theme be? Oh, I won't kiss and tell - just yet.

Something else I have learned about blogging in general: I used to be afraid of becoming too personal and turning off readers. But, I achieved a lot of good feedback and some new followers. Also, the fun part about writing is that you get to read a lot of stuff too. I am amazed at the inner lives people lead and I feel less like an abnormality when I find my thought processes and daily struggles reflected in other people's words.

Alexandra Heep

      Thanks Alexandra for this guest post.  You should have no problem with the Challenge and if people take your advice they should do fine as well.

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Good luck with the challenge will look forward to reading your daily post in April.


L. Diane Wolfe said...

What a great attitude.

Once I finished the challenge last year, I already knew my theme for this year.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Some people think the letters are too confining, but really, the sky is the limit with the Challenge!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Great stuff, Alexandra! You'll love this challenge. It's so fun meeting so many other writers!
(Arlee, you know I'm here if you need anymore promotion!)

Marta Szemik said...

It will be my first time doing the Challenge too. Theme? I haven't thought of that, but what a great idea.

Alexandra Heep said...

Hello everyone and thanks for the comments. Indeed, it is always nice to meet new people, and stepping into the blogging zone does just that.

Anonymous said...

Picking out the theme ahead of time is a battle won. Everything begins to fall into place. The daily topics. the outlines for each post. Then filling them out. The posting them ahead of time. After that, its all about visiting new blogs and meeting new people. Good luck wo you with this year's Challenge!

Alana said...

"I like that it provides just enough structure for self discipline, but otherwise encourages creativity." - Yes, you said it perfectly! Welcome to the challenge - I look forward to reading your take on it. :)

Alexandra Heep said...

I must say I am tempted to write ahead, but right now I am meeting deadlines.

Besides the topic, I am not sure about my approach. My last, and only challenge so far, I did each post individually, just before going to bed. That worked for me.

BragonDorn said...

Best of luck Alexandra! I will be keeping up to date on your achievements :)

Alexandra Heep said...

Thanks, that should not take that long as they aren't numerous. lol

Pearson Report said...

Hi Alexandra!

That was very insightful - I relate well to your concern about "becoming too personal" but once the fine line is found and followed it's amazing how many wonderful connections are made with bloggers going through similar situations, events and experiences.

Nice to meet you!

Alexandra Heep said...

I am glad to see some male bloggers and the variety of blogs here. Yes, I check everyone out, except for the spammers of course.

Jenny, I have a background in real estate and you'll do just fine with your latest endeavor. :-)

Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone (except for the spammers)

Arlee Bird said...

I removed the three comments that looked like spam. I don't know what those were all about, but I didn't think they added anything to our conversation.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lee and Alexandra .. good to meet you and hear your views and take on the A - Z .. it's finding our way in the blogging world .. and creating enjoyable content, while engaging in the conversations attached to other bloggers' content .. it's fun and lively as you say ..

Some blogs get a few spammers or whatever they call themselves .. I delete a few too .. frustrating, but I guess it goes with the territory for now ..

Cheers - and have fun .. Hilary

Alexandra Heep said...

You know you've "made it" when the spammers can find you.

Yes, Hilary, I will have to come up with a strategy for navigation.

Tina said...

Hi Alexandra! Great post. The excitement is spreading! I agree with Jenny about the "too personal" issue. I personally feel like you can't make genuine connections with people until you've genuinely shared your real self. However, some people aren't looking for that, which is fine. Since I am, I try to be real in all that I do. I figure it avoids the whole "worlds colliding" fear. (Seinfeld quote, means basically if you act one way around co-workers, another way with friends, another way with family, what happens when they all get together? Who will you be then? The specific event was George's wedding).
Tina @ Life is Good

Alexandra Heep said...

Seinfeld, one of my favorite sitcoms! Tina, we'll get along just fine.
